Eucalyptus globulus

New South Wales to Tasmania as per WCSP;

Australia (Tasmania, Victoria), N-New Zealand (introduced), S-New Zealand
(introduced), Costa Rica (introduced), El Salvador (introduced), Guatemala
(introduced), Mexico (introduced), Panama (introduced), Bolivia (introduced),
Ecuador (introduced), Peru (introduced), Venezuela (introduced), Colombia
(introduced), Lesser Antilles (introduced) (Guadeloupe (introduced), Martinique
(introduced)), Taiwan (introduced), China (introduced) (Guangxi (introduced),
Sichuan (introduced), Yunnan (introduced), Shaanxi (introduced)), Somalia
(introduced), Palau Isl. (introduced), Hawaii (introduced) (Kauai (introduced),
Oahu (introduced), Maui (introduced), Hawaii Isl. (introduced)), Thailand
(introduced), Andaman Isl. (introduced), Nicobar Isl. (introduced), Vietnam
(introduced), Burma (introduced), Sri Lanka (introduced),
USA (introduced)
(California (introduced)), Philippines (c), Madeira (c), Canary Isl.
(introduced) (Hierro (introduced), La Gomera (introduced), Tenerife
(introduced), Gran Canaria (introduced)), Morocco (c), Rhodos (introduced),
Micronesia (introduced) (Pohnpei) (introduced))
as per Catalogue of Life;




Eucalyptus For ID : California : 03NOV14 : AK-9 : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6).
Eucalyptus Species seen in Fremont on 28th Sept,14.

Very tall trees, name was given as Blue Gum.
I am not sure whether this was referred to as Blue Gum or another posted by me earlier from Fremont.

For me the tree looks like Tasmanian blue gum (E.globulus) . Let us wait for the taxonomic experts view.

Thanks again. One of the Eucalyptus Species was given to me as Blue Gum.
Yes, we will wait for validation from our experts.

I agree with … for id of Eucalyptus globulus as per the images at the following:
by 1 author. Attachments (4)

Posted earlier From Fremont, seen on 28/9/14.

Id suggested as “For me the tree looks like Tasmanian blue gum (E.globulus). Let us wait for the taxonomic experts view.” by …
For validation.

Sorry, forgot to attach picture of the bark.

Here it is….
Updated on December 24, 2024

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