Cuscuta species- Delhi





Cuscuta reflexa – 08062014PC2 : 9 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3).
This Cuscuta species (probably C. reflexa) has thicker stem as compared to the flowering species posted in my earlier mail (PC1). Found all over Delhi. I have never seen it flower in Delhi. Appears to parasitize many plant species. Around March-April of every year, some Cuscuta plants appear to die (last photo) and reappear again in June-July on the host plant. Could it be a mechanism to avoid killing the host plant? I have seen this particular tree survive with Cuscuta for the last five years.

Would be impossible to identify without flowers. I have photographed both C. chinensis (flowers in globose heads) and C. reflexa (larger bell-shaped flowers in a cluster). 

How to differentiate Cuscutta & Cassitha @ field. Any defined habitat or habit

The fact that they belong to two different families is significant. Plants of Cuscuta of totally leafless whereas minute scale leaves occur in Cassytha. Flowers in clusters or globose heads in Cuscuta, occur singly in a spike or raceme in Cassytha. The beautiful comparison is here:

Thanks for details with article

Thank you … Is it true that Cuscuta reflexa does not flower in Delhi? If so, how do I confirm the identification?

It flowers a lot in Old Delhi Ridge area. Here are photographs taken on 29 November

Updated on December 24, 2024

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