Erodium cicutarium

Erodium cicutarium (L.) L’Hér., Hort. Kew. 2: 414 1789. (Syn: Erodium albidum Picard; Erodium allotrichum Steud. ex A.Rich.; Erodium alsiniflorum Delile; Erodium ambiguum Pomel; Erodium arenarium Jord.; Erodium atomarium Delile ex Godr.; Erodium boraeanum Jord.; Erodium carneum Jord.; Erodium chaerophyllum (Cav.) Steud. ex Coss.; Erodium chaerophyllum Steud.; Erodium cicutarium (L.) Léman ex DC. ………; Erodium cicutifolium Salisb.; Erodium commixtum Jord. ex F.W.Schultz; Erodium danicum K.Larsen; Erodium dissectum Rouy; Erodium filicinum Pomel; Erodium glutinosum Dumort.; Erodium himalayanum Royle; Erodium hirsutum Schur; Erodium immaculatum (W.D.J.Koch) P.Fourn.; Erodium maculatum Salzm. ex C.Presl; Erodium melanostigma Mart.; Erodium millefolium Willd. ex Kunth; Erodium minutiflorum Godr.; Erodium moranense Willd. ex Kunth; Erodium pallidiflorum Jord.; Erodium parviflorum Jord.; Erodium petroselinum L’Hér. ex DC.; Erodium pilosum Menyh.; Erodium pimpinellifolium (Moench) Sibth.; Erodium praetermissum Jord. ex Boreau; Erodium sabulicolum Jord. ex Nyman; Erodium subalbidum Jord.; Erodium tenuisectum Lange; Erodium triviale Jord.; Erodium verbenifolium Delile; Geranium arenicolum Steud.; Geranium chaerophyllum Cav.; Geranium cicutarium L.; Geranium pentandrum Gilib. [Invalid]; Geranium petroselinum (L’Hér. ex DC.) L’Hér. ex Webb & Berth.; Geranium pimpinellifolium Moench; Geranium pimpinellifolium With.; Myrrhina inodora Rupr. (Unresolved));
Redstem filaree, Common Stork’s-bill;
More or less spreading annual herb with ascending branches,; leaves pinnatisect, up to 12 cm long, segments further cleft into small acute lobes; stipules triangular-lanceolate, 2-5 mm long; flowers purple, 7-10 mm across in 3-8 flowered umbellate clusters, on up to 7 cm long hairy peduncles, reflexed in fruit; bracts connate, ovate, ciliate; pedicel up to 2 cm long; sepals 3-6 mm long in fruit, glandular-pubescent, ovate; petals slightly longer than sepals, purple, some times with black spots at base, obovate, claw ciliate; filaments with dilated base; mericarps 5-6 mm long with 3 mm long beak.
As per efi thread : Erodium cicutarium is easly separated from E. moschatum by its smaller leaves with deeply divided leaflets with narrow linear segments.
AS per efi thread : Genus Erodium is distinct from Geranium in pinnate compound leaves and 5 fertile stamens

Kindly identify the Geranium species.
Location: Paddar valley J&K.
Date: 20th May 2012
Altitude: 2000 meters asl

Erodium cicutarium


Erodium cicutarium from Kashmir:
Erodium cicutarium from Kashmir, very common weed in cultivated fields, wastelands, meadows and roadsides.
Photographed from Pampore on June 20, 2010.
Easly separated from E. moschatum by its smaller leaves with deeply divided leaflets with narrow linear segments.

7. Erodium cicutarium (L.) L’Herit, ex Aiton, Hort. Kew. 2:414. 1789.
Syn: Geranium cicutarium L.
Common names: Common stork’s bill; common erodium; common crowfoot
Genus Erodium is distinct from Geranium in pinnate compound leaves and 5 fertile stamens
More or less spreading annual herb with ascending branches,; leaves pinnatisect, up to 12 cm long, segments further cleft into small acute lobes; stipules triangular-lanceolate, 2-5 mm long; flowers purple, 7-10 mm across in 3-8 flowered umbellate clusters, on up to 7 cm long hairy peduncles, reflexed in fruit; bracts connate, ovate, ciliate; pedicel up to 2 cm long; sepals 3-6 mm long in fruit, glandular-pubescent, ovate; petals slightly longer than sepals, purple, some times with black spots at base, obovate, claw ciliate; filaments with dilated base; mericarps 5-6 mm long with 3 mm long beak.
Very common along roadsides and wastelands. Photographed from Kashmir.

First time observing any Erodium sp. Thanks for sharing. Pinnatisect leaves are unique so far in this family week.


