Diplopterygium giganteum (Wall. ex Hook.) Nakai ex Bauer, Bulletin of the National Science Museum 29: 50. 1950. (Syn: Dicranopteris gigantea (Wall. ex Hook.) Underw.; Diplopterygium criticum (Ching & Chiu) Ching ex X.C.Zhang ; Diplopterygium maximum (Ching) Ching & H.S.Kung ; Diplopterygium simulans (Ching) Ching ex X.C.Zhang ; Diplopterygium yunnanense (Ching) Ching ex X.C.Zhang ; Gleichenia gigantea Wall. ex Hook.; Hicriopteris critica Ching & Chiu Hicriopteris gigantea (Wall. ex Hook.) Ching; ; Hicriopteris glaucoides Ching ; Hicriopteris maxima Ching ; Hicriopteris omeiensis Ching & Chiu ; Hicriopteris reflexa Ching & Chiu ; Hicriopteris simulans Ching ; Hicriopteris yunnanensis Ching ; Mertensia gigantea Wall. ex C.Presl ; Mesosorus giganteus (Wall. ex Hook.) Hassk. );
Nepal to S. Central China and Myanmar: Assam, China South-Central, East Himalaya, Hainan, Myanmar, Nepal, Tibet as per POWO; . SK939 08 JAN-2018 : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6)
Location: Surbinayak, Nepal
Date: 7 January 2018
Elevation: 4600 ft.
Perhaps Cyclosorus aridus I think it is not matching. The photos from Surjebhinayak (Bhaktapur Distr.) are mixed – the close-ups are Diplopterygium giganteum and there’s a bit of it near the top of the first photo. But in the first photo there are also other ferns – but not clear. Probably there is also a Polystichum, or an Athyrium or Microlepia strigosa – they can’t be seen properly.
Is this the fern-photo group that … thought was Thelypteris arida? My laptop has gone a bit funny and I can’t get the whole screen until I get someone to restore it (I just got back from India), so not sure if I have seen the “T. arida” photo or not. Yes the habitat image has two species intermingled.
As such I have shot close-ups of individual sp.
separately and posted accordingly.
All mages (close-ups) besides the habitat one (First image) are
from the same plant. I guess the Id is Diplopterygium giganteum
as suggested by you. Please validate !
Location: Nagarkot, Nepal
Date: 26 February 2021
Altitude: 2000m.
Habit : Wild Diplopterygium giganteum (Wall. ex Hook.) Nakai ! .
Fwd: FERN : 4 posts by 3 authors. Beautiful capture! Spectacularly beautiful photo – makes me feel I’m up in the hills among the cool rain and ferns (disregarding the leeches!) while sitting at my desk in Kathmandu! It is Glechenia gigantea – alternative, if one likes to split the genera – hardly necessary, but tolerable Fern For ID : Darjeeling : 140714 : AK-28 : 7 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1). Diplopterygium judging by the large size, habitat, and by the two large bippinnate pinnae and apical resting bud its G.gigantenum This big fern is Gleichenia gigantea – some people prefer to separate it into a genus Diplopterygium, as Diplopterygium giganteum. I’m not entirely sure which genus I prefer… Diplopterygium longissimum (Blume) Nakai : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)
Diplopterygium longissimum (Blume) Nakai (=Dicranopteris longissima (Blume) Nakai) frequently growing fern in dense patches, from Darjeeling area. No, I’m sorry to mention this, but before answering, you really need to be familiar with modern literature on Indian ferns, otherwise it just confuses everybody. D. longissimum does not occur in or near India.
The common Indian species (Darjeeling etc.) is Diplopterygium giganteum. SK642 13 JUL-2017:ID : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Location: Lamahatta, Darjeeling, India
Date: 22 May 2017
Altitude: 6800 ft.
Ferns ! ID ??
Young, uncurling fronds of the main, common Indian species of Diplopterygium, D. giganteum (often misreported as G. longifolium etc. since Panigrahi’s time, under Gleichenia). It is a beautiful sight around Darjeeling and I’ve also photo’d stands of it beside the roads there and in East Bhutan. It doesn’t extend west of Nepal. Diplopterygium giganteum(Wall. ex Hook.) Nakai
Diplopterygium giganteum. Request for identification-B2 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) – 2 mb
Kindly request you to identify with scientific names. This photo has been taken in East Khasi Hills, Meghalaya. Diplopterygium giganteum – with a skipper butterfly.
But I think it would be a good idea to see the scales on the uncurling frond-apex, just to be quite sure it isn’t D. blotianum. However I don’t have any reason to think it is that. . References: |
Diplopterygium giganteum
Updated on December 24, 2024