Dypsis lutescens

Chinese: di zong, san wei kui (as C. lutescens – Hong Kong), huang ye zi (as C. lutescens – Taiwan) • English: areca palm, bamboo palm, butterfly palm, cane palm, golden cane palm, golden feather palm, golden-yellow palm, madagascar palm, yellow butterfly palm, yellow palm • French: palmier cane d’or (Réunion) • German: goldblattpalme, goldfruchtpalme • Japanese: kogane yake yashi • Malay: pinang kuning (as C. lutescens) • Malagasy: lafahazo, lafaza, rehazo • Russian: khrizalidokarpus (as C. lutescens), khrizalidokarpus zheltovatii (as C. lutescens), trostnikovye pal’my (as C. lutescens);
Slender ornamental palm with often clustered stems, up to 2.5 m long pinnate leaves and unisexual flowers in paniculate infl; Fruits yellow, ellipsoid, 2.0–2.5 cm long;

Date/Time-Sep 2011
Location- Place, Altitude, GPS-Pune
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type-GArden
Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Palm
Height/Length- about 6ft
Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size-green lush

28th Feb 2012
Sharing pictures of flowers and fruits of Dypsis lutescens at a private garden at Pune
Family Arecaceae
Kind request to know what this palm is called in Marathi

Palm Trees of Bangalore – RA – Dypsis lutescens – Golden Cane Palm Tree:
Golden Cane Palm is clump-growing with ringed, bamboo-like stems and yellow leaf-ribs. The foliage is evergreen, of fine texture and yellow-green in color.
Pinnate, 6 to 8 pale green leaves per stem, 80 to 100 leaflets, to 8 feet long (2.4 m). Yellow if grown with enough light, 2 feet long.
Yellow male and female flowers on the same inflorescence. Flower stalk coming from below the leaves.
Fruit is yellow to purple, 2 cm, oval in shape.
This is one of the most useful Palms of the tropics the world around. Golden Cane Palm is tropical-looking, serves as a super, bamboo-like screening plant and is relatively pest-free.
Native to Madagascar.

Thanks … This is one of the few palms grown in Delhi.


Ornamental Palm for ID : Nasik : 200213 : AK-3:
Cultivated, ornamental palm trees seen in Nasik in August, 2012.
Height was about 12 to 15 feet.
Id please.

Could be some Chamaedorea sp.

Dypsis lutescens

Our ornamental expert, thanks for the id.

Popular houseplant in India and North America
Feng sui folks though say its leaves are pointed !!!! so arrow poison!!! not to keep in house
but I say …. not so fast… all leaves ultimately have a front /distal end that must end in a point and nothing is evil…
Contrary to this arrow belief… its a very useful plant…
its one of those palms that add value to your indoor air:
please refer to “Wolverton, B.C. “How to Grow Fresh Air,” Penguin, New York, 1997” or do google search for “NASA Indoor air purification houseplants” as search terms… you’ll be surprised….


Arecaceae Fortnight 1 Aug to 15 Aug 2014 : Dypsis lutescens (H.Wendl.) Beentje & J.Dransf. : SK-15 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4).
This one and a half years old palm is growing in my school, under my careless care!

Dypsis lutescens (H. Wendland) Beentje & J. Dransfield, Palms Madagascar. 212. 1995.
Butterfly palm
Slender ornamental palm with often clustered stems, up to 2.5 m long pinnate leaves and unisexual flowers in paniculate infl; Fruits yellow, ellipsoid, 2.0–2.5 cm long|
Photographed from Delhi.


Araceae, Arecaceae and Zingiberaceae Fortnight – Arecaceae 21 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2).
15.08.2014. Here are few snaps of Areca lutescens.

Thanks, … I think you meant Dypsis lutescens

Thanks … It is a gift from a friend, and it resemble my areca palm which is in the ground for 30 years.

Thanks …  It is Dypsis lutescens.

Araceae, Arecaceae and Zingiberaceae Fortnight :: Arecaceae :: Dypsis lutescens from Mumbai :: ARKAUG-22 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2).
Attached are pictures of Dypsis lutescens captured at Mumbai in December 2012.

One we have in Delhi also.


Arecaceae Fortnight ps2 : Dypsis lutescens (H.Wendl.) Beentje & J.Dransf.: 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (7).
Outside a showroom I could capture all detail, except flower and fruit.

Araceae, Arecaceae and Zingiberaceae Fortnight: August 1 to 14, 2014 : Arecaceae : Dypsis lutescens : Nasik : 210814 : AK-83 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1).
Identified by … on our group.
Common name Golden Cane Palm.


Araceae, Arecaceae and Zingiberaceae Month: Arecaceae- Palm 2 from Panipat:: NS Aug 43 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2).
This palm was shot from I.B. College, Panipat.. help required for id..

Probably Dypsis

I think it is Dypsis lutescens


Hooghly-skMAY20/21 Dypsis lutescens (H.Wendl.) Beentje & J.Dransf. : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)

Beautiful recording

june15sk33/38 — Dypsis lutescens (H.Wendl.) Beentje & J.Dransf. : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3)
I hope the id is correct.

Fwd: SK250DEC19-2016:ID 1 : 3 posts by 2 authors.
Sorry. These images are from Pokhara.
Location: Pokhara, Nepal
Altitude:  2600 ft.
Date: 27 July 2015

Pl. check with images of Dypsis lutescens (H.Wendl.) Beentje & J.Dransf.


SK250DEC21-2016:ID : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Location: Pokhara , Nepal
Altitude:  2600 ft.
Date: 27 July l 2015

Pl. check with images of Dypsis lutescens (H.Wendl.) Beentje & J.Dransf.

Thank you.

Ornamental Palm For ID : Nasik : 23MAY17 : AK-16 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)
An old picture of mine.
Seen this cultivated palm at a plant nursery in Nasik.
Is it Dypsis lutescens?
Experts kindly validate.

I agree with you.


Re: Palm species : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (9)
Agartala Tripura
Kindly identify the species

Chrysalidocarpus lutescens,


AAZ Fortnight :: Arecaceae :: SMP36 :: Garden palm flowers Pune. : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2).

Dypsis lutescens (H.Wendl.) Beentje & J.Dransf. ??
Any image of full plant and leaves ?

Arecaceae Fortnight 1 Aug to 15 Aug 2014 : Veitchia arecina Becc.? : SK-25 : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3).
Way back in 2009 I was not at all interested in plant world. I do not know why I photographed this, maybe something like SUPARI raised my curiosity. This was photographed on the 21-Feb-2009, on roadside, in a village in Howrah-Hooghly border. As far as I can remember it was not very tall, say about 15 ft.
There is KEY in – http://idtools.org/id/palms/palmid/key.php and … also provided in his document.

Dypsis, maybe D. lutescens

Yes, inflorescence different and leaflet seems to be narrower and longer than Veitchia. But, I am not sure if the palm was tufted, apparently not.

Yes, Sir, it is Dypsis lutescens, as identified by …

I am also with you for ID,


Dypsis lutescens (H.Wendl.) Beentje & J.Dransf.: 4 very high res. images.

Location: The Oberoi, Bengaluru, India
Date: 25 March 2023
Altitude: 940m.
Habitat : Cultivated

Yes, appears close to images at


I’d of a palm: 3 very high res. images.
Request for I’d of a cultivated palm from Bilaspur. Photographed in May 2023.

Looks closure to Ptychosperma species. Need the photos of leaves for proper ID.

Dypsis lutescens (H.Wendl.) Beentje & J.Dransf. ??

Yes, appears close to images at


Updated on December 24, 2024

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