Dendrobium aqueum

Dendrobium aqueum Lindl., Edwards’s Bot. Reg. 29(Misc.): 5 1843. (Syn: Callista aquea (Lindl.) Kuntze; Dendrobium album Wight [Illegitimate]);


Silent Valley’s flamboyant resident | White Orchid – 13Jul11AR02 : 4 images.

Date/Time-08 Nov 2008
Location- Place, Altitude, GPS- Silent Valley, Kerala
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type-, Hill Garden
lant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb-
Height/Length-approx – 3 feet,
Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size- Shape –Alternate, 10cms approx, Brown and dry
Inflorescence Type/ Size-
Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts-3-5cms approx, White

Resembles very much Dendrobium aqueum of north w ghats, but I am not sure if that also occurs in Silent valley.

Here is a web link which mentions Dendrobium aqueum location specifics in Tamil nadu and Karnataka.

Plant Summary:
Dendrobium aqueum is an exquisite epiphytic orchid found in Kolli Hills Tamil Nadu, Himvad Gopalswamy betta in Karnataka and Coorg.

Read more:

There are three orchids in those pics.

No idea about the rest, but the white flowers are of Dendrobium aqueum.

sorry there are actually four orchids on the pic. There is Oberonia sp. below, and something on right, and then on back looks like a Vanda.

There is fifth orchid below in multiple small golden yellow bulbs with one plant on which solitary leaf is present. May be Bulbophyllum or Trias sp.

Yes this is Dendrobium aquem.

This species had been reported by Abraham and Vatsala from Muthukuzhivayal (further south in the higher altitudes of Kalakkad Mudenthurai Tiger Reserve in Tamil Nadu) in 1981. 
Further, D. aquem has been repoirted from Silent Valley National Park by K. S Manilal (1988) in his Flora of Silent Valley

The orchid in the Back ground of DSC_3862a could be Xenikophyton smeeanum

Sorry, There are 2 orchids in the back grounds in DSC_3862a I ment the one just behind the Dendrobium.

Please see DSC_3862b instead of DSC_3862a for Xenikophyton smeeanum in the back ground.

I was actually looking at your pics from the book. It does look like Xenikophyton. Is that a branched floral stalk below it?

There are fruits of X. smeeanum.

I remember once I was in Pokhara Nepal for an international conference on orchids. There was one dry Ficus tree outside our hotel and it had around 14 species of orchids. I used to stand there and count if I missed anything :)).

I used to grow 39 species (epiphytes) of orchids (+4 species of terrestrial species below the canopy of the same tree), from Kudremukh National park, on a single Manilkara zapota tree in front of the then CES, IISc field station near Karkala, Karntaka. Most of them were seen fallen down on dry fallen branches and hence collected.

My friend … (now in ZSI, Kolkotta) once counted them, then only I myself realized that I have reached the optimum (or may be beyond) number for a single host plant.

Mr … (then DFO of Karkala division) use to come and visit my orchids (he was more interested on the orchids and then the orchid collector) with his camera and use to ask me “oooops so many species on a single tree”. I use to reply ” no other option as there are no other potential host tree around” later when I left I asked him to come and collect all of them and transfer them to the Orchidarium at Kerekatte in Kudremukh National park because I knew if left the place they will die because taking care of them, especially in the summer, was a huge task for me.

… told me he did plant some orchids in the garden at Kudremukh. But now that he has been transfered to Nagarhole, now idea how those plants are doing !! He couldnt even manage to send me Habenaria perrottetiana !!
When I was in 7th standard, I collected one orchid from a family picnic trip. Planted it on a Ficus elastica growing in pot. It survived. Then in graduation, both orchid and F. elastica was much bigger and I wanted the orchid so I took out Ficus elastica from ground to shift to new house. Then during my phd work we again shifted to another house and I brought Ficus elastica along. :))
That Orchid is still alive and it is Acampe praemorsa. Ficus elastica is also alive, and I have requested my elder brother who is an eye surgeon to shift the whole tree to our new house when they shift :P….. He said, ” you must be kidding”. I said, “do you really think so” !!

Nice anecdotes, … and … Yes the white flower is definitely Den. aqueum. I did see it in the Pantheerayiram forests in the Calicut-Malappuram border so there is a very good possibility it is there in Silent Valley too. The ones from Maharashtra seem to have the best shape.


Orchidaceae fortnight ..Dendrobium aqueum :  Attachments (1). 7 posts by 6 authors.

sharing pic of Dendrobium aqueum

captured at Mahabaleshwar

Another of the endemics and rare plant with beautiful big flowers.

Thank you all yes … flowers are big and beauutiful 🙂


ORCHIDACEAE Fortnight: Dendrobium aqueum in Western Ghats :  Attachments (1). 7 posts by 7 authors.

The most robust epiphytic orchid of western ghats, coincidently flowering in this fortnight itself. The flowers are quite large and attractive too.

Very pretty.


14-8-2015-Orchid-Hethoor for ID assistance : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6)
Submitting images of an epiphytic Dendrobium sp for identification.
Date/time: 14-8-2015/ About 3-00 pm
Location: Hethoor, Sakaleshpur, Hassan, Karnataka about 1200 msl
Habitat: Wild, Epiphytic

Habit: Herb.

Wonderful and not so common plant. Dendrobium aqueum Lindl. I think it doesn’t exist in our database so far.

Is this Dendrobium ovatum…???

… i has informed that this specimen is already identified as Dendrobium aqueum by … Possibly I missed his mail. I regret posing a query again.


Dendrobium SN 102019 : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3)

Wild orchid from Medicare area of Coorg Karnataka (Western Ghats) at an altitude of 1200 m

Images not so clear but my guess is Dendrobium aqueum Lindl.!

efi page available at Dendrobium aqueum

Do you think it is matching … ?

Yes Dendrobium aqueum. Thanks a lot for sharing.


495-TSP-24MAR2021-3-Dendrobium aqueum @ Vanagur,Sakaleshpur: 2 high resolution images.
Presenting a few images of  Dendrobium aqueum,Orchidaceae…
Habitat:Wild,epiphytic,semi-evergreen forest fringe
Sighting:Vanagur near Sakaleshpur,Karnataka about 1000 msl

Another endemic species. Very beautiful


494-TSP-24MAR2021-2-Dendrobium aqueum @ Byakaravally,Sakaleshpur: 3 high resolution images.
Presenting a few images of  Dendrobium aqueum,Orchidaceae
Habitat:Wild,epiphytic,semi-evergreen forest
Sighting:Byakaravally near Sakaleshpur,Karnataka about 1000 msl


Presenting an  image of  Dendrobium aqueum, Orchidaceae
Habitat:Wild,epiphytic,semi-evergreen forest
Sighting:Mallandur near Chikmagalur,Karnataka,about 1200 msl

So many Dendrobium aqueum today.

Yes …,  I was cataloguing my Orchid pictures after a bug hit my system and it crashed taking away my data with it. Just fancied cataloguing my data again based on the species, date of sighting and its distribution etc. I am taking care to avoid duplication of uploads in the efloraofindia group.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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