Desmostachya bipinnata

Desmostachya bipinnata (L.) Stapf , Fl. Cap. 7: 632 1900. (syn. Briza bipinnata L.; Cynosurus durus Forssk. [Illegitimate]; Dactylis interrupta Rottler ex Stapf [Invalid]; Desmostachya cynosuroides (Retz.) Stapf ex Massey; Desmostachya cynosuroides (Retz.) Haines; Desmostachys bipinnata (L.) Stapf; Dinebra dura (L.) Lag.; Eragrostis bipinnata (L.) K.Schum.; Eragrostis bipinnata (L.) Muschl.; Eragrostis cynosuroides (Retz.) P.Beauv.; Eragrostis thunbergii Baill.; Leptochloa bipinnata (L.) Hochst.; Megastachya bipinnata (L.) P.Beauv.; Poa cynosuroides Retz.; Pogonarthria bipinnata (L.) Chiov.; Rabdochloa bipinnata (L.) Kuntze; Stapfiola bipinnata (L.) Kuntze; Uniola bipinnata (L.) L.);
Sahara to Tanzania and Indo-China: Afghanistan, Algeria, Andaman Is., Assam, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Central African Repu, Chad, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gulf States, Hainan, India, Iran, Iraq, Kenya, Laos, Lebanon-Syria, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Myanmar, Nepal, Niger, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Sinai, Socotra, Somalia, Sudan, Tanzania, Thailand, Tunisia, Uganda, Vietnam, West Himalaya, Yemen as per POWO;
Daabh • Assamese: কুশ Kush • Bengali: কুশ Kush • Hindi: डाभ Dabh, Davoli, Durva, Dabhena • Kannada: kusha, dharbe • Malayalam: darbha, darbhappullu • Marathi: Darbha, डाभ Daabh • Sanskrit: barhi, darbha, darbhah, durbha • Tamil: darbhaipul, taruppai, acamantakam • Telugu: aswalayana, dabha, darbha • Urdu: bikh dab;
Also known as “Kush ghas” in Hindi and is very important plant in ancient Hindu mythology and is planted in Nakshatra gardens;
The Inflorescence of this plant used to make broom by locals;
Used for ropes and thatching, some times as fodder. Culms diuretic, used in dysentery and menorrhagia;


Flora of Panipat-Desmostachya bipinnata from Lohari roadside area:
Desmostachya bipinnata
From as roadside area
The Inflorescence of this plant used to make broom by locals

Also known as “Kush ghas” in Hindi and is very important plant in ancient Hindu mythology and is planted in Nakshatra gardens

Also called Daab in Meerut/Roorkee area. Very hardy and beautiful.
Very useful in landscaping.

Good pictures of a grass.
Family : Poaceae.
often grows as a weed in wheat crops.

Here in Haryana also called as daab


Grass for ID : Oman : 131012 : AK-2:
Again grass seen on 24/7/2010 on the outskirts of Muscat. Plants were about 3-4 feet in height.

Desmostachya bipinnata

Desmostachya bipinnata from Panipat
pls validate

Yes, it is.

Desmostachya bipinnata Stapf (Eragrostis cynosuroides Beauv.) from banks of Yamuna in Delhi, in sandy areas.
Sans: Darbha, kusha; Hindi: Dab, darva; Tel: Kushadarbh, darbha; Beng: Darbha, kusha
Used for ropes and thatching, some times as fodder. Culms diuretic, used in dysentery and menorrhagia.

Beautiful … We used to prepare broom from this plant


Hooghly Today : seems to be Desmostachya bipinnata (L.) Stapf :  Attachments (12). 3 posts by 2 authors.
It would have been much better if i could find this grass during the ‘poaceae week’.
If the ID is correct it is known as কুশ (KUSH) in Bengali.

Yes, this is Desmostachya bipinnata…good pictures..

This one is common along water channels in our area (Panipat)…
I hope this should be Desmostachya bipinnata (L.) Stapf
I am not sure whether the third picture belongs to this or not..

Nice photographs …

Beckmannia like? :  Attachments (4).  6 posts by 3 authors.
Regarding this flower my friend told me that it looks like Beckmannia syzigache, but shape is different. Could someone give me any clue future?
Place: Gurgaon, Haryana
Height: Approx 50cm
Length of each truss:1cm

As per Wikipedia link, there are only two species in this genus as per extracts from it:
Beckmannia is a small genus of grasses containing two species known generally as sloughgrass. Beckmannia eruciformis is a Eurasian perennial, and Beckmannia syzigachne is an annual grass found in North America and Asia. The genus was named for the German scientist Johann Beckmann.

This one is Desmostachya bipinnata.

White flower(Samir Takaochi) : Attachments (4). 9 posts by 4 authors.
I again send these photo which I sent earlier. Could someone advice me for ID?
Place: Gurgaon, Haryana
Height:Approx 50cm
Length of each small inflorescence:1cm

…, do we see it as flowers of grass ?

… do you mean it might be fruit?

No, no, no. I did not mean that.
I wanted to know whether the plant bearing the flowers, belongs to grass family.

Here is the last discussions in this regard as per earlier Indiantreepix link

Desmostachya bipinnata as per another thread.


POEACEA ID from Bangladesh SM 187 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)

photo no.11080084=

Desmostachya bipinnata for other grasses identification need specimen material

11080084 is Desmostachya bipinnata
DSC06224 is Saccharum sp. probably S.arundinaceum or S.fuscum. Close up of spikelets required.
Sundarbans plant photo has the palm Nypa fruticans in the background and the grass Myriostachya wightiana in the foreground.

SK 2665 13 July 2020 : 9 posts by 1 author. 8 images- 6 to 7 mb each.
Location: Chalnakhel, Pharping
Date: 13 July 2020
Elevation: 1550 m.
Habitat: Wild

Desmostachya bipinnatausually found in grasslands of Terai Bhabhar. Surprising to find at 1550m!

Thank you … It is really surprising ! Most of the books showing 100-300 m. only but one book mentioned 700 m. However, 1500m. plus elevation seems to be a record.

I have verified with the locals and they have confirmed that they have planted it.

Nepali Name : कुश Kush 

Poaceae, Cyperaceae and Juncaceae Week :: Poaceae : Large grass for identification from Panipat- NS 36 : Attachments (2). 5 posts by 3 authors.
This one was shot from Panipat, I do not have any pics to show leaves, habit etc.
If id can be reached by these shots, will be of much help to me..

Arundinella bengalensis

Is it Desmostachya bipinnata or Arundinella bengalensis ?

this one is Desmostachya bipinnata

Is it Desmostachya bipinnata or Arundinella bengalensis ?

Desmostachya bipinnata (L.) Stapf


Updated on December 24, 2024