Epilobium latifolium L., Sp. Pl. 347 1753. (Syn: Chamaenerion halimifolium Salisb.; Chamaenerion latifolium (L.) Sweet; Chamaenerion subdentatum (L.) Rydberg; Chamaenerium latifolium (L.) Helm; Chamerion latifolium (L.) Holub; Chamerion subdentatum (Rydb.) A. Löve & D. Löve; Epilobium changaicum Grubov; Epilobium corymbosum Rottb.; Epilobium frigidum Retz.; Epilobium gerardianum Wall.; Epilobium glaucum Nasaroff; Epilobium grandiflorum Jacquem.; Epilobium halleri Retz.; Epilobium humile Willd. ex Steven; Epilobium kamtschaticum Lepech.; Epilobium kesamitsui T. Yamazaki; Epilobium pauciflorum Schrank; Epilobium rhexiiflorum Fisch. ex Hausskn.; Epilobium tetrapetalum Pall. ex Steud.; Epilobium venustum Dougl. ex Steud.);
Alaska, USA (California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, South Dakota,
Utah, Washington State, Wyoming), Canada (Alberta, British Columbia, Labrador, Manitoba, Newfoundland, Northern Territories, Nunavut, Ontario, Quebec, Yukon), Greenland, Iceland, N-European Russia, Siberia (W-Siberia, C-Siberia), Russian Far East, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Mongolia, Japan (Honshu), Afghanistan (Badakshan, Wakhan), Pakistan (Chitral, Swat), Pakistani Kashmir (Gilgit, Hunza, Deosai, Astor), Jammu & Kashmir (Ladakh, Zanskar, Kashmir), China (Qinghai, Yunnan), Tibet as per Catalogue of Life; River Beauty, Dwarf Fireweed;
VOF Week: Epilobium sp- Onagraceae at VOF: This was one of the most beautiful Epilobium flower i had spotted at VOF.
(Family: Onagraceae). Flowers were big in size (may be around 3 cm across). Stem was reddish in colour. Date/Time: 08-08-2012 / 09:40AM Pl.check for E. latifolium Although flowers look similar, not Epilobium latifolium I hope, in which flowers are irregular, leaves broader and clearly alternate spirally arranged. Here they appear regular with clearly opposite much narrower leaves. As per 100 himalayan flowers this looks like Epilobium latifolium
Perhaps a few shots of stem showing lower leaves settle the issue.
Enclosing few cropped photographs. 3 images. Yes second photograph did help. … is right, Epilobium latifolium.
Yes, even in Concise flowers of Himalaya ,the photograph matches, including the leaves. valley of flowers – indiantreepix | Google Groups (mixed thread): 6 posts by 3 authors.
Flowers from Valley of flowers Uttaranchal, 26 July 2008
1 River beauty
flowers from ladakh, mm2 08062011: 2 images.
Some more flower photographs from the trip to ladakh in july 2008. Wondering if this flower can identified.
they were growing near baralachala The first photograph is a detail from the second image Assuming flowers to be about 3 cm and guessing as Epilobium latifolium. I think .. is right Epilobium latifolium Correctly identified but nomenclatural/ taxonomic change. For some time this and E.angustifolium have been transferred to another genus in the Onagraceae family.
This is now (according to most sources) Chamerion latifolium. The genus Chamerion is separated from Epilobium (most willowherbs in the Himalaya remain in Epilobium) on the basis of all leaves being alternate, flowers held horizontally, slightly zygomorphic, Whereas in Epilobium at least the lowest leaves are opposite, flowers +/- erect when open. The change of genus is accepted by senior British botanists.
This species is gregarious by alpine watercourses in Kashmir & Ladakh @ 2750-4850m. I have seen it in Ladakh, Lahoul & Kinnaur. In local Tibetan languages it is known as the ‘Glacial Stream Flower’ (Gangchhumentok); Koelz observes grows best on gravel flats in cold streams. Flowers of Himalaya record it from Afghanistan to Central Nepal. N.Asia and N.America. I have seen it in Alaska. They say screes and damp places @ 3600-4500m. Flora of Lahaul-Spiti say frequent on slopes; one of the most attractive herbs of the glacial zone.
flowers of 2012 Nalini Bhat: (mixed thread): 2 images. in Summer of 2012 we visited faroe-islands, Iceland and Greenland.
Though I made many many fotos there, I have to choose a few. I did it today. Though it is nice to see the old fotos, I don’t feel like doing it today, when it is snow everywhere and the temperatures are below -10. I just went quickly thru my collection and chose the ones I found remarkable. In Iceland I remember to have seen Wollgras (Eriophorum scheuchzeri) and arctic poppy (Papaver radicatum) in white, yellow, to orange. But more than that there was Hundskamille (anthemis) everywhere, in the harbour, wastelands, along the roads, everywhere. In Seyðisfjörður ( Iceland 65° 16′ N, 14° 1′ W ) I found one orchidee Nördliche Kuckucksblume near a waterfall. I could not go very near to it. I am attaching these Fotos here. In Akureyri in iceland there is a wonderful botanical garden, worth visiting. In Greenland too there was beautiful vegetation, Moos with small flowers, Lichens on the rocks, colorful from white to deep orange. But I remember the beautiful sunny and warm (!) day in Qeqertarsuaq Greenland 69° 14′ 45″ N, 53° 32′ 14″ W. Here too I watched dandelion, vogelmiere (stellaria) etc, but Arktische Weidenröschen (Epilobium-latifolium) was the one, making the land smile under the blue sky. I hope you enjoy the fotos Best wishes for 2013 somewhat late but from heart. Hearing from you after a very long while. Nice to see all the flowers. Quite different from the ones we see here. Really wonderful captures & stunning beauties. I only know // recognize the arctic poppy, the cotton wool puff and the daisy… rest you’ll have to translate you recognize rightly, but the daisy ist hundskamille some Anthemis I don’t know the details. I tried to look into icelandic flora but did not find it on net. Don’t know why. it is omnipresent. You stumble over it. I thought perhaps expert botanists know which sort of Anthemis grows just under the polar circle. just forgot to say a few words about greenland and iceland in this connection.
Epilobium latifolium
Updated on December 24, 2024