Elaeis guineensis

commonly known as: African oil palm, macaw fat • Arabic: nakhlet ez zayt • Burmese: si htan, si ohn • Chinese: you zong • Danish: oliepalme • Finnish: öljypalmu • French: palmier à huile d’Afrique • German: Afrikanische ölpalme • Indonesian: kelapa sawit • Italian: palma avoira, palma da olio, palma oleaginosa africana • Japanese: abura yashi • Malay: kelapa sawit • Maori (Cook Islands): nu tamara • Pohnpeian: apwiraiasi • Portuguese (Brazil): caiaué, dendê, dendezeiro, palmera dendém • Portuguese: palmeira andim, palmeira do azeite, palmeira do dendê • Russian: gvineiskaia, maslichnaia pal’ma, pal’ma maslichnaia • Spanish: corojo de Guinea, palma africana, palma oleaginosa Africana, palmera de aceite • Swahili: mchikichi, miwesi, mjenga • Swedish: oljepalm • Thai: paam nam man ;


Palm Tree for ID : Lalbagh,Bangalore : 030612 : AK-3: A palm seen at Lalbagh, Bangalore on the 15th of April,12.

A spreading out palm, not the tall one.
Black fruits and probably what looked like yellow flowers when picture was taken.

Elaeis guineensis, Jacq. <=> African Oil Palm Tree

Thanks for the id..
I thought African Oil Palm was a tall one, not spreading out.

Araceae, Arecaceae and Zingiberaceae Fortnight: August 1 to 14, 2014 : Arecaceae : Elaeis guineensis : Lalbagh,Bangalore : 140814 : AK-23 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3).

African Oil Palm from Lalbagh seen in April, 2012.



Palm Trees of Bangalore – RA – Elaeis guineensis – Africal Oil Palm Tree: African Oil Palm is a tall tree, 8.3-20 m in height, erect, heavy, with ringed trunk. Male and female flowers occur in separate clusters, but on same tree. Trunk is up to 20 m tall, usually less, 30 cm in diameter.   

Leaf stalks are 1.3-2.3 m long, 12.5-20 cm wide, saw-toothed, broadened at base, fibrous, green. Leaves are compound, 3.3-5 m long, with 100-150 pairs of leaflets. Leaflets are 2-4 ft long, 3.5-5 cm broad. Central nerve is very strong, especially at base. Flower-stalks arise from lower leaf-axils, 10-30 cm long and broad.  
Male flowers are borne on short furry branches 10-15 cm long, set close to trunk on short stalks. Female flowers and consequently fruits are borne in large clusters of 200-300, close to the trunk on short heavy stalks.  
Each fruit is plum-like, ovoid-oblong, up to 3.5 cm long and about 2 cm wide, black when ripe, red at base, with thick ivory-white flesh and small cavity in center. Nuts are encased in a fibrous covering which contains the oil. About 5 female inflorescences are produced per year. Each inflorescence weighs about 8 kg, the fruits weighing about 3.5 g each.  
African Oil Palm is native the rain-forests of West Africa.


Attached are pictures of Elaeis guineensis captured at Jijamata Udyan in March 2013.
Requested to please validate the ID.

Yes, E guineensis 



Palm from Kerala Near Kochi for ID

Elaeis guineensis

yes oil palm, fruits are showing and also a set of fern fronds

Requesting to please provide ID of the plant captured at Jijamata Udyan in March 2014.

Perhaps Elaeis oleifera

 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (6)

It is my pleasure to share few images of Elaeis guineensis (Arecaceae 

Habit: Palm 

Habitat: Cultivated 

Sighting: Chikmagalur, Karnataka, about 1000 msl 

Date: 16-05-2014, 21-07-2014 and 18-11-2014

Palm Tree for ID : Lalbagh, Bangalore : 04AUG20 : AK-04 : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)
A Palm tree seen in Lalbagh during my visit in Jan, 2020.

I have only this picture.

Jubaea chilensis? 

I think looks different from Jubaea chilensis as per

A similar one seen earlier in Lalbagh is Elaeis guineensis, the African Oil Palm.
This could also be the same.

Yes, appears close to images at Elaeis guineensis


Updated on December 24, 2024

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