Erica verticillata (Cultivated- Australia)

Erica verticillata P.J.Bergius, Descr. Pl. Cap. 99 1767. (syn: Erica abietina Andr. ex G.Don (ambiguous synonym); Erica concinna (Soland.) (ambiguous synonym); Erica lychnoidea Hort.; Erica paludosa Salisb.; Syringodea concinna G.Don);    

South Africa (W-Cape Prov.) as per Catalogue of Life



Plants From Australia 2018:: Erica verticillata-NS April 2020-30 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)

This was seen in Melton Botanical Garden, Victoria..
Erica verticillata..

I was reluctant to share them because our focus is on flora of India {or Indian sub-continent at large}..
But somehow I was encouraged to see posts from across the world by our esteemed experts..

May be Erica verticillata ‘Cherise’ if we follow SANBI 

Updated on December 24, 2024

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