Diplomeris hirsuta (Lindl.) Lindl., Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 331 1835. (Syn: Diplochilos hirsutus Lindl.);
. Himalaya to S. Central China: Assam, China South-Central, East Himalaya, Nepal, West Himalaya as per POWO; .
ORCHIDACEAE Fortnight: Diplomeris hirsuta still eludes : Attachments (1). 4 posts by 4 authors.
Diplomeris hirsuta (Lindl.) Lindl. is a small orchid with solitary flower, solitary leaf and spur as long as stem. growing over moss covered rocks. It is known from only one locality in western Himalaya. This locality is very close to Pantnagar and located on Haldwani- Nainital road. Despite of five visits in that area to locate it I failed to see it. It is almost certain that it has disappeared from the locality where it was noticed earlier in 1973 by Rau and Arora (1973). An orchid lost from Western Himalaya? Hope it survive in some other unknown areas adjacent to this locality. Sharing a picture of its herbarium specimen to facilitate identification of it, if seen/ shot by any member in future. It is a Red Data Book species. Diplomeris hirsta is still found in small patches in the same locality although the main habitat was lost due to road construction. Thanks for sharing this information … great to have positive feedback from … hope someone someday finds this species safe and well growing in that patch.. . Diplomeris hirsuta: 4 images. sharing pictures of very beautiful orchid
Diplomeris hirsuta
picture taken at West Bengal July 2022
Diplomeris hirsuta
Updated on December 24, 2024