Digitalis lanata (Introduced)

Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, S-Hungary, Serbia & Kosovo, ?Montenegro,
?Macedonia, Croatia, Bosnia & Hercegovina, Romania, Slovakia, Austria (I),
European Russia, Estonia (I), Turkey (NW-Anatolia: Bithynia, WN-Anatolia),
European Turkey, Myanmar [Burma] (I), Jammu & Kashmir (I), Vietnam (I), USA
(I) (Connecticut (I), Indiana (I), Kansas (I), Massachusetts (I), Maryland (I),
Maine (I), Michigan (I), Minnesota (I), Nebraska (I), New Hampshire (I), New
Jersey (I), New York (I), Ohio (I), Pennsylvania (I), South Carolina (I),
Vermont (I), Wisconsin (I), West Virginia (I)), Canada (I) (Ontario (I))
as per Catalogue of Life;
D. lanata: inflorescence axis hairy; calyx lobes linear-lanceolate, hairy, shorter than bracts; corolla with
      middle lobe of lower lip white, without long hairs inside
D. ferruginea: Inflorescence axis glabrous; calyx lobes ovate, glabrous; corolla with middle lobe of lower 
     lip with long hairs inside


Digitalis lanata from Herbal garden Chakrata Deovan
Medicinal Plant called as Grecian foxglove

Yes … I did not see this time but had photographed it from Kashmir.

Since its in a herbal garden.. must be cultivated?

anything special about it?  distinct from the d. purpurea of herbal western medicine?

Sir This is also from my last years visit. last year we have to curtail our Chakrata visit of 10 days to merely 4 days due to emergency call for election duty. and Election duty so bad thing!!!!!!!. we forget all things flowers etc. Now i recollect data from my old hard disk and sharing last year’s pics also. As every photo of mines have Date and time on it, i just skipped mentioning this.
Yes … this is cultivated there

This looks like Rusty foxglove Digitalis ferruginea. have a look at my pictures (Also posted earlier on
the group)

THe problem I think lies with FOI. I had written about it earlier also. The lower lip of D. ferruginea is covered with long hairs. The plant on FOI is also D. lanata. Here is how D. ferruginea looks

Initialy Me also id this plant as Digitalis ferruginea but hairs struck to mind and i searched again

Scrophulariaceae fortnight :: Digitalis lanata Manali SMP15 : 1 image. 1 post by 1 author.

Digitalis lanata
This plant was observed in Manali few years back in Jun. It was earlier IDed as Digitalis ferruginea and also features on Flowersofindia
… latest post suggests that this should be Digitalis lanata


PLANT FOR ID 86 SMP JUN 09 Manali : Attachments (1). 7 posts by 5 authors.

This impatiens was observed at several places in Manali.
I think this is Impatiens edgeworthii.

I doubt that it is an Impatiens species.

It looks like a Snapdragon species- Antirrhinum or Mysopetes

to me it does look like Impatiens species.
we have lots and lots of Impatiens glandulifera especially in bavaria, near water.

To me it looks more like Digitalis species. Please check out this link

Thanks … for giving significant clue. It does look like the picture you have sent.

This was ultimately identified by … as Digitalis ferruginea (Rusty foxglove)

Finally identified as Digitalis lanata as per another thread.

Yes I have shared this again during the Scroph. fortnight as Digitalis lanata.

Earlier thought to be Digitalis ferruginea.




Scrophulariaceae Fortnight: Digitalis lanata from Kashmir-GS-15 Attachments (3). 3 posts by 3 authors.
Digitalis lanata Ehrh.,  Beitr. Naturk. 7:152. 1792

Common names: Grecian foxglovewoolly digitalis, woolly foxglove
Biennial or perennial herb with leanear-lanceolate leaves; flowers in many-flowered racemes with axis covered with long soft hairs; bracts longer than calyx; calyx lobes linear, downy shorter than corolla; corolla ca 25 mm long, yellowish brown, corolla tube 10-12 mm long, urn-shaped, middle lobe of lower lip much longer than others, nearly white.
This plant earlier uploaded by … from Chakrata in September, 2011 and was discussed in detail,
but unfortunately still featured on Flowers of India website as D.ferruginea.
The two species share the common feature of middle lobe of lower lip of corolla being much longer than others, but the two can be easily differentiated as under:
D. lanata: inflorescence axis hairy; calyx lobes linear-lanceolate, hairy, shorter than bracts; corolla with
      middle lobe of lower lip white, without long hairs inside
D. ferruginea: Inflorescence axis glabrous; calyx lobes ovate, glabrous; corolla with middle lobe of lower 
     lip with long hairs inside
Here is the image of D. ferruginea
Key to common species of Digitalis
1. Middle lobe of lower lip much longer than others, almost as long as tube……………..2
1. Middle lobe of lower lip not significantly longer than others, much shorter
    than corolla tube…………………………………………………………………………………….3
2.  Inflorescence axis hairy; calyx lobes linear-lanceolate, hairy, shorter 
       than bracts; corolla with middle lobe of lower lip white, without
        long hairs inside……………………………………………………………………….D. lanata
2. Inflorescence axis glabrous; calyx lobes ovate, glabrous; corolla
       with middle lobe of lower lip with long hairs inside………………………….D. ferruginea
3. Pedicels and under surface of leaves glabrous; corolla 18-22 mm long……D. lutea
3. Pedicels and under surface of leaves hairy; corolla longer than 4 cm……………….4
4. Flowers 5-6 cm long, yellow marked with brown; calyx lobes linear……..D. grandiflora
4. Flowers 5-8 cm long, purple to white, spotted; calyx lobes ovate………………D. purpurea     

These new informations keep on emerging. Thanks for the detailed post … So the plant from Manali posted by me which features on is in fact Digitalis lanata it seems…..

Digitalis ferruginea in FOI : 1 post by 1 author.

Digitalis lanata in FOI : 2 posts by 1 author.

Digitalis lanata in FOI looks a bit different from images at Digitalis lanata Ehrh.

in efi. Key features can not be verified as per keys at Digitalis 
Although it is quite possible that I may be wrong.  

Thank you for your feedback … I will check these and make corrections.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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