Diospyros candolleana

Tamil: Karimaram  Malayalam: Kari  Kannada: Kare mara

Dioecious trees, to 15 m high, bark 5-6 mm thick, greenish-black, smooth; young shoots pubescent. leaves simple, alternate, bifarious, estipulate; petiole 8-14 mm long stout, grooved above, rugose, glabrous; lamina 7-15 x 2.5-5 cm, oblong or elliptic-oblong, base acute, attenuate, cuneate or obtuse, apex obtusely acuminate, margin entire, coriaceous, glabrous when mature, lateral nerves 9-11 pairs, slender, pinnate, faint, intercostae reticulate, obscure. Flowers unisexual, pale yellow; male flowers: 7-8 mm across, sessile, in dense tawny tomentose, axillary fascicles; calyx 5 mm long, tomentose; lobes 5, ovate, acute or subobtuse; corolla urceolate, more than twice as long as the calyx, fulvous-hairy outside; lobes 5, ovate, acute; stamens 10, in unequal pairs; filaments glabrous; anthers lanceolate, acute; female flowers: 10-12 mm across, sessile, 2-10 in tawny tomentose, axillary fascicles; calyx hairy on both side; lobes 5, ovate, acute, margin reflexed; staminodes 4 or 5; ovary superior, tomentose, 4-celled, ovules 1 in each cell; style 2-5, slender, tomentose; stigma hairy. Fruit a berry, 2.5 cm long, conical, green; calyx flat or shallowly cupuliform, the lobes triangular with reflexed margins; seeds 3-4, usually compressed; endosperm ruminate.

Flowering and fruiting: April-March
Evergreen, semi-evergreen and moist deciduous forests
Peninsular India (Endemic)

306 ID wild tree:
Please ID wild tree (specimen was sheds flower),
Location: near Reserve Forest, Chathamattom, Ernakulam District, (Kochi) Kerala PIN:686671
Altitude: 1400fsl
Flower date: 31.03.2022, 11.55am
Habitat: wild, moisture, shady
Plant habit: tree, erect, branches, hard woody stem 30 inches base circumference, rough black bark, long lasting
Height: 12 meters
Leaves: alternate, ovate/oblong, apex, glossy, greenish purple young shoot, size up to:16×5cm
Flower:  blooming at night; sheds early morning, axillary racemose, clustered, diameter:07mm, off-white, good fragrance
Fruit: drupe ovoid, green into orange, size:05×3cm, edible

Camera: CANON EOS1500D +rr

Diospyros candolleana….?

Great dear …, yes, it is Diospyros candolleana, thank you very much for ID my plant,

Please compare the characters with the specimen before the final conclusion ..

Thank you very much for the message. My plant’s flowers are very close to this screenshot at Kew Science, but not familiar with fruits, only saw a ripened fruit in orange colour at very height in previous year,

Probably Diospyros candollena


Diospyros candolleana Wight: Attachments (5). 3 posts by 2 authors.
Diospyros candolleana wight seen last week at Amboli, Maharashtra, not seen this so far in Mumbai !. 

Thanks for sharing
I had posted a Diospyros from Amboli in Jun 2010. It was IDed as Diospyros nigrescens.
will you please compare and comment on it.

Yes …, in fact I recollected your posts when I saw this species since there was a along discussion on the same. On relooking at the pics I feel there is a difference and probably our final conclusion was correct. If possible I will get this verified by …


ID KZD 07/23: 1 image.
Please identify this large shrub from Kozhikode in Kerala. 4/11/23

Diospyros candolleana Wight [Ebenaceae].

Updated on December 24, 2024

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