Dyckia brevifolia (Cultivated)

Dyckia brevifolia Baker, Refug. Bot. 4: t. 236 1871. (Syn: Dyckia gemellaria Baker ex Mez; Dyckia princeps hort. ex Mez; Dyckia sulphurea K.Koch); 



Please suggest to which family this succulent belongs if not Crassulaceae..
Pics recorded from Cactii and Succulent Garden, Panchkula, Haryana..

seems to be a Dudleya
I wan’t to say dudleya lanceolata but can’t be sure

It may belong to Agavaceae or Liliaceae

Possibly Dyckia, cf. Dyckia brevifolia Hort. ex Baker form sub-family Pitcairnioideae of family Bromeliaceae.

you are absolutely correct
I had forgotten this matt like mound forming habit of may bromeliads… esp these small ones
its the correct diagnosis right down to the inflorescence and the flower shape which was giving me the most difficulty… and led someone to suggest a lily..

Thanks a lot … for devoting so much time and giving the most probable identification..

do you by any chance know the Botanists at Panchkula garden
can they verify it?

yes very similar to Dyckia brevifolia



Bk0020-0rnamental : 10 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2)- around 800 kb each. 

  • Date: Last week of July, 2019
  • Elevation: 1400 masl
  • Habit: Cultivated
  • Location: Bagmati Province, Central Nepal
  • The leaves are so hard and tough
  • Lower surface of leaf has white lining

Please check Asphodelaceae ! 

I have checked under that family but could not trace it as it is an imported species as ornamental…. Thank You … for our interest.

Bromeliaceae member, Dyckia encholirioides,

Yes  it is   Dyckia encholirioides (Gaudich.) Mez .. endemic to Brazil…… as characters are matching ….as  silver lines on the leave’s undersides giving the clump a silvery cast, leafs are tough and rough and Yellow to orange color flowers.

but I found as imported and cultivated as ornamental….  

Thank you … for observation and suggestions.

Also check Dyckia brevifolia

Could you decide between the two ?

Thank you …!! The vegetative part is similar to both species Dyckia encholirioides and D. brevifolia… but flower here have directed my decision to support your suggestion.

Updated on December 24, 2024