Tabernaemontana alternifolia

tab-er-nay-MON-tah-nuh — named for Jacobus Theodorus Tabernaemontanus (Jakob Theodor von Bergzabern), German pharmacist, physician and botanist … … Dave’s Botanary • Wikipedia
al-tern-ee-FOH-lee-uh — alternate leaves … Dave’s Botanary
commonly known as: alternate-leaved crape jasmine • Kannada: ಬಿಳಿ ಕೊಡಸಲು bili kodasalu, ಹಾಲ್ಮೇಟಿ haalmeti, ಕೊಕ್ಕೆಕಾಯಿ kokke-kaayi, ಮದ್ದರಸ ಗಿಡ maddarasa gida, ಮದ್ಲೆ ಮರ madle mara, ನಾಗರಕುಡ naagar kuda • Konkani: नागिल कुडो nagil kudo • Malayalam: കുരുട്ടുപാല kuruttupaala, കിങ്ങിണിപാല kinginipaala, കൊക്കപ്പാല kokkappaala, കുണ്ധലപ്പാല kundhalappaala, കുന്നിൻപാല kunninpaala • Marathi: नाग कुडा naag kuda, पांढरा कुडा pandhra kuda • Sanskrit: काम्पिल्लकः kampillakah • Tamil: குண்டலப்பாலா kundalappala, பால்வாடி palvadi • Tulu: ಕೊಕ್ಕೆಕಾಯಿ kokke-kaayi, ಮದ್ದರಸ maddarasa
Names compiled / updated at

Tabernaemontana species for ID.:
This Tabernaemontana species was found flowering in large area in Phansad
sanctuary near Murud and Roha Konkan.
Shrub(?) 6-8 feet high. Opposite glossy leaves. An Apocyanaceae member. Is it T.alternifolia?

– Affirmative Dr. … Ervatamia alternifolia [previously Tabernaemontana hayneana syn. T.alternifolia] locally called Nag Kuda is a fairly common plant in Phansad W.L.S.

commonly known as: alternate-leaved crape jasmine • Kannada: ಬಿಳಿ ಕೊಡಸಲು bili kodasalu, ಹಾಲ್ಮೇಟಿ halmeti, ಮದ್ದರಸ maddarasa, ಮದ್ಲೆಮರ madle mara, ನಾಗರಕುಡ naagar kuda • Konkani: नागरकुडो nagarkudo • Malayalam: കുണ്ധലപ്പാല kundhalappaala, കുന്നിന്‍പാല kunninpaala • Marathi: नाग कुडा naag kuda, पांढरा कुडा pandhra kuda • Sanskrit: काम्पिल्लकः kampillakah, पिण्डतगर pindatagara • Tamil: குண்டலப்பாலா kundalappala, பால்வாடி palvadi • Tulu: ಮದ್ದರಸ maddarasa 

botanical names: Tabernaemontana alternifolia L. … synonyms: Ervatamia alternifolia (L.) S.M.Almeida • Ervatamia heyneana (Wall.) T.Cooke • Pagiantha crispa (Roxb.) Markgr. • Pagiantha heyneana (Wall.) Markgr. • Tabernaemontana crispa Roxb. • Tabernaemontana heyneana Wall. • Tabernaemontana intercedens Van Heurck & Müll.Arg. •Tabernaemontana oblonga Wall.

tab-er-nay-MON-tah-nuh — named for Jacobus Theodorus Tabernaemontanus (Jakob Theodor von Bergzabern), German pharmacist, physician and botanist … … Dave’s Botanary • Wikipedia
al-tern-ee-FOH-lee-uh — alternate leaves … Dave’s Botanary

