Dombeya spectabilis (Cultivated)

Dombeya spectabilis Bojer, Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot. II, 18: 191 1842 (Syn: Assonia chapelieri Kuntze; Assonia humblotii (Baill.) Kuntze; Assonia spectabilis Kuntze; Dombeya chapelieri Baill.; Dombeya hafodahyformis Arenes; Dombeya humblotii Baill.; Dombeya rotundifolia Boj. (ambiguous synonym));
EC-Madagascar, India (I), Myanmar [Burma] (I) as per Catalogue of Life;   
Common name: Dombey, Showy Dombeya, Maple Leaved Dombeya • Bengali: Domrupani ডম্রুপানী
D. burgessiae (syn: D. calantha): ovary 5-celled with 6-8 ovules in each cell; leaves 3-5-lobed, up to 30 cm across, pubescent on both sides; peduncle 15-20 cm long; stigma included, 5-lobed.

D. spectabilis: ovary 3-celled with two ovules in each cell; leaves 10-12 cm long, shallowly 3-lobed or entire, white-tomentose beneath; peduncle 3-7 cm long; stigma included, 2-4-lobed.
D. wallichii: Ovary 5-celled; leaves up to 35 cm long, sometimes acutely 3-angled; peduncle more than 20 cm long; stigma exserted, 5-lobed; fruit with 2 cm long persistent style.; bracts up to 6 cm long. 

Dombeya spectabilis Bojer, Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot. sér. 2, 18:191. 1842

Syn:  Assonia spectabilis (Bojer) Kuntze
Shrub or tree with reddish stellate pubescence; leaves ovate to orbicular, cordate, to 17 cm long, entire or dentate; flowers white or pink 2 cm across, in paniculate cymes.
Photographed from Herbal Garden and Vikas Puri in New Delhi.

Dombeya spectabilis from Delhi: Dombeya spectabilis Bojer, Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot. sér. 2, 18:191. 1842
Syn: Assonia spectabilis (Bojer) Kuntze
Shrub or tree with reddish stellate pubescence; leaves ovate to orbicular, cordate, to 17 cm long, entire or dentate; flowers white or pink 2 cm across, in paniculate cymes.
Photographed from Herbal Garden and Vikas Puri in New Delhi. 

Any peculiar difference between calantha and spectabilis

D. burgessiae (syn: D. calantha): ovary 5-celled with 6-8 ovules in each cell; leaves 3-5-lobed, up to 30 cm across, pubescent on both sides; peduncle 15-20 cm long; stigma included, 5-lobed.
D. spectabilis: ovary 3-celled with two ovules in each cell; leaves 10-12 cm long, shallowly 3-lobed or entire, white-tomentose beneath; peduncle 3-7 cm long; stigma included, 2-4-lobed.
D. wallichii: Ovary 5-celled; leaves up to 35 cm long, sometimes acutely 3-angled; peduncle more than 20 cm long; stigma exserted, 5-lobed; fruit with 2 cm long persistent style.; bracts up to 6 cm long. 





Malvaceae (incl. Tiliaceae) Fortnight :: Malvaceae :: Dombeya spectabilis :: Mumbai :: ARKJUL-01/09 : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5)

Attached are pictures of Dombeya spectabilis captured at a cultivated garden in Mumbai in January 2013.
Please validate

Yes. .. it is Dombeya spectabilis  

To me it seems to be Dombeya spectabilis.





Tree for ID, Rajasthan NAW-JAN15-02 : 12 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (4)

Kindly identify this tree planted in a campus in Rajasthan. Photographed in Dec 2014.

The tree was recently planted and the height being only about 1.2 metre.

Light pink flowers each about 2-2.5 cms wide.

Leaves about 20 cm wide. 

the beautiful plant seem to be Dombeya wallichii

dombeya pulchra I hope

Likely to be Dombeya spectabilis..

Dombeya species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available)

Dombeya spectabilis?

Possibly D. spectabilis

Thank you all – i take this to be Dombeya spectabilis based on color of the flower.

color is a reason for classification???? really? that’s not how taxonomy works

I m sorry – I m not a trained botanist and being swayed by “peer-pressure” of multiple ID’s pointing towards D. spectabilis. After your rebuke I m going over this again.

You have yourself suggested D. pulchra as the species, which seems more appropriate given the size of the leaf i have reported as being about 20 cm across, while for D. spectabilis the leaf is supposed to be only 2-7 cm across and long according to flowersofindia and 10-12 cm long according to the Dombeya page on efi.

I need to recheck the leaf measurements again when I m back at the site next month. Kindly please do suggest what other features i should look out for.

