Eranthemum species




Eranthemum species for comparison: Posting 3 species of Eranthemum for comparison and validation.

Bracts white with green nerves…………………………….E. roseum (Vahl.) R. Br.
Bracts green, many nerved, white ciliate on margins…E. purpurascens Nees
Bracts green, few nerved, viscous hairy………………….E. capens L. var. concanense (T. And. C. B. Cl.) Sant.

– Perhaps status of E roseum vs E. pulchellum have to be investigated. All four E. capense, E roseum, E. pupurascens and E. pulchellum are recognised are accepted names

The shrub growing in Delhi and identified as Eranthemum nervosum (Vahl) in Flora of Delhi is now correctly known as E. pulchellum Andrews
Eranthemum nervosum Dalzell and Gibson is now correctly known as E pupurascens Wight ex Nees.
If E. purpurascens is distinct in absence of white patches on bracts, we will have to find differences between E roseum and E. pulchellum to know our exact plant. I am uploading my photographs from Delhi

– I am adding the key which was supplied by .. in another thread Eranthemum roseum vs E. pulchellum

– I am adding the image of E. pulchellum (syn: E. nervosum) which I missed in the last post

– Perhaps one more try for improvement to ensure dichotomous nature
Bracts white with green nerves
Bracts elliptic, cuspidate, glabrous and spikes upto 7.5 cm…E. pulchellum Andr.
Bracts obovate, mucronate, strigose and spikes longer than 7.5 cm….E. roseum (Vahl.) R. Br.

Bracts green
The bracts many nerved, white ciliate on margins…E. purpurascens Nees
The bracts few nerved, viscous hairy………………….E. capens L. var. concanense (T. And. C. B. Cl.) Sant.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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