Drosera indica

Drosera indica L., Sp. Pl. 282 1753. (Syn: Drosera angustifolia F.Muell.; Drosera finlaysoniana Wall. ex Stein; Drosera hexagynia Blanco; Drosera indica f. albiflora Makino; Drosera indica var. albiflora (Makino) Makino; Drosera indica f. robusta F.M.Bailey; Drosera makinoi Masam.; Drosera metziana Gand.; Drosera minor Schumach. & Thonn.; Drosera serpens Planch.);
DROSS-er-uh or dro-SER-uh — from the Greek droseros (dewy)Dave’s Botanary
IN-dih-kuh or in-DEE-kuh — of or from IndiaDave’s Botanary
commonly known as: dew plant, flycatcher, Indian sundew, sundew • Marathi: गवती दवबिंदू gawati davbindu
Native to: India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, tropical Africa, Madagascar, Japan, Australia, China and Malesia
These insectivorous plants grow only on sandy ground depleted with nutrients. The usual plants do not grow along with them. This makes these insect eating plants (their sparkling droplets) stand out for attracting the insect prey

20110820 Drosera spp from Parambikulam Tiger Reserve:
These Drosera spp were noticed on the way to Karian shola in Parambikulam Tiger Reserve on 20.08.2011. Requesting id.

Drosera indica L.of Droseraceae family. May be this flower close up would be helpful for more details.

Since, it was found in western ghat I was thinking it could be D. peltata.
your id and flora –Lvs linear, petal rose, Styles 2-fid to the base confirmed it as D. indica.
And attaching two more close up photos of the same plant.

Drosera indica:
Drosera indica
Today at Kanakeshwar,Alibag

This is a very nice picture of Drosera indica
Very rarely I have sen people capturing the plant in flowering state.

wikipedia says its an insectivorous plant… i am bewildered…
i dont see how this innocent plant eats insects… i dont see a vessel for the insect to fall in, be trapped in or a closure valve etc… so how would it devour a highly motile thing like an insect?

Flora Austrelia-50:
Insectivorus plant 3
Drocera indica as seen in the wilderness of bush-land.



Trapped by Drosera indica:
An insect that is trapped by Drosera indica.
Photographed from Sringeri, Karnataka.

021111PD05 Drosera indica Flora of Orissa:
find another species of Indian sun dew from Mahendragiri hills, Orissa

Name of the species: Drosera indica
Place of collection: Mahendragiri hills, Gajapati, South Orissa
Altitude: 4000 ft above msl.
Habit: Herb
Habitat: Grasslands

Great find. Plant with so many flowers at a time…

I wl invite u once to come to Mahendragiri for Orchid collection (Still unexplored when u come back to India.

Oh, I would love to!!! I have never been to Orissa for orchid survey, except on the borders, in Saranda where I walked across the border in the extreme naxallite zone. Was scared of naxallite and elephants both….. but survived and came back.


The prey & the predator:
Name of species : Drosera indica
Family : Droseraceae
Habit & habitat : Small herb (insectivorous plant), usually seen (uncommon) in grasslands/ hills.
Location : Kaas (Satara), Maharashtra
Observed in/on : Sept., 2012
Please note : The prey on the sticky glands of the tentacles


Kaas week : Drosera indica:
Reposting this under Kaas week category.

KAS Week:DS_011012_01 Drosera indica:
After returning from Valley of Flowers in August I had to stay in Mumbai till now. And because of that i got a chance to visit the famous KAS plateau in Maharastra on Sept 22nd.
This is completely different from VOF, both in habitat and flower varieties. The flowers I got are mostly new to me also. Here is the famous insectivorous plant Drosera, though at the time of our visit flowers were not there. May be a week later it will appear.

Flowers were appearing ..but perhaps we were not on right time….even I also missed the flower in my 4 outings

Few years back I had seen this plant flowering in October. Will share the photographs shortly.
I think Drosera burmanni is also reported from Kas.

Nice one … Other than Kas where these plants are found?

