Epilobium hirsutum

Austria, Belgium, England, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Denmark, Finland (I), Germany, Ireland, Switzerland, Netherlands, Hungary, Norway (I), Poland, Romania, Sweden, Portugal, Spain, Andorra, Baleares, France, Corsica, Sardinia, Sicily, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia & Hercegovina, Montenegro, Serbia & Kosovo, Macedonia, Albania, Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, N-, W-, C- & E-European Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Crimea, Northern Caucasus, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia [Caucasus], Siberia (W-Siberia), Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, China (Anhui, Gansu, Guangdong, Guizhou, Hebei, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Jinin, Liaoning, Nei Monggol, Ningxia, Shaanxi, Shandong, Shanxi, Sichuan, Yunnan, Zhejiang), Tibet, Japan (Honshu), Mongolia, North Korea, South Korea, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Mares de Bourkou (Sahara), Cape Verde Isl. (Santo Antao Isl., Ilha de Sao Tiago, Fogo Isl.), Canary Isl. (I) (La Palma (I), La Gomera (I), Tenerife (I)), Turkey (E-Anatolia, Inner Anatolia, N-Anatolia, NE-Anatolia, NW-Anatolia: Bithynia, S-Anatolia, SE-Anatolia, SE-Anatolia: Mesopotamian Anatolia, SSW-Anatolia, W-Anatolia), Greece (incl. Kiklades), Crete, East Aegaean Isl., Rhodos, Cyprus (C-Mountains, N-Cyprus, S-Cyprus), Egypt (Desert Oases, Great Southwestern Desert, Nile Delta, Nile Valley, NW-coastal Egypt), European Turkey, Iran (EC-Iran, E-Iran, NE-Iran: Mts., N-Iran, Iranian Aserbaijan, S-Iran, W-Iran), Iraq (NE-Iraq, NW-Iraq, SE-Iraq: Mesopotamia), Israel (coastal W-Israel, Rift Valley, N-Israel), Jordania (W-Jordania), Lebanon (Antilebanon, C-Lebanon, coastal W-Lebanon), Saudi Arabia (C-Saudi Arabia, Asir), Syria (C-Syrian Desert), Yemen (N-Inner Yemen, W-Yemen), Afghanistan (Baghlan, Bamyan, Herat, Kabul, Kunar / Nuristan, Logar, Nangarhar), Pakistan (Hazara, Baluchistan, Kurram, Chitral, Swat, Pakistani Punjab), Pakistani Kashmir (Gilgit, Baltistan), Jammu & Kashmir (Poonch, Kashmir), New Guinea, Nepal, Chad (Tibesti), Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, E-D.R.Congo (Zaire), Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, S-Angola, South Africa (North-West Prov., Gauteng, Mpulamanga, Free State, KwaZulu-Natal, W-Cape Prov., E-Cape Prov.), Lesotho, Swaziland, Namibia, USA (I) (Connecticut (I), Illinois (I), Indiana (I), Kentucky (I), Massachusetts (I), Maryland (I), Maine (I), Michigan (I), New Hampshire (I), New Jersey (I), New York (I), Ohio (I), Oregon (I), Pennsylvania (I), Rhode Island (I), Vermont (I), Washington State (I), Wisconsin (I), West Virginia (I)), Canada (British Columbia (I), New Brunswick (I), Nova Scotia (I), Ontario (I), Prince Edward Isl. (I), Quebec (I)) as per Catalogue of Life;
Distribution: Temperate and montane Eurasia and Africa; common in temperate Pakistan and throughout the Himalayan region; adventive in North America as per Flora of Pakistan;


Kalatope id al110911:  Location Kalatope
Altitude 2100 mts
Habit Shrub
Habitat wild
Height 4-5 feet

Epilobium hirsutum

Herb identification requested : 8 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5)
Herb identification is requested plant is tall about 6 feet and found in Marshy habitat.
Pictured at Hamirpur, HP
Altitude – 650metres
Dated – 27/11/2017

Looks like an Epilobium sp.

Thanks …,
It matches Epilobium genus but I can’t find any species matching.
Any idea of species sir?

Pl. check with species available in efi site so far.

…, I have checked species available in efi but I can’t find any species matching as Epilobium hirsutum is only species with height more than 6 feet but plant don’t appears to me so much hairy with some difference in flowers also. I am sharing some more images to confirm.
Experts help is requested to confirm species.

Attachments (3)

I think it’s Epilobium parviflorum though it’s height is nearly 7 feet long, here are some more images with opened flowers to confirm.

3 images

After pursuing, illustrations, images and keys, I think I feel these are more closer to images at Epilobium hirsutum rather than those at Epilobium parviflorum, as per

Flora of Pakistan further says:
A very common plant throughout much of Eurasia in disturbed places. This species varies greatly in amount and type of vestiture. Further study is needed to determine the proper status of glabrous plants from the western Himalaya sometimes segregated as E. hirsutum var. laetum C.B. Clarke. Fl. Per.: Jun-Sep. Fr. Per.: Jul-Sep; Distribution: Temperate and montane Eurasia and Africa; common in temperate Pakistan and throughout the Himalayan region; adventive in North America.

Yes …, I agree with you that it looks much closer to Epilobium hirsutum.


This is from Prini Village near Manali.
Date/Time: 26-09-2010 / 09:50AM

Location: Prini Village near Manali
Habitat: Wild

I think Epilobium cylindricum

i am quite sure of this plant being Epilobium cylindricum

My first thought was, this could be an epilobium. The fruit of
Epilobium cylindricum agree with these pictures quite well. However, now I am confused. The stigma of Epilobium cylindricum is spherical or club-shaped, never lobed, as is prominently visible in … pictures. Or is there some mixup with stamens?!

I really admire your keen observation power.
You are right, Epilobium parviflorum could be a possibility, but have to see leaves clearly.

I had initially identified it as Epilobium cylindricum but after … pointed out four-lobed stigma, it can’t be that species.
Now I think it to be E. parviflorum, but only leaves will confirm.
Your views please.

Should be Epilobium parviflorum

After pursuing, illustrations, images and keys, I think I feel these are more closer to images at Epilobium hirsutum rather than those at Epilobium parviflorum, as per

Habitat: along path on mountain slope
Habit: herb (not sure of the height),
flower 12 – 18 mm across (not sure)

I think closer to images and details at Epilobium hirsutum L.

Epilobium hirsutum: 2 high res. images.


Epilobium hirsutum is a flowering plant belonging to the willow herb genus Epilobium in the family Onagraceae. It is commonly known as the great willowherb, great hairy willowherb or hairy willowherb. Local names include codlins-and-cream, apple-pie and cherry-pie.


SK 3013 04 October 2021: 4 very high res. images.
Location: Kalikot, West Nepal
Altitude: 1474m.
Date: 16 August 2021
Habit : Wild
Epilobium hirsutum Linnaeus ??

Yes, appears close as per images at Epilobium hirsutum


Updated on December 24, 2024

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