Diospyros melanoxylon

Coromandel Ebony, Black Ebony, Ebony Persimmon, Kendu leaves, Tendu leaves, Ebony, East Indian Ebony • Bengali: Kend, Kendu • Hindi: आबनूस Abnus, Kendu, Tendu, Timburni • Kannada: Abanasi, Balai • Malayalam: Kari • Marathi: Tendu, Temru, Timburni, ‘Karimar’ ‘करिमर’ • Nepali: Abnush, Tendu • Sanskrit: दीर्घपत्रक Dirghapatraka • Tamil: Karai, Karundumbi, Tumbi • Telugu: Tuniki, Beedi Aaku; 
Flora of Ranga Reddi District Andhra Pradesh, India By T. Pullaiah, M. Silar Mohammed (2000- Description & Keys-Diospyros chloroxylon, Diospyros peregrina (Syn. of Diospyros malabarica (Desr.) Kostel. as per The Plant List), Diospyros melanoxylon & Diospyros montana)

Flora of Davanagere District, Karnataka, India By B. K. Manjunatha, V. Krishna, T. Pullaiah (2004- Description & Keys-Diospyros cordifolia (syn. of  Diospyros montana Roxb. as per The Plant List), Diospyros ovalifolia, Diospyros melanoxylon & Diospyros montana)

Requesting to please ID this tree captured at SGNP, Mumbai in September 2013.
Unfortunately, this is the only pic I have, is this enough to ID?

This could be a species of Diospyros possibly D. melanoxylon.

Thank you …, Now I remember the local guide telling us that it was Temburni/beedi tree….

I am also attaching some leaf pics. Could you please identify if they too are Diospyros melanoxylon

Affirmative. Please check these links

Thanks … for confirmation…

Thank you …, the reference posts too were very informative…

Request for species id from Mhow, Indore, Madhya Pradesh : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)

Fruit gifted by a tribal child on 02 May Saturday. I did not see the tree.
Is this the fruit of the Tendu aka Temru Diospyros celebica.?
Mhow, Dist Indore, Madhya Pradesh.

The fruit is of Diospyros melanoxylon from family Ebenaceae. Commonly known as Ebony tree.
In central India i.e. in Madhya Pradesh it is known as Tendu & in Orissa – Kendu.
The leaves can be wrapped around tobacco to make Bidi (conventional cigarettes in India). 

Pune: id this tree pl : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
Pl id this fruit bearing tree found at a very dry n rocky hill in pune mh.

Diospyros melanoxylon


Diospyros melanoxylon
Ebenaceae (Tendu patta or Temburni in Marathi)

Tree for ID, Hyderabad NAW-JUN18-02 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)
Kindly help identify this tree found in the campus of the Hyderabad Public School, Begumpet, Hyderabad, photographed in May 2018.
The notched shiny leaves are bunched at the ends of branches. No fruits or flowers found at this time.

This appears to be Diospyros melanoxylon Roxb. [Ebenaceae]. From what I’ve seen, the leaf shape tends to vary and the apex is not always notched.

Plant for ID :: SGNP, Mumbai :: June 2018 :: ARKJUN-01 : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (9)
Clicked these images at the Shilonda trail in SGNP in June 2018.
The leaves were rough to touch.
Requested to please provide ID.

The images are most likely to be that of Diospyros melanoxylon Roxb. [Ebenaceae].
But lets wait for more comments.

Diospyros melanoxylon


Tendu-Gasti Tree CombinationDiospyros-Ficus tree combination is considered very important in
Traditional Healing. Here is recently uploaded video.

Tendu Tree Complex:  After taking selected Complex Herbal Formulations for Type II Diabetes, the patients are advised to sit under Tendu (Diospyros melanoxylon) Tree complex for one hour. The Traditional Healers claim that this practice increases the efficacy of specific formulations taken internally. Here is small film strip of one such complexes.

Please don’t consider it as simple Tendu trees as since generations these trees are under treatment with different herbal extracts and leachate. The Healers are practicing Traditional Allelopathic Knowledge.


Giant Jewel Beetle feeding on Tendu leaves: Photographed this Giant Jewel Beetle [a Sternocera sp. possibly S.chrysis] at my farm last weekend gorging on Tendu [Diospyros melanoxylon] leaves. After extracting the juices it would discard the fibrous pellets.

so all it does is eat and poop? voracious and dirtying his own neighborhood???

There is only one leaf belong to Dioscorea that too only in the first picture. The main plant in the pictures is Diospyros melanoxylon leaves as … mentioned.
One more interesting point I would like to mention here that recently a scientist in ATREE Bangalore fond out that leaves of Nothapodytes nimmoniana is been eaten by a
That is their nature not only insects most of the animals do so. What do a domestic cow do? Who cleans its surroundings? are they concerned about the same? In forest/nature, animals move around and they don’t
concerned about the cleanliness of the surroundings, caused by them. But there is system that works on it, such as dung beetles on dungs of mammals and in no time the area gets cleaned.  Fungus degrades the wastes or decaying/dead substances. Rain washes away the surroundings of insects and any disturbance of the plant (as what you see in the picture) would help to drop down all such kind of foreign materials.
In nature there is a system (or several systems) that works well to keep up the momentum. It is we who don’t work as per the rules of nature hence need to work on each and every thing that we do.