commonly known as: alternate-leaved crape jasmine • Kannada: ಬಿಳಿ ಕೊಡಸಲು bili kodasalu, ಹಾಲ್ಮೇಟಿ haalmeti, ಕೊಕ್ಕೆಕಾಯಿ kokke-kaayi, ಮದ್ದರಸ ಗಿಡ maddarasa gida, ಮದ್ಲೆ ಮರ madle mara, ನಾಗರಕುಡ naagar kuda • Konkani: नागिल कुडो nagil kudo • Malayalam: കരുട്ടുപാല karuttupaala, കിങ്ങിണിപാല kinginipaala, കൊക്കപ്പാല kokkappaala, കുണ്ധലപ്പാല kundhalappaala, കുന്നിൻപാല kunninpaala • Marathi: नाग कुडा naag kuda, पांढरा कुडा pandhra kuda • Sanskrit: काम्पिल्लकः kampillakah • Tamil: குண்டலப்பாலா kundalappala, பால்வாடி palvadi • Tulu: ಕೊಕ್ಕೆಕಾಯಿ kokke-kaayi, ಮದ್ದರಸ maddarasa

botanical namesTabernaemontana alternifolia L. … homotypic synonymsErvatamia alternifolia (L.) S.M.Almeida • Pagiantha crispa (Roxb.) Markgr. • Tabernaemontana crispa Roxb. … heterotypic synonymsErvatamia heyneana (Wall.) T.Cooke • Pagiantha heyneana (Wall.) Markgr. • Tabernaemontana heyneana Wall. • Tabernaemontana intercedens Van Heurck & Müll.Arg. • Tabernaemontana oblonga Wall. … POWO, retrieved 22 October 2024

Bibliography / etymology
Links listed as references in the notes below, may not remain valid permanently. Portals / websites have a tendency to re-organize / revise their content, leading to change in URLs of pages in their site. Some sites may even close down at their own will. The bits about the languages of India mentioned below are merely some bare facts gathered from the internet; just enough to satisfy curiosity about “where” could the listed names be best prevalent in India. All English transliterated names to be taken sensu amplo.

~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
written and spoken widely, in most parts of India
alternate-leaved crape jasmine
  • name coined, for want of name; alternate-leaved derived from the epithet alternifolia; crape jasmine (or crepe jasmine) = a generic name given to several species of Tabernaemontana
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~
written in: Kannada (ಕನ್ನಡ) … spoken in: Karnataka
ಬಿಳಿ ಕೊಡಸಲು bili kodasalu, ಹಾಲ್ಮೇಟಿ haalmeti
  • for Tabernaemontana heyneana Wall. … BIOTIK (Biodiversity Informatics and co-operation in Taxonomy for Interactive shared Knowledge base)
ಕೊಕ್ಕೆಕಾಯಿ kokke-kaayi
ಮದ್ದರಸ ಗಿಡ maddarasa gida
ಮದ್ಲೆ ಮರ madle mara
ನಾಗರಕುಡ naagar kuda
~~~~~ KONKANI ~~~~~
written in: Devanagari (कोंकणी), Kannada (ಕೊಂಕಣಿ), Malayalam (കൊങ്കണി), Perso-Arabic (کونکنی), Romi (Konknni) … spoken in: Goa, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Kerala, Gujarat
नागिल कुडो nagil kudo
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~
written in: Malayalam (മലയാളം) … spoken in: Kerala, Lakshadweep
കരുട്ടുപാല karuttupaala
കിങ്ങിണിപാല kinginipaala, കൊക്കപ്പാല kokkappaala
  • for Tabernaemontana heyneana Wall. … AnilKumar N., Salim P.M., Balakrishnan V., Sivan V.V. (2001) – Medicinal Plants known from Wayanad – M S Swaminathan Research Foundation
കുണ്ധലപ്പാല kundhalappaala, കുന്നിൻപാല kunninpaala
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
written in: Devanagari (मराठी) … spoken in: Maharashtra, Karnataka
नाग कुडा naag kuda
पांढरा कुडा pandhra kuda
  • for Tabernaemontana heyneana Wall. … मराठी विश्वकोश – महाराष्ट्र राज्य मराठी विश्वकोश निर्मिती मंडळ
~~~~~ SANSKRIT ~~~~~
written in: Devanagari (संस्कृतम्) … used all over India by priests and scholars
काम्पिल्लकः kampillakah
~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~
written in: Tamil (தமிழ்) … spoken in: Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, Andaman & Nicobar Islands
குண்டலப்பாலா kundalappala, பால்வாடி palvadi
  • for Tabernaemontana heyneana Wall. … BIOTIK (Biodiversity Informatics and co-operation in Taxonomy for Interactive shared Knowledge base)
  • or பல்வடி palvadi … for Tabernaemontana heyneana Wall. … Tamil names of Botanical names by Yercaud Ilango
~~~~~ TULU ~~~~~
written in: Tigalari (Tulu) was used for writing Vedic texts in Sanskrit, Kannada (ತುಳು), Malayalam (തുളു) … spoken in: Karnataka, north Kerala
ಕೊಕ್ಕೆಕಾಯಿ kokke-kaayi
ಮದ್ದರಸ maddarasa
  • Many thanks to Dr Hari Venkatesh K Rajaraman for help with this name … Bodhi Nighantu – a Google Group
Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Goa, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu
NOTE: not endemic to India; known to be distributed globally in Vietnam, peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo
~~~~~ Created on: ¦ Last updated: 13:10 23-10-2024 ~~~~~
Names compiled / updated at

