Pseuderanthemum species ?- Delhi



Fwd: ID garden plant AR2309201802 : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1)
Id plz

Is it hamelia patens?
Laila majnu?? 


No. It is not. It could be a young sapling of Pseuderanthemum.

this has been submitted earlier 

there is thread already titled-  ID garden plant AR2209201801 of date sept 22 2018
… please do not send the same case over and over again


ID garden plant AR2209201801 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)
Id plz

Is it hamelia patens?
Laila majnu?? 


most likely though the colors seem washed out, 

hamelia patens is a rubiaceae plant. laila majnu is an euphorbiaceae plant: Excoecaria cochinchinensis Lour.
very different things…..
easiest way is to go  to this link:!forum/indiantreepix and type hamelia patens, search,  and you will get a list of threads, easy to look up all. you will see spectacular pictures and discussions. in this case you would have seen that your case is definitely not hamelia patens.
again go to this page:!forum/indiantreepix and type laila majnu, search again a lot of threads will appear
easy to look up pictures and discussion and arrive at your own ideas

From another thread from …:
No. It is not. It could be a young sapling of Pseuderanthemum.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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