Eryngium billardieri Delile;
Billardiere’s Eryngo;
Plant up to 50 cm tall, stems bluish; radical leaves pinnately divided, petiolate, cauline sessile, margin spiny; flowers sessile; involucre of 6-8 bracts alternating spines; flowers white, hidden in bracts.
. Eryngium billardieri Del., Eryng. Hist. 25, t, 2. 1808.
Plant up to 50 cm tall, stems bluish; radical leaves pinnately divided, petiolate, cauline sessile, margin spiny; flowers sessile; involucre of 6-8 bracts alternating spines; flowers white, hidden in bracts.
Common in Kashmir valley in waste places.
Photographed from Pahalgam in June
Very beautiful plant, thanks for showing Sir..
. References:
Eryngium billardieri
Updated on December 24, 2024