Echinocereus scheeri var. gentryi (Clover) N.P.Taylor, Kew Mag. 1: 154 1984. (Syn: Echinocereus cucumis Werderm.; Echinocereus gentryi Clover; Echinocereus scheeri subsp. gentryi (Clover) N.P.Taylor); Plants from Cactus Garden: Cactus 7 for id from Panchkula : Attachments (1). 5 posts by 3 authors. Wanted to continue my quest for id of plants shot from Cactus garden, Panchkula.. please id this cactus, only 1 shot I have for this.. This one may be a Echinopsis species It looks like Echinocereus morricalli, see … email on the 24th The plant in the picture is Echinocereus scheeri ssp. gentryi (Clover) Taylor 1997. The old name sometimes still seen in some lists is Echinocereus cucumis. References: |
Echinocereus scheeri var. gentryi
Updated on December 24, 2024