Both Malayalam and English names are correct,

Wikipedia Malayalam says it is കുരുട്ടുപാല kuruttupaala, I think this is correct

Perhaps the spelling in the dictionary is archaic.
Will do the revision shortly.

One Malayalam name revised …
commonly known as: alternate-leaved crape jasmine • Kannada: ಬಿಳಿ ಕೊಡಸಲು bili kodasalu, ಹಾಲ್ಮೇಟಿ haalmeti, ಕೊಕ್ಕೆಕಾಯಿ kokke-kaayi, ಮದ್ದರಸ ಗಿಡ maddarasa gida, ಮದ್ಲೆ ಮರ madle mara, ನಾಗರಕುಡ naagar kuda • Konkani: नागिल कुडो nagil kudo • Malayalam: കുരുട്ടുപാല kuruttupaala, കിങ്ങിണിപാല kinginipaala, കൊക്കപ്പാല kokkappaala, കുണ്ധലപ്പാല kundhalappaala, കുന്നിൻപാല kunninpaala • Marathi: नाग कुडा naag kuda, पांढरा कुडा pandhra kuda • Sanskrit: काम्पिल्लकः kampillakah • Tamil: குண்டலப்பாலா kundalappala, பால்வாடி palvadi • Tulu: ಕೊಕ್ಕೆಕಾಯಿ kokke-kaayi, ಮದ್ದರಸ maddarasa


identification no 130511sn1: Kindly confirm if it is Tabernaemontana alternifolia. Taken at my farm in Mulshi Pune in April11.

Tabernaemontana amblyocarpa तगर

yes, I toothought it was तगर
but never seen this form of petals. 5 times right foot. Interesting.

Its Tabernaemontana alternaefolia Linn. (Hope its growing in wild) (Local name=Nag kuda)

T. amblycarpa is cultivated ornamental plant..

This is Tabernaemontana alternifolia L. of apocynaceae family. (kindly note the spelling)

Tree for ID:AVD: 26Oct 2012_2:  Would appreciate id of a small tree images attached herewith
Possibly it is from Apocynaceae.
Location: Matheran

No flowers observed.

what about Holarrhena pubescens ?

This is Nag Kuda [Tabernaemontana alternifolia, previously T.heyneana].

Thank you for the identification

Pl ID this tree bearing boat shaped fruits :  Attachments (1).  5 posts by 3 authors.
A medium sized tree with orange coloured boat shaped fruits.
Location Fansad WLS, Murud, Raidgad Dist, Maharashtra, date11/5/2013.
It may be Nag kuda as these trees are there.

Pl validate if this is Tabernaemontana alternifolia or otherwise..

