Dysolobium pilosum

Dysolobium pilosum (Willd.) Marechal (Syn: Dolichos pilosus Willd.; Dolichovigna formosana Hayata; Dolichovigna pilosa (Willd.) Niyomdham; Phaseolus difformis Wall.; Vigna pilosa (Willd.) Baker)
Bangladesh (N) ; Bhutan (N) ; Burma (N) ; Cambodia (N); China (N); India (N): Assam, Bihar, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Orissa,  Sikkim, Tamil Nadu, Tripura, West Bengal, Andaman Is (N); Indonesia (N); Jawa (N) ; Laos (N); Malaysia (N) ; Myanmar (N) ; Nepal (N) ; Peninsular Malaysia (N) ; Philippines (N); Taiwan (N) ; Thailand (N) ; Vietnam (N) (As per ILDIS);

Leaflets ovate-lanceate, 8-12 by 4-5.5 cm, base subcordate, apex gradually acute-apiculate, pubescent, basally 3-nerved, chartaceous. Racemes short-peduncled. Flowers to 15 mm long; calyx-lobes unequal; corolla pinkish-red, exerted. Pods straight or slightly curved, cylindric, densely pilose, apex beaked. Seeds 8-12, reniform.

Flowering and fruiting: October-December
Semi-evergreen forests
(Attributions- Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi from India biodiversity Portal)


Feb2015sk21/41Hooghly : Dysolobium pilosum (Willd.) Marechal? : 7 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (9)

Since I started photographing local flora for this group I have come across several species which are supposedly not to be found in this region of West Bengal, even though they are listed in ‘Bengal Plants’. Today I have recorded two species one of which I have already posted a little while ago.
This is a wild twiner in village thicket.
Leaves are hairy on both surfaces. I am not sure if those can be called villous or pilose or something else.

For the past two hours I went through Prain, Haines, Hooker and Roxburgh. The closest match I could find is Vigna pilosa Baker. Now, leguminosae is a big family. So, it is before you if there is more common probability.

A new set recorded today (25.2.15)
Attachments (9)

nice. yes to your query based on your refs.. except for the kew herbarium (i think their leaves a re a bit broader, may be a case of younger or older leaves). thanks for showing

But I hope you will by now have surmised that all those old books are just that…old to be used as a springboard.. to id to wonder but the current data will be different as you yourself are proving to us

day in and day out.. things change plants migrate … by water, sea, river,  floods waves tsunami, by wind .. during slight breeze even or thunderstorms and hurricanes ..where winds carry enormously weighted objects,

by animals .. on their skin in their gut or humans .. via all of the above clothes and by design by carrying the seeds  with premeditated design as in mass migration of dandelion we saw in north America.. or wheat as we know it or ganja that go to Europe- the list must be thousands of name long.. or neem and basmati chawal and turmeric and countless others that were planted to study, steal patent rights or belated knowledge and new found openness as in case of the sajne danta gaach..now that the world has discovered the protein content in the young leaves and  activity  beneficial to kidneys in the green pods as vegetables… does not matter if prain does not say it occurs in bengal… you showed it does and that’s what matters to me and I am sure BSI in its modern avatar will show it or has shown it and we are not privy to all their literature. I don’t know why they make their literature soooo difficult to get hold of or sooo expensive when BSI is a public venture????

What a write up …, only you can do this!
Yes, …, I too have broader leaves, attached here a few more photographs. The plant bears variously shaped lamina, some are falcate too. KEW herb. no. K000900622 (the one with pods) is from Maynmar and the other one is from India.
I went through all vigna, phaseolus, teramnus and others described in FBI. First, I thought it to be a Teramnus. However, the pod and seed size and colour and hairs, shiny surface of seeds all tally only with the ID I have suggested.
Attachments (4)

Thanks … for showing additional leaves
yes that sort of helps with kew herbarium but I never had doubts about your ID

I didn’t think that you had doubt, I uploaded only because I had more photos and their value can only be appreciated in this group, nowhere else.

Attachments (8)




Re: Leguminous plant : 5 posts by 3 authors. 7 images.
This is from Rajnagar, Kumarghat, Tripura
Please identify

Vigna vexillata?
Vigna vexillata pods look different as per images herein

Vigna pilosa   


189 ID wild plant: 13 images.
Please ID wild plant,
Location: near Reserve Forest, Chathamattom, Ernakulam District, (Kochi) Kerala PIN:686671
Altitude: 1400fsl
Flower date: 07.11.2021, 01.05pm
Habitat: wild moisture
Plant habit: climbing, branches, slender weak dark green stem 02mm diameter, twining, annual
Height: 03 meters
Leaves: alternate, tripartite, leaflets ovate apex, size:12×7cm
Flower: racemose, diameter:21mm, lite violet, non fragrant
Fruit: beans green into black, hairy, size:10×0.5cm, edible
Seed: brown, 5-6 nos., pea shaped, size:5×3×3mm
Camera: mobile Samsung Galaxy A21s

Vigna !

Yes, it is Vigna sp., dear …, thank you very much for the ID of my plant,

Could not find a match as per comparative images at Vigna.

Vigna pilosa

Yes, it is D. pilosum dear …, thank you very much for ID my plant,


DE 2 wild trailing legume bean: 6 images.
pl  identify this wild bean species 

Habitat : Wild forest 
Location : Bhadutala – Salbani forest , Paschim Medinipur , West Bengal 
Plant description : trailing vine 
Flowering  : purple sep-oct 
Fruiting : nov-dec 

seed : black 2-3 mm

Pl. check Vigna pilosa

Sir, Pl excuse me, I’m not from botany background, I  googled several journals and came to conclusion that it is not Vigna pilosa syn wild creole bean species.
The flowers and leaves are not matching Vigna pilosa taxonomy

Pl. check

Sir, species matched



POWO  Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver.1.1  ILDIS  Flora of China  India Biodiversity Portal  IBIS Flora  GBIF  FRLHT

Updated on December 24, 2024

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