Dinetus malabaricus

Dinetus malabaricus (C. B. Cl.) Staples, Blumea 51(3): 441 2006. (syn: Porana malabarica C.B.Clarke; Porana racemosa Dalzell & A.Gibson);
India as per POWO;
Common name: Malabar Snow Creeper • Marathi: भोवरी Bhowari • Tamil: துரோபதைகூந்தல் Turopatai-kuntal

Convolvulaceae Week :: Dinetus racemosus near Lonavala:
Dinetus racemosus (Roxb.) Buch.-Ham. ex Sweet
din-EE-tus — from the Greek dinetos (whirled round)
ray-see-MO-sus — having racemes (a type of flower cluster)
Oct 8, 2011 … at Koraigad, Maharashtra
commonly known as: cluster-flowered dinetus, Draupadi’s hair, horse-tail creeper, snow creeper • Marathi: भोवरी bhowari • Nepalese: पाप्रे papre • Tamil: துரோபதைகூந்தல் turopatai-kuntal
Native to: s China, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Indo-China, Indonesia
References: Flowers of IndiaeFloraNPGS / GRINFlowers of Sahyadri by Shrikant Ingalhalikar
more views: Oct 8, 2011 … at Koraigad, Maharashtra 
Oct 2, 2009 … near Lion’s Point, off Lonavala, Maharashtra
… more views at flickr.

Taking it as Porana malabarica C.B.Clarke, for the time being as per discussions at Dinetus malabarica-for validation

Id the climber plz :  Attachments (3). 7 posts by 5 authors.
ID climber got this climber near Mulshi . Lonavala road side non shrubs
Lonavala maharashtara

This could be Dinetus racemosus = Porana racemosa.

Very good find. Looks unusual.

… me too with … thoughts; indeed Dinetus racemosus (syn. Porana racemosa).

Taking it as Porana malabarica C.B.Clarke, for the time being as per discussions at Dinetus malabarica-for validation

identification no251213sn1 :  Attachments (4). 2 posts by 2 authors.
Your help in ID. Dinetus racemosus?
location:ambyvalley rd., lonavala, pune
plant habit:climber
height:about 2-3 ft

Yes, it is Dinetus racemosus (Roxb.) Sweet. Fam: Convolvulaceae

Taking it as Porana malabarica C.B.Clarke, for the time being as per discussions at Dinetus malabarica-for validation

Dinetus racemosus—for sharing and validation : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
pic taken at ambyvalley rd., lonavala, pune in Nov.14

Taking it as Porana malabarica C.B.Clarke, for the time being as per discussions at Dinetus malabarica-for validation

via Species‎ > ‎D‎ > Dinetus racemosus (Roxb.) Buch.-Ham. ex Sweet … family: Convolvulaceae
Flowers of India Discussions at efloraofindia more views in flickr more views on Google Earth
din-EE-tus — from the Greek dinetos (whirled round) … Dave’s Botanary
ray-see-MO-sus — having racemes (a type of flower cluster) … Dave’s Botanary
commonly known ascluster-flowered dinetusDraupadi’s hairhorse-tail creepersnow creeper • Marathiभोवरी bhowari • Nepaleseपाप्रे पाप्रे लहरा papre lahara • Tamilதுரோபதைகூந்தல் turopatai-kuntal
botanical namesDinetus racemosus (Roxb.) Buch.-Ham. ex Sweet … synonymsPorana racemosa Roxb. … status at The Plants List (2013). Version 1.1. • Porana malabarica C.B. Clarke … The Gazetteer Department … महाराष्ट्रातील वनस्पतीशास्त्र आणि वनसंपदा
October 2, 2009 … near Lion’s Point, off Lonavala

Taking it as Porana malabarica C.B.Clarke, for the time being as per discussions at Dinetus malabarica-for validation


Dinetus malabarica-for validation: 4 images.
To me it differs from D.racemosa which I had photographed earlier especially the petals which are very pointed.

