Dumortiera hirsuta (Sw.) Nees, Fl. Bras. Enum. Pl. 1: 307 1833. (syn: Dumortiera hirsuta var. hirsuta ; Dumortiera hirsuta subsp. hirsuta ; Marchantia hirsuta Sw.); Thallus dark greenish, in large patches of overlapping individuals, 5-10 cm x 1-1.5 cm, repeatedly dichotomous, margin undulate, midrib broad, dorsal surface sometimes with a faint network, covered densely with papillate cells, epidermal cells 4-6 angled, thin, ventral surface green, scales simple, hyaline, midrib more prominent below; male receptacles terminal, disciform, with bristles on the margin, resemble the female receptacles when young, female receptacles sessile when young, with a few bristle like hairs, stalked at maturity, stalk thick, with 2 rhizoid furrows; capsule globose; spores tetrahedral, dark brown at maturity, 22-26 μm in diameter; elaters 2-4 spiraled, some branched. In shady wet areas of forests, on rocks near water courses, on submerged rocks, on exposed roots of higher plants, etc. in semi evergreen, evergreen and shola forests. It has wide distribution in South India (Madras, Kotagiri, Kerala), North India (Simla, Mussoorie, Kumaon, Pachmahri), Nepal, Japan, Brazil, Mexico, Jamaica, North & South America, Europe, New Zealand, Hawaii and Africa. (Attributions- Nair, M.C., K.P. Rajesh and Madhusoodanan P.V. 2005. Bryophytes of Wayanad in Western Ghats. Malabar Natural History Society, Kozhikode, i-iv + 284pp. Bryophyta of Java 7 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Could you help me to id our moss please. Dimourtiera hirsute |
Dumortiera hirsuta
Updated on December 24, 2024