Elaeagnus oldhamii (Cultivated)

Elaeagnus oldhamii Maxim., Bull. Acad. Imp. Sci. Saint-Pétersbourg, sér. 3, 15: 377 (1870);
SE. China, Taiwan as per POWO;


Mumbai, MH :: Eleaegnus for ID :: ARK2019-107 : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (10)

This plant was seen in the Dattaji Salvi Udyan, Thane, MH in December 2016.
This is the same as posted by … in  Shrub for ID : Thane : 16APR19 : AK-6, the ID was not resolved then.
Also attaching the pics of a similar plant which I had in my garden, but which did not survive for long. These have been labelled as Gumi, which is its Bonsai name. It is a very popular Bonsai species and I would not be surprised if it is a non-native one.
Would appreciate any help on the ID.

Please check /species/a—l/e/elaeagnaceae/elaeagnus

Leaves are quite variable and indeterminate for the id.
Key feature to separate the species in this genus is the shape of the flowers.
Flowers in your plant matches with Elaeagnus triflora var. triflora as per illustration and Keys from Flora Malesiana
Dinesh ji’s images in Flickr are also of this plant. 

Yes …, they match Dinesh ji’s flickr post pics and they have been clicked in the same park. We do not have clear pics of the flowers as yet. Can we tentatively assume this to be E. triflora?

I have revised my notes at flickr, the pictures of Elaeagnus triflora var. triflora can be found with this new search words.

I think this will also be Elaeagnus oldhamii as per discussions at Dinesh ji’s Flickr images- Elaeagnus triflora var. triflora


Dinesh ji’s Flickr images- Elaeagnus triflora var. triflora : 3 posts by 2 authors.
On further scrutiny, I found that leaves are quite variable and indeterminate for the id.
Key feature to separate the species in this genus is the shape of the flowers.
Flowers in Dinesh ji’s images on Flickr matches with Elaeagnus triflora var. triflora as per illustration and Keys from Flora Malesiana

Thanks … for getting to correct ID; will soon correct my notes in flickr.

I have revised my notes at flickr, the pictures of Elaeagnus triflora var. triflora can be found with this new search words.

At iNaturalist, this observation with suggested ID of Elaeagnus triflora var. triflora, was disagreed by Bahamut Chao; he suggests Elaeagnus oldhamii Maxim.

I have not seen its distribution for India !

the observation is of planted ornamental in garden. It is non-native.

OK … Images matching indeed !

Updated on December 24, 2024

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