Flora from Srinagar 18072013 CS 3 :  Attachments (2 + 1). 5 posts by 3 authors.
Help ID this weed with small pink flowers. Quite prevalent on roadsides

One more picture of the same weed

Erodium cicutarium

Couldn’t notice that it is a Geraniaceae member due to closed flowers. … has IDed it in spite of that.

Flora of Chakrata- Erodium cicutarium for validation : Attachments (4). 10 posts by 6 authors.
This small, spreading, prostrate herb was shot from Chakrata region this August..
I hope this should be Erodium cicutarium (L.) L’Herit. Kindly validate the id, this was my first seeing this plant, earlier upload on the forum is by … from Kashmir..

Plant from Kashmir has flowers in umbel and ultimate leaf segments are a bit differently shaped. May be a different species. Seeing it first time.

Erodium species in efi so far 

Providing the keys to species of Erodium occurring in India, as given by Malhotra (1997) in Flora of India vol-4 published by BSI. Hope it will help in determining ID.

  A. Beak of mericarps plumose on ventral face with long soft cilia ……….. E.oxyrrhynchum

A’     A’. Beak of mericarps ventrally clothed with rigid setae that disappear towards tip

B. Leaves velvety beneath clothed with rigid setae that disappear towards tip.. E.tibetanum

B’. Leaves not velvety beneath, shortly pubescent, sepals awned or mucronate, mericarps pitted below      beak

                C. Sepals awned, filaments toothed on one side ………….. E.stephanianum

                C’. Sepals mucronate, filaments glabrous, not toothed

                                D. Apical pits of mericarp glandular …………. E.moschatum

                                D’. Apical pits of mericarps eglandular ………. E.cicutarium

The species known from Uttarakhand are E.cicutarium and E.stephanianum. Of these E.stephanianum have long awned sepals, as long as breadth of sepal, which once again suggest it as E.cicutarium. Probably doubt expressed by me earlier is doubtful now.

I think E. cicutarium which shows a lot of variation in segmentation of leaves in populations I have seen in Kashmir. E. stephanium which looks similar has very long awns on sepals very conspicuous. E. moschatum which has become naturalised recently has different leaves, leaflets split not even up to 1/4 depth, whereas in E. cicutarium there are generally split to middle or even deeper. I have photographed it in California. …(deliberately or not) has correctly omitted the error in the original key of Flora of India.

Thanks for the discussion … I should now take this as Erodium cicutarium..


Requesting ID of this plant with purple flowers – Michigan, USA : 28052013 : ARK-03 : Attachments (3). 1 post by 1 author.
Requesting to please ID this plant with purple flowers captured in Michigan, USA in May 2013.

Erodium cicutarium


Plant for ID :: Bratislava :: EU-ARKOCT45 : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6)
This flower was growing wild in the lawns of the Bratislava castle, Slovakia in May 2016.
Is this some Erodium species?

Geranium cicutarium?

Geranium cicutarium

Thank you … for the ID. Geranium cicutarium is also known as Erodium cicutarium.


wild flower for ID (26/06/2011 NSJ-01)
A wild flower for ID.
Location – Roadside, on the way to Pahalgam from Srinagar
Habitat – Appears to be wild herb, around 8 to 10 inches tall
Photo taken – June 2011

Geranium, Species can’t be ascertained without clear view of leaves.

This looks different from images we have so far as per comparative images at Geranium

I think it should be Erodium cicutarium (L.) L’Hér. as per images herein.

Pampore and Pahalgar on June 20, 2010- Kashmir;Erodium cicutarium from Kashmir – efloraofindia | Google Groups


Erodium: 1 high res. image.

Pl. check

Erodium cicutarium

Yes, appears close to images at


J&K, Mattan, April 2023 :: Erodium for confirmation :: ARK2023-025: 3 high res. images.

These flowers were captured at the Martand Surya mandir in Mattan near Pahalgam, J&K in April 2023.
Guessing them to be Erodium cicutarium based on eFI and FoI pics.
Requested to please confirm.

Erodium cicutarium

Yes Erodium cicutarium.


445 ID wild plant: 6 high res. images.
Please ID wild plant,
Location: bloomed in The HIMALAYAS at Kangan, Jammu & Kashmir INDIA
Altitude: 8660fsl
Flower date: 13APR2023, 09.55am
Habitat: wild moisture roadside riverside
Plant habit: small shrub
Height: 02cm
Flower: diameter:08mm, 05 petals, 05 sepals, violet, non fragrant

Camera: CANON EOS1500D +FL10x

Looks like Erodium cicutarium  species.  Nevertheless, please post the pictures of the leaves for proper ID.

Yes Erodium cicutarium, very common in the valley.

Yes, appears close to images at


Updated on December 24, 2024

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