Yes …, its Nag Kuda, Nice photographs.

Flower for id – ID05052014SH1 -Tagar variety ? : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1).
Is this Tabernaemontana alternifolia ? (तगर in Marathi )
Location –Sawantwadi (Maharashtra)
Habitat –Wild
Date – 12.y.2014

Looks like Tabernaemontana divaricata

Tabernaemontana alternifolia 


Id of Flower – ID23062020 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
Flower for id pl.- Which species of Tabernaemontana ? Is it alternifolia ?
Location – Ambegaon ( South Konkan, Maharashtra)
Date – April 2014

Yes, Tabernaemontana alternifolia. Very common in Mahe.

I was also thinking on the lines of – it may be Tabernaemonta heyneana ?


Id of Flower – ID23062020 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
Flower for id pl.- Which species of Tabernaemontana ? Is it alternifolia ?
Location – Ambegaon (South Konkan, Maharashtra)
Date – April 2014

Yes, Tabernaemontana alternifolia. Very common in Mahe.


Tabernaemontana alternaefolia—for sharing and validation : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1).

Pic taken at amby valley rd., lonavala, pune in may 13.

Affirmative. This is Nag Kuda. Please check the archives of this group for my photographs of this.

Tabernaemontana alternifolia—for sharing and validation : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1).

Pic taken at ambyvalley rd., lonavala, pune in may 14.

ANMAR36/56 Tabernaemontana heyneana : Attachments (12).  1 post by 1 author.

Family: Apocynaceae
Date: 21st March 2015
Place: Aralam WLS, Kerala

Habit: Tree


Tabernaemontana crispa (Apocynaceae) from Andaman Islands : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)

A common shrub is edges of forests.
It is a synonym of Tabernaemontana alternifolia as per the following reference:
Turner, I. M. 2013. Robinson a century on: the nomenclatural relevance of Roxburgh’s Hortus Bengalensis.  Taxon 62: 152 – 172.

identification (plant/jun15/10) : 8 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (5)
Request identification of photos taken at Jog falls, Shimoga, Karnataka.

Tabernaemontana alternifolia?

There is another species in Karnataka, viz. T. gamblei which has caudate-acuminate leaves and long-beaked apex of fruits.

is this is wild or planted?

efi page on Tabernaemontana alternifolia 
Tabernaemontana species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available)

I have seen the shrub in wild condition in Goa and Andamans (where we were calling it T. crispa).

The status of Tabernaemontana gamblei needs a closer inspection.


Cultivated, garden plant seen at a plant nursery on 6th July,15.

It was a very small sapling with a single flower.

T alternifolia, a small wild tree in w ghats. 

Many thanks for the Species id.

I thought it to be Nag Kuda, wasn’t too sure.

Tabernae alternifolia—for sharing : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)

pic taken at Aambyvalley rd., Lonavala, Pune in April 15.

Tabernaemontana alternifolia L.


Broad leaves, distinct venation tree at Matheran : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (7) – around 900 kb each.

Please find attached evergreen tree picture at Matheran.

Date: Mid December 2018.
This tree was growing well under shade. Age of the tree might be 3-4 years.
Very distinct veins.

Tabernaemontana alternifolia L.

Thank you so much … One more threatened species…
World Conservation Monitoring Centre 1998. Tabernaemontana heyneana. 2006 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
This is called Nagkuda in Marathi and used in Ayurveda..
Wander why someone named it ‘T. alternifolia’ besides opposite diccussate phyllotaxy.