ID is correct

BSI Flora checklist only gives
Dinetus racemosus (Roxb.) Buch.-Ham. ex Sweet, Brit. Fl. Gard. 2: t. 127. 1825.
Porana racemosa Roxb., Fl. Ind. 2: 41. 1824.
Porana malabarica C.B. Clarke in Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 4: 223. 1883.
However, POWO and CoL list them separately as per 

I tried to find out the difference between the two.

Could get it on net only in Flora of British India from IBIS Flora:
Porana racemosa Roxb.:
Roxb. Hort. Beng. 13, and Fl. Ind. i. 466, and ed. Carey & Wall. ii. 41 ; puberulous or nearly glabrous, leaves ovate deeply cordate acute, racemes compound dichotomous, bracts at the forks large cordate persistent, capsule 1/5 in. ellipsoid longer than broad, fruiting-sepals equal 1/3-1/2 by 1/8 in. Jacq. f. Ecl. ii. t. 165 ; Wall. Cat. 1326 ; Don Prodr. 98. ; Wight Ill. t. 168 bis, fig. 9, and Ic. t. 1376 ; Chois. Convolv. Or. 107, and in DC. Prodr. ix. 435. ; Dalz. & Gibs. Bomb. Fl. 162 ? ; Kurz in Trimen Journ. Bot. 1873, 137. Dinetus racemosus, Sweet Brit. Fl. Gard. t. 127.SUBTROPICAL HIMALAYA alt. 2-6000 ft., common ; from the North-west (Royle) to BHOTAN. KHASIA to MARTABAN ; alt. 2-6000 ft., common. DECCAN PENINSULA ?Forming dense, not lofty, masses. Leaves 2-3 by 1.1/2 in. ; petiole 3/4 in. Racemes lax ; bracts at the forks leafy, sessile, scarious in fruit ; those at the pedicels 1/6 in., linear. Sepals in flower 1/8 in., linear-oblong, puberulous. Corolla 1/3-1/2 in., lobed nearly half-way, white. Style linear ; stigmas 2, short, oblong. Capsule apiculate, glabrous ; fruiting sepals oblong-spathulate, with 3-5 strong longitudinal nerves.— The “ Snow-creeper ” of the English, one of the most beautiful of Indian plants, the masses of dazzling white flowers resembling snow-patches in the jungle. It is doubtful whether this plant is found wild in the Deccan; Wight’s figure represents it, but the fruit in his herbarium was sent to him from N. India. There is no example from the Deccan, all Dalzell’s

Porana malabarica C.B.Clarke (FBI):
Clarke ; nearly glabrous, leaves ovate deeply cordate acute, racemes compound dichotomous, bracts at the forks large cordate persistent, capsule 1/4 in. obovoid, fruit-sepals equal attaining 1 by 1/2 in. elliptic. P. racemosa, Dalz. & Gibs. Bomb. Fl. 162.—Porana n. 3, Herb. Ind. Or. H. F. & T.

WEST DECCAN PENINSULA ; Bombay, Dalzell ; Malabar and Concan, Stocks, Law ; Canara and Mysore, Law, &c.

Closely allied to P. racemosaFruiting-sepals sometimes only 2/3 by 1/3 in., but always differing widely from the much smaller narrow one of P. racemosa.