Yes …,  Drosera burmannii is also reported from Kaas. But at the location where it was observed till last year has gone under fencing and hence no sighting of that species this year 🙁

i had seen Drosera indica at many places other than Kas. Khandala- Dukes nose region, Bhimashankar, other similar plateau in Satara region etc.

seems nothing is growing within inches of this plant. can botanists tell me why?

These insectivorous plants grow only on sandy ground depleted with nutrients. The usual plants do not grow along with them. This makes these insect eating plants (their sparkling droplets) stand out for attracting the insect prey. ..and though not in this case, but photographers sometimes clean up the surroundings to make their images stand out.


Kas Week :: DV :: 19 OCT 07 – 1111 :: Drosera indica:
Kas plateau about 4000 ft asl
… one of the 39 World Heritage sites in the Western Ghats of India

19 OCT 07
Drosera indica L. … (family: Droseraceae)
DROSS-er-uh or dro-SER-uh — from the Greek droseros (dewy)Dave’s Botanary
IN-dih-kuh or in-DEE-kuh — of or from IndiaDave’s Botanary
commonly known as: dew plant, flycatcher, Indian sundew, sundew • Marathi: गवती दवबिंदू gawati davbindu
Native to: India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, tropical Africa, Madagascar, Japan, Australia, China and Malesia
References: Flowers of IndiaEthnobotanical LeafletsFlowers of Sahyadri by Shrikant Ingalhalikar

Kas Week : RV :: 26th Sep, 09 Drosera indica:
Drosera indica is an insectivorous herb…….
I was lucky to get a pictures of it with an insect caught in its tentacles on its leaf.



Kas week : Drosera indica SMP:
Drosera indica


Kaas week : Drosera indica:
Drosera indica

Another very sharp picture

Kas week:: PKA42::- Drosera indica:
Drosera indica ( Family: Droseraceae).


Drosera indica In Thane ,Maharashtra : Attachments (1). 2 posts by 2 authors.

while searching flowers in grassland of Mumbra hills, Thane, Maharashtra i found this beauty
Drosera indica
Droseraceae (Sundew family)

Thane , Maharashtra

TSPOCT2015-46: Images of Drosera indica (Droseraceae) shared. : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
It is my pleasure to share few images of Drosera indica (Droseraceae)
Habit: insectivorous herb
Habitat: Amidst moist rock crevices.
Sighting: Kesarmadu, Tumkur, Karnataka about 800 msl
Date:12-07-2015 and 23-07-2015.

the sticky dew is dewly seen. what a delight to see these pictures

Drosera : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
It should be Drosera indica L. as per images herein.

Drocera indica from Payangadi, Kannur Kerala : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
Drocera indica from Payangadi, Kannur Kerala along with Utricularia, Lindernia, Eriocaulon etc.


Kaas Plateau, Approx. 24 kms north of Satara, Maharashtra: 29th to 31st Aug’08; Panchamri area of Satpura Tiger Reserve- Sept’09?; on Kas plateau- 19 SEP 2010; KAS Pathar, Satara in Sept.2009; Dukes nose (Lonavala region); kas- 26/9/10; at malshej Ghat- Sept’10; at Sagargad, Alibag on 9/10/10; at Vedaranyam;


Drosera indica
This was captured near Devgad, coastal Kokan, MH in Aug 2021.
It was found flowering on a lateritic rock.


353 ID wild plant (carnivorous?): 10 very high res. images.
Please ID wild plant,
Location: near Vannappuram, Thodupuzha, Idukki Dist., Kerala PIN:685607
Altitude: 1500fsl
Flower date: 17.08.2022, 01.55pm
Habitat: wild, moisture, wet rocky misty hill, wind
Plant habit: micro herb, erect, slender weak fleshy stem, annual
Height: 08cm
Leaves: alternate, whirled, lengthy with jelly spikes, apex, size upto:06×0.4cm
Camera: CANON EOS1500D +FL10x

Drosera indica L.

Yes, it is Drosera indica, dear …, thank you very much for ID my plant,

I am happy to share flower images from the same location, might be closed around 02pm,
Flower date: 23SEP2022, 12.55pm
4 high res. images.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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