The Dioscorea bulbifera was just an incidental finding. Please check these photographs where there are at least 6 climbers per frame. They are all taken at my farm at Shahapur.

are these VINES volunteers or did you transplant/ plant ’em by design?
I would not know which is which… could you tell me, please?
Have ever eaten them?
I became interested in Dioscorea…  as a tribe…while studying ethnobotany of ne states of india including Assam, Bengal, Tripura  Nagaland etc…the genus is of utmost importance as food to natives of ne hill states of India….as tubers..leaves are all eaten, often as staples…
But even before that, while  studying western herbal medicine,. became interested  in Dioscorea .as sources of steroid diosgenin… which in hands of industry is base for making synthetic hormones…. but of cource you knew that..  and that one leaf sort of reminded me of something I seen somewhere, there by that initial  question….

Thanks for the nice Sternocera beetle photographs. Looks like S. marseuli but difficult to determine from photographs.

The photographs were all taken in their natural surroundings – none are planted.
Some of the climbers seen are :
Ampelocissus latifolia [Wild Grapes]
Mucuna pruriens [Common Cow-itch]
Wattakaka volubilis [Green Milkweed climber]
Dioscorea bulbifera
Dioscorea pentaphylla.
Calycopteris floribunda [Paper Flower climber, Ukshi]
Cissus repanda [Ghendal]
Dalbergia volubilis [Alai]
Cryptolepis buchnanai [Wax-leaved climber]
Zizyphus rugosa [Toran]
Cyclea sp.
Capparis zeylanica {Ceylon Caper]
Embelia basaal [Wavding]
Carissa congesta [Carvanda]

The D.bulbifera do develop bilbils but have never eaten any though they are much sought after by tribals.
Sending you a few photographs.

From my records over the last few years, Mucuna pruriens generally flowers in October and fruiting occurs between October to March. Have never thought of collecting the seeds as they grow wild and also because the pods are covered with fine stinging hair.

Called Khajkuyali in Marathi

Have maintained a detailed log-book [with photographs where-ever possible] of the flora [trees, shrubs, climbers and herbs] & fauna [mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds, arthropods, fish etc.] of my farm / forest for the last 15 years.

Baronet caterpillar on Diospyros melanoxylon : Attachments (6). 5 posts by 5 authors.
Photographed on my property at Shahapur yesterday (28.4.13). Please also check this related link 
Baronet 1
Baronet 2
Baronet caterpillar on a Tendu sapling 1
Baronet caterpillar on a Tendu sapling 2
Baronet caterpillar on a Tendu sapling 3
Droppings of the Baronet caterpillar

Really enjoyed these photos very much.

Tree for id from Morni Hills:: NS July 2019- 01 : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (8)
Please provide your id suggestion for this tree recorded from Morni Hills, Haryana.. only fruits were seen, the tree is not common in the area..

…, the nature of sepals, and the fruit in general, reminds me of Diospyros. But I could be completely off the mark.

Thanks …, I don’t think you are off the mark, Diospyros was my first impression too.. let us wait for any further updates…

Wild guess Diospyros montana ??

As per characters (stem bark and Leaf rusty below) seems to D. melanoxylon,

Thanks a lot …, It is closest to Diospyros melanoxylon…!!

Natural Parthenocarpic Nature of Diospyros melanoxylen : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6) – around 800 kb each.
I am …, I have found a tree of Diospyros melanoxylon with seedless fruit in wild condition of Gujarat. There was only one individual available. I found all the fruit of this plant was seedless. So I request to the expert that can i classify it a new variety of Diospyros melanoxylon?

Thanks, …, I hope some knowledgeable member clarifies this. However, as a layman, I do not think this is a sufficient reason for one to make it a variety.

I feel seed setting in an individual/ population can depend on various factors like soil, stress, genetics, hormones etc. hence it may not form a basis for creation of a variety. some morphological adaptation/ variation is necessary. I feel a population of few numbers has to be observed before coming to any conclusion.

EPF, photos of Erythrina spp taken from mobile phone on 17th March 2013.
Place : Badlapur, Thane dist.
Elev : 100 ft
Tree about 12 ft high.
Tree with fresh leaves bearing citrus like fruits. 
Sorry couldnot get better quality pics.
Pls help to identify.

Diospyros ??

Diospyros melanoxylon

Yes its Diospyros melanoxylon


Ebenaceae: Diospyros melanoxylon Roxb.: 1 image.
location/date: Barha, Jabalpur Distr., Madhya Pradesh, October 1994


Updated on December 24, 2024

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