I am not botanist either, …

I just like the idea of classification based on what we can see the leaf as you say … yes, a point to think about and consider. and the flower grouping…ie the inflorescence and the inside structures / face of the flower looks closer to d. pulchra

color as you know can be treacherous to id esp. in red/pink// violet range in digital;
and also it was in analog if polarizer or enhancing filters of any kind were used.

and soil condition, metals presence or absence etc can be used to change color of flowers… as we have done for along time in case of hydrangea… blue if you add aluminium sulphate to soil to change the ph… … etc.

so just shades of a color in one picture can not /should not be used to id..

if the color is consistent over a number of plants and over seasons it may be a true color… otherwise not.

I live and learn
this was a good case to illustrate it.

Looking the lobes of the leaves if I had to guess then this could be Dombeya spectabilis.

Please check flora of Pakistan, they have 5 species:
Yours should belong to one of them.

Dombeya spectabilis of Malvaceae
Date/Time: 16-01-2011 / 03:30PM
Location: Shigekeri village (Karnataka),
Habitat: Wild
Plant Habit: Large Shrub (4 to 5 m)

yes and pink petals are looking good

ID request- 230111-PKA2: I had seen this shrub planted in front of a house near Shigekeri village

Flowers were light pink in colour.
Date/Time: 16-01-2011 / 03:30PM
Location: Shigekeri village (Karnataka),
Habitat: Wild
Plant Habit: Large Shrub (4 to 5 m)
Could this be Malvaceae sp.

Malvaceae week–Dombeya spectabilis -PKA5: Bot. name: Dombeya spectabilis
Family: Malvaceae
Flowers were light pink in colour.
Date/Time: 16-01-2011 / 03:30PM
Location: Shigekeri village (Karnataka),

Habitat: Planted/Garden
Plant Habit: Large Shrub (4 to 5 m)




SK422 14MAR-2017:ID : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)- 1 Mb or more 

Location: Hattiban, Kathmandu, Nepal
Date: 20 December 2015
Altitude: 4400 ft.
It is cultivated and shot in a garden.

Dombeya sp.

Thank you for ID …! Dombeya pulchra N. E. Br. (accepted name)

Dombeya spectabilis Bojer as per images herein.


Fwd: SYMBIOSIS : 876 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)

attaching an image of a Red Base Jezebel visiting flowers of Dombeya spectabilis.


Fwd: SYMBIOSIS : 879 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)

Hello, attaching an image of Commander visiting flowers of Dombeya spectabilis.


Re: OBSERVATION : BUTTERFLIES ON DOMBEYA SPECTABILIS : 2 posts by 1 author. Attachments (1)

I came across Dombeya spectabilis (at that time I was not knowing the identity of this plant and I thought it is a type of Hibiscus mutabilis or CHANGEABLE ROSE) in the botanic garden of F R I Dehradun, that was during 1986-1988. I saw the same plant at Tezpur during 2001-2003. I find this plant at Cooch Behar.

I was observing butterfly visitors on the flowers of this plant since 2007. I have recorded the following butterfly visitors on this plant.
The plant is in bloom during November/December and Red Base jezebel/ Red Spot are the most common visitors. Interested persons may like to find out why only few butterfly species visit this flower when the display is quite impressive.


SYMBIOSIS : 717 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)

Attaching an image of a Red Spot Jezebel on the flowers of Dombeya spectabilis.



SYMBIOSIS : 718 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)

Attaching an image of a Red Base Jezebel on the flowers of Dombeya spectabilis.



SYMBIOSIS : 719 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1).

Attaching an image of a male Purple Sun Bird on the flowers of Dombeya spectabilis


SYMBIOSIS : 722 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1).

Attaching an image of a Common Crow butterfly on the flowers of Dombeya spectabilis.


SYMBIOSIS :723 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)

Attaching an image of a bee on the flowers of Dombeya spectabilis.


Botanical Gardens, Sibpur: June 2006; Dombeya wallichii “alba” ——— Tanay Bose – efloraofindia | Google Groups





Dombeya burgessiae Gerrard ex Harv. & Sond., Monogr. Afrik. Pflanzen-Fam. 5: 28 1900.
Syn: Dombeya calantha K. Schum.; Dombeya mastersii Hook. f.

Shrub, up to 3.5 m tall, branched from base, branches tomentose; leaves 3-5 lobed, up to 20 cm long; cymes many-flowered corymbose, flowers white or rose, up to 4 cm across; capsule about 1.5 cm.
Commonly planted in Gardens. Photographed from Vikas Puri, New Delhi.



Pls validate mines also from Karnal Roadside about 4-5 feet Shrub

I think Dombeya spectabilis Bojer as per images herein and as per your another thread: Malvaceae Fortnight: Dombeya spectabilis from Delhi-GSJULY22/22
Dombeya burgessiae Gerrard ex Harv. & Sond. is different as per images herein.

