Dolichandrone spathacea

Dolichandrone spathacea : Samudrasinghi : 090511 : AK-2:
Taken during the ‘Tree Appreciation Walk’ at Five Gardens, Mumbai, Maharashtra on the 10th of April, 2011 along with Dr. .. and …
Have these been posted earlier?
Pictures showing flower on tree, fallen flower against the tree bark, pod on tree and seeds.

It is amazing that this mangrove tree exists in a Mumbai garden. It is rarely seen only on the coastal rivers of Sindhudurg and Goa. Congrats .. and … for locating this. Are there anymore of these trees in Mumbai?

Mangroove tree???? how

I believe this tree to be D. spathacea (Linn. f.) K. Schum. With these fotos pls tell us the correct sc. name. To see this tree yourself you could visit Five Gardens in Mumbai which of course is (a man groove) not a mangrove habitat.

Dolichandrone spathacea (Linn. f.) K. Schum. is obviously not a MANGROVE species in India…. it is considered a Mangrove species in Singapore… which mostly grows back of the mangroves…

    anyone can locate this species in semi-evergreen forest or deciduous forest, mostly near some forts.. in Maharashtra…
Its common name is Medshingi… dont know from where Samudrashingi name came….
Plant is Native to Asia and New Caledonia

This name ‘Samudrashingi‘ was given to me at the ‘Tree appreciation Walk’ at Five Gardens during April in Mumbai. Medshingi were the ones I had posted earlier photographed near Pune and identified as D. falcata.
Now I am really confused.

medhshingi is an apt name for Dolichandrone falcata.
Not sure if this name is shared by Dolichandrone spathacea  … whatever its regional name in Maharashtra, is not yet popular. Am sure .. has coined this name samudrashingi to reflect the plant’s habitat … mangrove.
Not comfortable with the knowledge that a mangrove species in one part of globe changes its intrinsic nature elsewhere.
Distribution of Dolichandrone spathacea per NPGS / GRIN [ ] is tropical Asia lining seas and oceans, and islands in s-w Pacific ocean. Within India it is found distributed in coasts of Karnataka, Kerala and Tamilnadu … rare occurrences along coasts of Maharashtra and Goa are now recorded.

I am sure you recollect the size of flower of this plant (D. spathacea, Samudrashingi) to be 20 cm or 4 to 5 times bigger than D. falcata, Medshingi. The habitat in wild is coastal swamps in south Maharashtra, Goa and Karnataka. It is interesting that such a rare coastal tree is ‘planted’ in Mumbai. You gave all necessary details to distinguish this plant from D. falcata except the size of flower. Hope your confusion is now sorted out. You seem to be encountering some unusual plants hence this difficulty.

….I definitely remember the flowers of D. spathacea to be much bigger than the other D. falcata which I had seen only in the buds stage. But what I really remember that this flower ‘Samudrashingi‘ had a very long stem…almost double in size than the flower. Never seen such a long stem before.


Bignoniaceae Week :: Dolichandrone spathacea : Samudrasinghi : AK:
Taken during the ‘Tree Appreciation Walk’ at Five Gardens,Mumbai, Maharashtra on the 10th of April,2011.
Pictures showing flower on tree, fallen flower against the tree bark, pod on tree and seeds.


Bignoniaceae Week: 1312013: Dolichandron spathacea : Shrikant:
Littoral or a mangrove associate tree, 3-8 m tall. Leaflets 5-9, large. Flowers 15-20 cm long, fragrant, night blooming.
Rare, found only in Goa.

Some Avenue trees seen in Mumbai too, one at Five Gardens, near Dadar TT, pictures posted by me earlier.

Yes, ‘i’ have seen only in Goa and keen to know if anyone has seen else where.

I had seen and photographed the flowers and pods and the tree itself in at Thrissur in Kerala last April (2022)when Dolichandrone spathacea was in flowering/fruiting stage. I carried back some matured pods as well but the seeds did not germinate here in Goa. Since the tree is recorded in the mangrove associates list of Goa mangroves, we took it up as a TY BSc project for this year (2022-2023). at St Joseph Vaz College, Cortalim Goa.
Initially we thought we managed to identify and document many plants along Mangrove stretches of Zuari river as well as some trees growing as Avenue trees along the highway on the Verna -Sancoale Plateau awaiting the flowering season(supposedly every 7 years?) for proper identification, only to realize that we misidentified Lannea grandis (also a mangrove associate with similar leaf morphology) as Dolichandrone. the flowering season that has just started for Lannea made the things clear to us.
So far we have managed to identify and locate ONLY ONE Dolichandrone tree in our study area due to the presence of dehiscensed pods on the tree. all other trees initially identified as Dolichandrone have started flowering as Lannea. If you can provide the location of the tree that you have seen in Goa, we would be willing to include it in our study. Any suggestions/information from this esteemed group will be helpful for my students in their research.


Bignoniaceae Tree for ID :: MK APR001 : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6)
Please help me in identifying this tree found planted as an avenue tree.
Height: 10-15 m tall
Leaf: 10 cm long
Flower: white; 20-25 cm tall and 8 cm across
Place: Taramani, Chennai, TN
Alt.: 15 m asl
Date: 22 Apr 2015 

fruits are slender and are about 50 cm long and 2 cm wide

very nice. its Dolichondrone spathocea.
now is the time to flower and new leaves to start coming out but with climate change its rather late tooo hot for it i think
where is this growing? what town/city i mean
secondly i would love to see its fruits pictures if you had any

Thanks for the appreciation and identification …, the tree is flowering now. The last picture shows the fruits, although its faint. Exact Location: Central Polytechnic College campus (and on nearby avenue), Taramani Industrial area, Chennai

is it near you? would it be possible for you to get some fruit pictures and may be even a real fruit in hand? are you including it in your tree walk this week?

22-05-2010. 20.30hr- Odekar Farm, Thovinakere, Thumkur, Karnataka;Dolichandrone spathacea from Thumkur, Karnataka. – efloraofindia | Google Groups


Dolichandrone spathacea: 3 images.
Dolichandrone spathacea,

Port Blair outskirts, Andaman Islands, March 2024
A couple of these trees were growing near a waterway fairly close to the ocean, the water was saline. 



Updated on December 24, 2024

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