Need to check the flowers before final ID.

yes flowers and may even the fruits, agree with …

Thanks …,
      Do not have fruit or flowers photo with me. The tree seems young age and not matured as per girth of trunk.
Off course I was too far from this tree so could not see fallen fruits etc.
Searched on web about various Tabernaemontana species in India, and following is analysis.
As per photos attached, the bark of the tree is yellowish.
As per /species/a—l/a/apocynaceae/tabernaemontana
Tabernaemontana cerifera: – Shrub
Tabernaemontana dichotoma: – Leaf apex is acute
Tabernaemontana divaricata: – Shrub or very small tree.
The tree in attached photo is not matching with  Tabernaemontana cerifera,  Tabernaemontana dichotoma,  Tabernaemontana divaricata.
Tabernaemontana gamblei:
As per
Range: S India
Habit: Shrub.
The tree in attached photo is not matching with  Tabernaemontana gamblei .
Tabernaemontana pauciflora:
As per
Range: Southeast Asia – Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia, Indo-China, Indonesia.
As per
Range: Tabernaemontana pauciflora is found in Burma, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Borneo, Peninsular Malaysia, Singapore, Java and Sumatra.
The bark is pale grey to grey-brown.
Forest understoreys, often on stream banks from sea-level to 600 metres.
The tree in attached photo is not matching with Tabernaemontana pauciflora due to bark color of the tree in attached photo is more yellowish than gray and the tree in the attached photos was not growing near stream at Matheran, @ Dec 2018. Even did not get any evidence of Tabernaemontana pauciflora growing in Maharashtra state of India.
Conclusion from above comparision: – Any Tabernaemontana species mentioned above is not matching with the tree in the attached photos.

Please do discuss more, may be above analysis is not complete or correct..

Images by Prashant Awale – identified by Mayur Nandikar & Tanay Bose (inserted by Bhagyashri Ranade) 



Flora of Andaman28 Tabernaemontana Sp. -090111-PKA2: 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6)
This is a large shrub around 2 to 3 m looking similar to typical Tagar. Flowers were fragrant with pleasant and soothing smell. I had seen this in wild near a beach close to Port Blair (Andaman & Nicobar). Looks like some Tabernaemontana sp.

Date/Time: 21-12-2010 / 06:45AM
Location: Near Port Blair, Andaman
Habitat: Wild
Plant Habit: Shrub

this may be Tabernaemontana cerifera Panch. & Sebert and might be introduced one

Yes Tabernaemontana cerifera

Looks different from Tabernaemontana cerifera as per Plants From Australia 2018:: Tabernaemontana cerifera-NS April 2020-38 and references at Tabernaemontana cerifera

Tabernaemontana rostrata Wall. ??

Thanking you for your valuable email for confirmation of the species. It seems all are Tabernaemontana crispa APOCYNAceae

There is only T. alternifolia occurring on these islands.

T. crispa is a synonym of T. alternifolia.

Thanks, … Did not check earlier.



identification no 260911sn2:  Kindly identify. Unfortunately I could  manage only one photo due to incessant rains and camera problem.I understand  it may not be possible to identify without sufficient data.I shall try and send more photos later.
location:mulshi, pune
plant habit:Tree or shrub
height:about 7-8 ft.

other info:fruits banana shaped

Most probably Tabernaemontana alternifolia L. (Syn:Tabernaemontana heyneana Wall.) of Apocynaceae family.

Tabernaemontana alternifolia L. !

Yes, I also agree with …


Tabernaemontana alternifolia L. :: Matheran :: Apr 1, 2023 · JUN23 DV244: 5 images.

Tabernaemontana alternifolia L.
Matheran :: Apr 1, 2023 · 10:24 AM IST :: about 800 m (2,625 ft) asl
Many thanks to Radha Veach for validating the ID at iNaturalist


Tabernaemontana alternifolia L. :: Matheran :: Apr 1, 2023 · JUN23 DV247: 9 images.

Tabernaemontana alternifolia L.
Matheran :: Apr 1, 2023 · 10:06 AM IST :: about 800 m (2,625 ft) asl
Many thanks to Radha Veach for validating the ID at iNaturalist


Apocynaceae: Tabernaemontana alternifolia L.: 1 image.
synonyms: Tabernaemontana heyneana Wall., Tabernaemontana crispa Roxb.
location/date: University of Agricultural Sciences campus, Bangalore, July 1997



Updated on December 24, 2024

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