Diospyros virginiana L., Sp. Pl. 1057 1753. (Syn: Diospyros angustifolia Audib. ex Spach; Diospyros calycina Audib. ex Spach; Diospyros caroliniana Muhl. ex Raf.; Diospyros ciliata Raf.; Diospyros concolor Moench; Diospyros digyna Loudon; Diospyros distyla K.Koch; Diospyros fertilis Loudon; Diospyros guaiacana C.C.Robin; Diospyros intermedia Loudon; Diospyros lucida Loudon; Diospyros mosieri Small; Diospyros persimon Wikstr.; Diospyros pubescens Pursh [Illegitimate]; Diospyros stricta Loudon [Illegitimate]; Diospyros undulata Hiern; Diospyros virginiana f. atra Sarg.; Diospyros virginiana var. mosieri (Small) Sarg.; Diospyros virginiana subsp. mosieri (Small) A.E.Murray; Diospyros virginiana var. platycarpa Sarg.; Diospyros virginiana var. pubescens Nutt.; Diospyros virginiana f. pumila (E.J.Palmer & Steyerm.) Steyerm.; Diospyros virginiana var. virginiana ; Persimon virginiana (L.) Raf.); Diospyros virginiana is a persimmon species commonly called the American Persimmon,[1] Common Persimmon,[2] Eastern Persimmon, “‘Simmon”, “Possumwood”, or “Sugar-plum”.[3] It ranges from southern Connecticut/Long Island to Florida, and west to Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Kansas. The tree grows wild but has been cultivated for its fruit and wood since prehistoric times by Native Americans. Diospyros virginiana grows through 20 m (66 ft), in well-drained soil. In summer, this species produces fragrant flowers which are dioecious, so one must have both male and female plants to obtain fruit. Most cultivars are parthenocarpic (setting seedless fruit without pollination). The flowers are pollinated by insects and wind. Fruiting typically begins when the tree is about 6 years old. The fruit is round or oval and usually orange-yellow and sometimes bluish and from 2 through 6 cm (0.79 through 2.4 in) in diameter. In the U.S. South and Midwest, the fruits are referred to as simply Persimmons or “‘Simmons“, and are popular in desserts and cuisine. It is a small tree usually 30 through 80 feet (10 through 24 meters) in height, with a short, slender trunk and spreading, often pendulous branches, which form a broad or narrow, round-topped canopy. The roots are thick, fleshy and stoloniferous. This species as has a shrubby growth form.[4] This plant has oval entire leaves, and unisexual flowers on short stalks. In the male flowers, which are numerous, the stamens are sixteen in number and arranged in pairs; the female flowers are solitary, with traces of stamens, and a smooth ovary with one ovule in each of the eight cells—the ovary is surmounted by four styles, which are hairy at the base. The fruit-stalk is very short, bearing a subglobose fruit an inch in diameter or a bit larger, of an orange-yellow color, ranging to bluish, and with a sweetish astringent pulp. It is surrounded at the base by the persistent calyx-lobes, which increase in size as the fruit ripens. The astringency renders the fruit somewhat unpalatable, but after it has been subjected to the action of frost, or has become partially rotted or “bletted” like a medlar, its flavor is improved.[5] The peculiar characteristics of its fruit have made the tree well known. This fruit is a globular berry, with variation in the number of seeds, sometimes with eight and sometimes without any. It bears at its apex the remnants of the styles and sits in the enlarged and persistent calyx. It ripens in late autumn, is pale orange with a red cheek, often covered with a slight glaucous bloom. (from Wikipedia on 10.11.14) Fruit Tree For ID : California : 03NOV14 : AK-8 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) Fruits seen in a home garden in Fremont on the 28th of Sept,14. Pictures taken over the wooden fence. These look like Persimmons seen in the Farmers Market, to me. Diospyros Species? Yes …, most probably Diospyros virginiana. Thanks for the Species id. References: |
Diospyros virginiana (USA)
Updated on December 24, 2024