Delphinium malabaricum

Delphinium malabaricum (Huth) Munz, J. Arnold Arbor. 49: 106 1968. (syn. Delphinium dasycaulon var. malabaricum Huth; Delphinium malabaricum var. ghaticum Billore);
SW. India as per POWO;
India (Maharashtra) as per CoL;
del-FIN-ee-um — from the word for dolphin – referring to the shape of the nectary … Dave’s BotanaryWikipedia
mal-uh-BAR-ih-kum — of or from the Malabar Coast, southern IndiaDave’s Botanary
commonly known as: Malabar delphinium, Malabar larkspurMarathi: नीलांबरी neelamabari


Ranunculaceae week :: Delphinium malabaricum-PKA2:
Seen this herb on the grassy slopes  at “Pateshwar, Satara”.
Bot.Name: Delphinium malabaricum

Family: Ranunculaceae
Local name: Neelambari

Delphinium species Purandar Pune.:
Like to share this plant observed on Purandar fort hill on 27 Nov 3011.
Herb 2 -3 feet. Inflorescence of flowers terminal.
Flower size 3cm Bright blue.Leaf characteristic lobed : as seen in pictures.
I think this is Delphinium malabaricum.
Family : Ranunculaceae
Please validate

not a botanist… but this one I can validate from the knowledge gained from gardening and books..
Its a delphenium.. I used to grow and white and an occasional pink in my garden…
and based on comparison with Gibson’s pictures… can be audacious enough to say I validate your flowers… a delphenium malabaricum
Gibson’s garden at Dapuri in Maharashtra had these growing, and he commissioned a painting of it… I have a print… and today I found its on sale at amazon uk at (see the Link below) …. only problem is the blue of the original has apparently faded and a pink hues is all that remains of of the original painting…
you can zoom in and then even enlarge parts of it to examine.. almost as good as a herbarium page and a magnifying glass…


Names of Plants in India :: Delphinium malabaricum (Huth) Munz:
via Species‎ > ‎D‎ > ‎ Delphinium malabaricum (Huth) Munz … family: Ranunculaceae

Flowers of India Discussions at efloraofindia more views in flickr more views on Google Earth
del-FIN-ee-um — from the word for dolphin – referring to the shape of the nectary … Dave’s Botanary Wikipedia
mal-uh-BAR-ih-kum — of or from the Malabar Coast, southern IndiaDave’s Botanary
commonly known as: Malabar delphinium, Malabar larkspurMarathi: नीलांबरी neelamabari
botanical names: Delphinium malabaricum (Huth) Munz … synonyms: Delphinium dasycaulon var. malabaricum Huth • Delphinium malabaricum var. ghaticum Billore … The Plants List
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Photographed at Pateshwar in Satara … 08 SEP 12
Delphinium malabaricum is the only species of the genus endemic to northern Western GhatsInvasive Species Compendium

Oh Great. I had seen this on Purandar last Oct.

del-FIN-ee-um — from the word for dolphin – referring to shape of nectary … Dave’s Botanary • Wikipedia

mal-uh-BAR-ih-kum — of or from the Malabar Coast, southern India … Dave’s Botanary

commonly known as: Malabar delphinium, Malabar larkspur • Marathi: नीलांबरी neelamabari

botanical namesDelphinium malabaricum (Huth) Munz … synonymsDelphinium malabaricum var. ghaticum Billore … POWO

Bibliography / etymology

~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
Malabar delphinium
  • Flowers of India
  • the geographical epithet malabaricum = of or from the Malabar Coast, southern India
Malabar larkspur
  • the geographical epithet malabaricum = of or from the Malabar Coast, southern India; and the common name larkspur is shared between perennial Delphinium species and annual species of the genus Consolida … Wikipedia
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
नीलांबरी neelambari
  • Flowers of Sahyadri, a field guide to identify flowers of northern Western Ghats of India by Shrikant Ingalhalikar
~~~~~ x ~~~~~


Kas week : Beautiful Blue Flowers : ID Request:
These beautiful blue flowers are from Kaas – Sept.2011.
ID pl.

This looks like Delphinium malabaricum.

A distant shot. But yes it does appear to be Delphinium malabaricum. Good find. Generally a late entrant in the flowering extravaganza.

Yes This is very beautiful genus from Ranunculaceae. Probably the only species found in Western ghats only found on the edges of the cliffs at high altitudes. We have its records on Eflora from Purandar/Sinhagad and one from … or … from some other place.

Could you pls give location from Kas as this plant has not been seen on plateau so far.

Last year for the first time I visited Kaas.
We were on the way to Chalkewadi from Satara,
and got down to see Nicandra physaloides ( Popatee ) – ( obviously not knowing the exact spot )
but there only I noticed and clicked both –
1. Adiantum lunulatum (a common fern ) and then exactly behind it, on the hill, I noticed these beautiful blue flowers of Delphinium malabaricum.

Requesting to please validate ID of Delphinium malabarica captured near Satara, Maharashtra in October 2014.

Yes it is. Generally it is on high slopes.


Delphinium malabaricum
Observed at high altitudes in western ghats as also in Himalayas
Here on cliffs and mountains of forts.
The picture posted here is from Fort Purandar

Excellent images …


This Herb was spotted on almost inaccessible locations, i.e. on grassy slopes
Bot.Name: Delphinium malabaricum
Family: Ranunculaceae
Local name: Neelambari
Photographed at “Pateshwar, Satara”.

Yes beautiful.
It seems good to see its presence on Purandar Satara, Sinhagad etc. at similar altitudes.

Ranunculaceae Fortnight::Delphinium malabaricum NSJ-Jan-09 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Delphinium malabaricum from Satara (Sep 08)

Yes Very good!

Ranunculaceae Fortnight :: Delphinium malabaricum :: Satara, Sajjangad :: ARKJAN-10/42 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (9)
Attached are pictures of Delphinium malabaricum captured at Satara, Sajjangad in October 2014.
Earlier posted on the forum, posting it now as part of the family fortnight.

Delphinium malabaricum (Huth) Munz
at Pateshwar on September 8, 2012

Lovely plant and pics

Ranunculaceae Fortnight::Delphinium malabaricum at Rajgad Fort : PKA-Jan-22 : 6 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (6).
Delphinium malabaricum at Rajgad Fort.

Beautiful photograph the morphology of the plant resembles to Delphinium glaucum

As per GRIN, there is no distribution of Delphinium glaucum in India.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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