Echium plantagineum

Images by Alka Khare, Gurcharan Singh, Alka KhareAarti Khale (ID Viplav Gangar) and Nidhan Singh (ID Gurcharan Singh), Inserted by Gurcharan Singh (Please click links to see details and more images).


For Id from Panchkula-2012: This ornamental was shot from Panchkula, Command Hospital garden, in March 2012.
I am sure to find the id…

Is this Mackenziea integrifolia?

This post of mine was not identified, I am sending this again… can this be Echium sp.? Similar plant has been uploaded by … hope this is not the wrong way of resurfacing…

I think you are right, … Looks like Echium vulgare.

After further study and discussion with …, it was found that this plant fits well with Echium plantagineum, characterised by two stamens being exserted and three included.

Garden Flower For ID : Flower Show,Mumbai : 180214 : AK-11 : Attachments (2 + 4).  14 posts by 3 authors.
Seen at the Flower Show on 16/2/14.

Cultivated, garden plant.

Echium sp. [Boraginaceae].

Could this be Echium vulgare?

More likely to be Echium plantagineum. The photos are not very clear but looking at the side view of some of the flowers, two stamens appear to be longer than the rest and extending well beyond the corolla tube (indicative of E. plantagineum) as against four equally-long stamens going past the corolla in E. vulgare. Zooming into your second photograph, the leaf base appears to be cordate-amplexicaul.
Here is the key to these two species:
There are some nice pictures of E. plantagineum by Dr Nidhan on this page. Perhaps he could help in confirming the species.

Thanks for the detail information.
I will try to see if I have more pictures.
Beautiful pictures by … on the link given by you.

Not very good pictures, but I hope they are helpful in identifying this Echium.

I hope Echium vulgare, all stamens appear far protruding.

Mine from Harwan Kashmir did not have all well protruding and was finally suggested as E. plantaginum

Thanks … for sharing more pictures. I feel quite certain that this is Echium plantagineum :
1] The leaves are clearly cordate-amplexicaul. Conversely, E. vulgare tends to have tapering leaf bases.
2] The last photograph – DSCN9902.jpg – clearly depicts the prominently branched venation of E. plantagineum. In contrast, all the leaves of E. vulgare have a (more or less) warty, dimpled surface with inconspicuous longitudinal veins.
3] Multiple stems can be seen emerging from the base in the last photograph [DSCN9902.jpg], this too is typical of E. plantagineum.
It is difficult to judge the degree of stamen length & exsertion from these pictures but after zooming & cropping some individual flowers, two stamens appear to be considerably longer than the other three.
Please correct me if I am missing something.

Thanks for taking efforts in identifying my plant seen at the Flower Show in Mumbai recently.
Frankly, I was seeing it for the first time, so I have no clues about the id.
… and you can come to a final conclusion.

Thanks … for your critical analysis.

I will upload more photographs to mine from Kashmir for you to give a better decision.

I could find one more picture of the entire plant.

Thanks … It is Echium plantagineum for sure.
Have marked out the characteristic features in your image. In this photograph, it is clear that only two stamens are protruding beyond the corolla along with the style; a good side view of this flower makes it easier to identify the species when other angles can be misleading. The leaf base and the venation etc. (as seen in one of your previous photos) help to confirm the species. Dr Nidhan has photographed the broad leaf base of this species really well.




Echium vulgare from Kashmir : Attachments (4). 10 posts by 7 authors.
Echium vulgare, Boraginaceae from Kashmir. Grown as cultivated herb in Harwan Garden, Srinagar, Kashmir. Photographed in June, 2010.

Common name Blueweed, blue devil.

I think it is an Echium all right, but probably not Echium vulgare.
Echium vulgare does not have flower spikes so densely flowered. Also, the stamens in Echium vulgare protrude out, whereas in your flower they remain inside the flower cup. One may compare with the picture of E. vulgare here

I have tried to match with other species, but perhaps E. vulgare is the closest match. According to eFlora of China stamens are of different length (can be seen in my photograph) and often exserted. I think this should be the closest match till we find a best fit. Here are some images which match with mine

E. plantagineum as per another thread.

Boraginaceae Week: Echium vulgare from Kashmir pl. validate: Echium vulgare, Boraginaceae from Kashmir. Grown as cultivated herb in Harwan Garden, Srinagar, Kashmir. Photographed in June, 2010.

Common name Blueweed, blue devil.
This Plant was uploaded last year by me from Hazuribagh Garden in Srinagar Kashmir. … agreed that this may be Echium, but not Echium vulgare. I could not match with any other species. Please validate.

There are good chances of this being E. plantagineum as suggested by … from Kashmir Unversity, as stamens are not far exserted. Only two of the five stamens appear slightly exserted.

E. plantagineum as per another thread.





Re: Echium plantagineum L. from Kashmir :  3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4).

Echium plantagineum L., Mant. pl. 2:202. 1771

syn: Echium lycopsis L.; E. violaceum L.

Common names: Blue echium, blueweed
This plant was uploaded by me, possibly as Echium vulagare, but luckily … raised doubt about it. On further discussion with … from Kahmir University it was finally identified as Echium plantagineum, differentiated by three stamens being very short and included, where as two are longer and exserted.
Erect biennial herb up to 60 cm tall, covered with white stiff hairs; basal leaves 4-12 cm long, ovate to oblong, upper smaaler, narrowly lanceolate, covered with appressed hairs; flowers blue in panicles, 12-18 mm long; corolla campanulate, distinctly zygomorphic, sparsely hairy outside; stamens 5, 2 exserted, 3 included; nutlets 4.
Photographed from Harwan, Kashmir

I am attaching more cropped picture focussing leaf base and flower to help … to identify mine conclusively

Thank you sir for sharing these pictures. It is Echium plantagineum for sure.

Thanks a lot … It is good to have one more expert on Cultivated plants to complement …



This seems to be Echium plantagineum, it has been clicked at the Flower Show 2014 at Jijamata Udyan
… had posted a similar plant from the same location last week and it was identified as E. plantagineum.
Requesting to please validate the ID.

Yes, it is Echium plantagineum L.



Requesting to please ID this Echium captured at the Chicago Botanic Garden, USA in May 2013.
Unfortunately, no other pic is available. 

i hope Echium plantagineum

Thank you … for confirmation….

Requesting ID of this plant with purple flowers – Chicago Botanic Garden, USA : 17062013 : ARK-01 : Attachments (1). 4 posts by 3 authors.

Requesting to please ID this plant with purple flowers captured in Chicago Botanic Garden, USA in May 2013.

Echium vulgare I hope

Thanks … for showing.. I remember uploading the same from Panchkula.. 

Updated on December 24, 2024

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