Dietes bicolor (Introduced)

Dietes bicolor (Steud.) Sweet ex Klatt, Linnaea 34: 584 1866 (Syn: Iris bicolor Lindl.; Moraea bicolor Steud.);

Dietes bicolor (variously known as African iris or Fortnight lily) is a clump-forming rhizomatous perennial plant with long sword-like pale-green leaves, growing from multiple fans at the base of the clump. This species belongs to the Iridaceae (Iris) family. It can form large clumps if left undisturbed for years.
This species is common in horticulture in its native South Africa, where it is often used in public gardens, beautification of commercial premises and along roadsides.
The blooms are yellow with three dark purple spots[1], each surrounded by an orange outline, and are followed by a capsule that may bend the flower stalks to the ground. Ripe seeds (dark brown in colour) are dispersed when the capsule dries and splits.
The leaves of Dietes bicolor are narrower than those of Dietes grandiflora and Dietes iridioides, and tend to arch more.
Plants prefer dappled-shade to full sun where they will flower in profusion, though they will grow in shaded areas (with an accompanying loss of flower production). This species as well as Dietes grandiflora are very drought tolerant.
(From Wikipedia on 9.6.13)

DIETES BICOLOR ( SPANISH IRIS ): I visited Cherapunji in the year 2002. I collected a plant from the road side, whose flower was yellow in colour. I did not see such a flower anywhere earlier. I collected a plant and brought it back to Tezpur. The plant survived and gave flowers. I carried the plant to Cooch Behar. It multiplied and flowered at this place also. Unfotunately all the plants died due to fungal infaction. The memory of the plant is with me in the form of an image. The common name of the plant is African Iris, Spanish Iris, Yellow Wild Iris, Butterfly Iris etc. The scientific name is Dietes bicolor. Attaching an image of the plant.

Yes it is Dietes bicolor. I have photographed a lot of them in California, where it is grown very commonly. Here are my photographs. It is good it is grown in India also

Requesting ID of this white lily in a cultivated garden – Los Angeles, USA : 04062013 : ARK-03 : Attachments (2).  5 posts by 3 authors.
Requesting to please ID this white lily captured in a cultivated garden in Los Angeles, USA in May 2013.

Dietes bicolor from Family : Iridaceae

Yes Dietes bicolor
Common in California.

Garden Flower for ID – California – 111113 – RK : Attachments (7). 3 posts by 2 authors.
03/07/13 – Los Altos, California. Late evening
Request ID.

Dietes bicolor, African Iris


Dietes bicolor (Steud.) Sweet ex Klatt
Common name: yellow wild iris
The species is easily differentiated by its narrower leaves and pale yellow flowers having a nearly black rounded spot at the base of each outer tepal, margined by yellow narrow ring and spots, stigma branches without any purple colour.
Photographed from Fremont, California


Updated on December 24, 2024

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