Eleiotis monophyllos

Re: ID of this Fabaceae plant. : 7 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) – 1 MB or more.

Pl help me to identify  this Faqbaceae plant.

Prostrate, leaves round with notched tip and brown patches on the leaf. Flower looks similar to Alsycarpus. Segments not seen on the young fruit. Plant was observed at Vellore, Tamil Nadu.

Whether it could be Eleiotis monophyllos ?

yes it is Eleiotis monophylla (Burm.f.) DC.,

I have emailed …. and he suggested i come here .. So i would be glad if anyone can identify this plant..
kindly check this link for the exact location:

Your plant is Eleiotis monophyllos (also spelled ‘monophylla’) belonging to the family Leguminosae.
Does it have any medicinal use?


Eleiotis monophylla: 1 image.
Found in Sadasiva Kona hills on the grasslands near the water falls on the month of January.

Compare the images at  http://flora-peninsula-indica.ces.iisc.ac.in/herbsheet.php?id=4297&cat=7  for confirmation.

Yes, it’s …,

it’s common in red soil fields of Chittoor district,

Updated on December 24, 2024