Erythrina mitis Jacq. (syn: Chirocalyx umbrosus Walp.; Corallodendron mite (Jacq.) Kuntze; Corallodendron umbrosum (Kunth) Kuntze; Erythrina umbrosa Kunth); I wrongly identified as butea It is erythrina mitis confirmed from the lalbagh species nice flowers The names in the first picture were wrong as I identified it wrongly But they all are belong to erythrina mitis Leaves are in the first picture Erythrina mitis – 210114 – RK 2 : Attachments (3). 1 post by 1 author,
Is this Palash? I have seen only the orange-coloured variety-Butea monosperma. Would appreciate full ID & other details/info of this tree. Pic taken in Lalbagh on 14-02-10 around 9am. I have seen only the flamed variety of Butea monosperma. Except the colour it has has every character of the Palash tree. It is a species of Erythrina (pl observe the cylindric pods). Which var. of Erytrina. I too feel it is species of Erythrina. Check for Erythrina mitis?. Thank you for the lead.This definitely matches the pics i have sent. Flowers look like Erythrina sandwicensis please check the link Thank you Amit ji but this does not look like the flowers whose pics i have sent. I can only go by the looks of the flower shown in the link-will not be able to describe in Botanical terms tho.. I hope this plant is Erythrina abyssinica. It does seem to be some species of erythrina. Please check the link … I think this Erythrina mitis – Shady Coral Tree. Pictures of one more tree in Lalbagh.12/01/2014
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Erythrina mitis (Cultivated)
Updated on December 24, 2024