Ephedra alata: Hindi Bandukai, Lastuk, Nangurwal
A large shura 6-8 feet, with spreading erect branches, leaves worled, branchlets hispid, sheath joints bifid, neuminate, inalecatkins, clustered, sessile or stalked, femaile solitary, fruit vopid.
Common in the plains of Punjab and Sindh, In the salt range scending 2,500 ft and also on the hills and plains of Baluchistan, Afghanistan and Iran, used for snuff in Khyber Pass.
The branches and flowers are considered stypie and the fruit is said to be mucilaginous, edible,subacid and slighty pungent. What part of the plant is winged? Its range is not there in the areas as described by you as per the following links:
Ephedra species?- from ??
Updated on December 24, 2024