Porana malabarica C.B.Clarke (The Flora of the Bombay Presidency):
C.B.Clarke, in Hook. f. Fl. B. I. v. 4 (1883) p. 223. An extensive climber ; stems and branches slender, glabrous or nearly so. Leaves 2.1/2-5 by 1.1/2-4.1/2 in., ovate, deeply cordate, acuminate, very acute, thin, with a few scattered hairs above, glabrous or nearly so and reticulately veined beneath ; petioles 1/2-3 in. long, slender, glabrous or nearly so. Flowers white, in lax racemes or panicles ; bracts at the forks large, leafy, cordate, persistent, those of the pedicels smaller upwards, the uppermost linear ; pedicels slender, 1/4-1/3 in. long. Sepals 1/8-1/6 in. long, more or less pubescent, narrowly ovate-oblong, subacute when in flower, all much and almost equally enlarged up to 3/4 by 3/8 in. or even more when in fruit, often tinged with pink, glabrous, persistent, strongly nerved and reticulately veined between the nerves. Corolla rather more than 1/2 in. long, divided about 1/2-way down into 5 ovate acute lobes. Stigma shortly 2-lobed. Capsules 3/8 in. long, subcylindric, scarious, slightly depressed at the apex round a raised somewhat pyramidal centre. Seed 1/4 in. long, oblong, reddish-brown, glabrous. Woodr. in Journ. Bomb. Nat. v. 12 (1898) p. 172 ; Peter, in Eugl. & Prantl, Pflanzenf, v. 4, 3 A, p. 24, fig. 11,C ; Watt, Dict. Econ. Prod. v. 6, part 1, p. 328. Porana racemosa, Grah. Cat. p. 133 (not of Roxb.) ; Dalz. & Gibs. p. 162.—Flowers ; Oct. Vern. Bhauri.KONKAN : Stocks !, Law ! ; Matheran, H. M. Birdwood. Deccan : Parghat, Dalzell ! ; Mahableshwar, Cooke !, H. M. Birdwood ; Panchgani, Woodrow !—Distrib. India (W. Peninsula).

I looked at the images in our site, and I find it really difficult to segregate them as the difference is mainly based on fruit sepals.
However, for the time being we can keep our wild images from S.India as Porana malabarica.


on the Sahyadri plateau; wildness near Kamathe. – efloraofindia | Google Groups


Names of Plants in India :: Dinetus malabaricus (C.B.Clarke) Staples:
Dinetus malabaricus (C.B.Clarke) Staples

din-EE-tus — from the Greek dinetos (whirled round) … Dave’s Botanary
mal-uh-BAR-ih-kus — of or from the Malabar Coast, southern India … Dave’s Botanarycommonly known as: horse-tail creeper, Malabar snow creeper • Gujarati: ભમરછલી bhamarachali, ભમરડીનો વેલો bhamaradino velo • Marathi: भोवरी bhowari • Tamil: துரோபதைகூந்தல் turopatai-kuntal

botanical namesDinetus malabaricus (C.B.Clarke) Staples … synonymsPorana malabarica C.B.Clarke • Porana racemosa Dalzell & A.Gibson … POWO … misapplied namePorana racemosa sensu authors not Roxb. (1824): Dalzell & A. Gibson, Bombay fl. 162. 1861. … Convolvulaceae Unlimited

Bibliography / etymology

~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
horse-tail creeper
  • for synonym Porana malabarica C.B.Clarke … Tamil lexicon [Madras], University of Madras
Malabar snow creeper
~~~~~ GUJARATI ~~~~~
ભમરછલી bhamarachali, ભમરડીનો વેલો bhamaradino velo
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~
no given name
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~
no given name
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
भोवरी bhowari
  • for synonym Porana malabarica C.B.Clarke … Flowers of Sahyadri first edition, a field guide to identify flowers of northern Western Ghats of India by Shrikant Ingalhalikar
~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~
துரோபதைகூந்தல் turopatai-kuntal
  • for synonym Porana malabarica C.B.Clarke … Tamil lexicon [Madras], University of Madras … considered as Draupadi’s hair
~~~~~ TELUGU ~~~~~
no given name
  • newly found distribution in Andhra Pradesh … Flora Andhrika – Plant Wealth of Andhra Pradesh, India
~~~~~ x ~~~~~


Plant ID: SD0504: 2 high res.
Kindly help with ID of this convolvulaceae species. Clicked 28 Sep near Udaipur

Dinetus racemosus (Roxb.) Sweet

I think more closer to images at




POWO  Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver.1.1  IPNI  GBIF (High resolution specimens) Flowers of India  India Biodiversity Portal  IBIS Flora (Porana malabarica C.B.Clarke (The Flora of the Bombay Presidency) and Porana malabarica C.B.Clarke (FBI)) Convolvulaceae Unlimited

Updated on December 23, 2024

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