Malvaceae Fortnight: Dombeya burgessiae from Delhi-GSJULY23/23 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)

Dombeya burgessiae Gerrard ex Harv. & Sond. Monogr. Afrik. Pflanzen-Fam. 5: 28 1900.
Syn: Dombeya calantha K. Schum.;  Dombeya mastersii Hook. f. Shrub, up to 3.5 m tall, branched from base, branches tomentose; leaves 3-5 lobed, up to 20 cm long; cymes many-flowered corymbose, flowers white or rose, up to 4 cm across; capsule about 1.5 cm. Commonly planted in Gardens. Photographed from Vikas Puri, New Delhi.

Thanks for sharing Sir…!! I am unable to participate till now due to pressing situations both at work and family..!!

I think Dombeya spectabilis Bojer as per images herein and as per your another thread: Malvaceae Fortnight: Dombeya spectabilis from Delhi-GSJULY22/22
Dombeya burgessiae Gerrard ex Harv. & Sond. is different as per images herein.


Malvaceae member from Karnal : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2).

A Malvaceae member from Karnal for id
My guess is Hibiscus sp
Malvaceae member-3 From Karnal



Location- Place, Altitude, GPS- 

Green Belt GT Road Karnal

Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type


Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb

Large Shrub


10 ft

Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size- 

Simple cordate

Looks like a Dombeya species

Yes Dombeya calantha, I suppose

Thanks for the id

I will also go with Dombeya calantha

I think Dombeya spectabilis Bojer as per images herein.
Dombeya burgessiae Gerrard ex Harv. & Sond. is different as per images herein.

Dombeya burgessiae Gerrard ex Harv. & Sond
Common Large Garden Shrub

I think Dombeya spectabilis Bojer as per images herein.
Dombeya burgessiae Gerrard ex Harv. & Sond. is different as per images herein.


Dombeya Shillong_request for species ID : Attachments (3). 5 posts by 3 authors.

We saw this Dombeya tree at the eco- park Shillong. Kindly Help Id the species. Thank you.

Yes this is Dombeya mastersii. When flower mature they are look brown other wise cream color.

Thank you so much … for such prompt ID !

I saw this tree at the botanical garden shillong not eco-park as mentioned earlier.
Thank you once again for the ID.

Links for Dombeya mastersii syn. D.angulata

I think Dombeya spectabilis Bojer as per images herein.
Dombeya burgessiae Gerrard ex Harv. & Sond. is different as per images herein.




Orange flower(Samir Takaochi) – indiantreepix | Google Groups : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)

Could someone advice me for ID? 

Place: Delhi
Flower diameter: 9cm
Height of tree: 2m

Looks to be a Dombeya species, possibly D. cacuminum, but I’m not positive.

…, thank you for information! 
Shape of leave and flower is very similar. I think my photo is after blooming.
But I wait for other’s opinion too.

Links for Dombeya cacuminum (Strawberry Snowball):

I think Dombeya spectabilis Bojer as per images herein



DOMBEYA CAYEUXII: Some time in 1986, I saw a a beautiful flowering plant at Forest Research Institute campus in Dehradun. At that time I didn’t know the identity of this plant. I saw the same plant at Tezpur (Assam) and here at Cooch Behar. This is what KSGopalaswamiiengar says in his book (Complete Gardening in India) about the genus of Dombeya.

Dombeya is a genus of large quick growing dense packed shrubs, very handsome in bloom in November to January when they are one mass of colour. The flowers are borne in plenty and they are closely packed in errect or pendulous corymbs at the ends of new shoots.”
The attached image is of Dombeya cayeuxii.

We have only this observation of the stated species in efi so far.
However, details are not clear from your posted images. May I request you to pl. check your images with those available at and confirm.
Also request you to post detailed images showing all aspects.

Also check with other links at

I think appears more close to images at Dombeya spectabilis Bojer

I located a plant in full bloom today. You are right my earlier post has identified the plant wrongly.

Attaching a collage of the plant (Dombeya spectabilis). Attachments (1)

Please help me identify this species : 8 posts by 6 authors.  2 correct images as above.

I found this species in Mayur Vihar, Delhi near Sanjay Lake in the month of June.

Can these be young plants of Ricinus communis?

Lack of closer view leads me too towards what … have suggested.. I think this is Ricinus communis only…

Yes it looks like Ricinus communis to me too


Thank you …

But do Ricinus commuis grow in wild? Also I am attaching these pictures which I think is the same species I found in a park in Vikas Puri. Flowers were found in the month of February.

The pics clearly suggest that the flowering plant is a Dombeya sp. (Malvaceae). However, it has to be ascertained that both plants (plant in flowering and plant earlier uploaded) are same.

First picture Ricinus communis and the other ones are Dombeya acutangula.

The following images are of Dombeya spectabilis Bojer



I D Please : 4 posts by 3 authors. 1 correct image as above.

Please find attached images for id.

1st plant is a Dombeya species, probably Dombeya spectabilis (if the
leaves are palmately lobed)

Updated on December 24, 2024

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