Dysphania botrys (L.) Mosyakin & Clemants, Ukrayins’k. Bot. Zhurn. 59: 383 2002. (Syn: Ambrina botrys Moq.; Ambrina foetida Moq.; Atriplex botrys (L.) Crantz; Botrydium aromaticum Spach; Botrydium botrys (L.) Small; Botrys aromatica (Spach) Nieuwl.; Chenopodium aromaticum auct.; Chenopodium botrydium St.-Lag.; Chenopodium botryoides Raf. ex Moq.; Chenopodium botrys L.; Chenopodium ilicifolium Griff.; Chenopodium multiflorum Moq.; Chenopodium nepalense Moq.; Neobotrydium botrys (L.) Moldenke; Roubieva botrys (L.) Fuss; Teloxys botrys (L.) W.A. Weber; Vulvaria botrys (L.) Bubani); . VOF Week: Herb for Id from near Gobind Ghat…: 7 images. Could be Chenopodium botrys Thanks a lot sir..I think this agrees with Chenopodium botrys…. Yes the aromatic species in the genus Chenopodium VoF Week: Chenopodium botrys from Valley: Yes … Nice photographs
Sharing this, I am recalling the beautiful trek of Ghobind Ghat to Gobind Dham (Ghanghariya), this was shot almost in the beginning of trek, near to Gobind Ghat.. I hope the id is right… Dysphania botrys (L.) Mosyakin & Clemants Syn. Chenopodium botrys (L.) Now known as Dysphania botrys (L.) Mosyakin & Clemants. Some how I have missed capturing it, although I do have herbarium specimens from Kashmir. Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae Week: BS21: Dysphania botrys (L.) Mosyakin & Clemants from valley of Flowers Trek: Excellent photographs . Dysphania botrys (L.) Mosyakin & Clemants: 7 very high res. images. Location: Kalikot, West Nepal Altitude: 1394 m. Date: 16 August 2021 Habit : Wild . References: |
Dysphania botrys
Updated on December 24, 2024