Elaeocarpus species- Tripura

Request for Id: 4 high res. images.
Place:- Tripura

Date :20-05-23
Habit : Tree
Habitat: Deciduous forest

I thought of some Elaeocarpus species, but could not find any match as per comparative images at

What are the species reported from your area?

To me there is a possibility.
Any other images ?

In Tripura under Elaeocarpus 4 species are reported i. e. E. obtusus, E. floribundus, E. robustus, E. prunifolius.

In this genus seed are with hard testa but when a cut a fruit it have no such hard testa in the seed

You mean to say that it is not Elaeocarpus or is it that fruit is still young to see such a feature as of Elaeocarpus.

Tried. But no suggestions from my side.

Updated on December 23, 2024

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