Diploknema butyracea (Roxb.) H.J.Lam, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 7: 186 1925. (Syn: Aesandra butyracea (Roxb.) Baehni; Bassia butyracea Roxb.; Illipe butyracea (Roxb.) Engl.; Madhuca butyracea (Roxb.) J.F.Macbr.; Mixandra butyracea (Roxb.) Pierre ex Dubard; Vidoricum butyraceum (Roxb.) Kuntze); . Uttarakhand to Assam, SE. Tibet, Andaman Is. as per WCSP; . Andaman Is.; Assam; East Himalaya; Nepal; Tibet; West Himalaya as per Catalogue of Life; . Common name: Indian Butter Tree • Hindi: फलवारा Phalwara, फुलवारा Phulvara, फुलवा Phulwa • Kannada: ಬೆಣ್ಣೆ ಮರ Benne Mara • Sanskrit: मधुका Madhuka, मधुकापुष्पि Madhukapuspi . It may be Diploknema butyracea (Madhuca b.) of Sapotaceae. Yes. It is Diploknema butyracea, also known as Aesandra butyracea, Bassia butyracea and Madhuca butyracea. Locally called Cheura. The fruit pulp is edible. The flowers are good for nectar for honey bees and the most important use is the use of seeds for extraction of cheura ghee, which is edible and used widely for cooking in Western Nepal. Diploknema butyracea (Roxb.) H.J.Lam : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (7) Location: Kathmandu, Nepal Date: 27 September 2017 Altitude: 4400 ft. Nepali Name: चिउरी / Chiuri Syn: Aesandra butyracea (Roxb.) Baehni .
Location: Surkhet, West Nepal Date: 29 August 2021 Altitude: 847 m. Habit : Wild I think it is the same Madhuca butyracea (Roxb.) J.F.Macbr now with the changed name. In Kannada it is known as Benne Mara (Butter tree). I have seen this tree. Yes Diploknema butyracea (Roxb.) H.J.Lam syn. Madhuca butyracea (Roxb.) J.F.Macb IS UNDERUTILISED FRUIT CROP OF UTTARAKHAND AND NORTHEASTERN INDIA. . References: |
Diploknema butyracea
Updated on December 24, 2024