Eugenia singampattiana

Critically endangered as per IUCN Red List (CR) ;

Eugenia singampattiana Bedd., Icon. Pl. Ind. Or. 65 1874. ;

Common name: Jungle Guava • Tamil: காட்டுகொரந்தி Kaattukorandi

SW. India as per WCSP;

Habit- Small trees up to 5 m tall.

Trunk & Bark- Bark brownish, smooth.
Branches and branchlets- Young branchlets subterete to slightly quadrangular, glabrous.
Leaves- Leaves simple, opposite, decussate; petiole 0.2 cm long, canaliculate, glabrous; lamina 6-9.5 × 3.5-6, ovate to lanceolate, apex obtuse or shortly and broadly acuminate with blunt tip, base subcordate, margin entire, pellucid gland dotted, coriaceous, glabrous; midrib canaliculate above; secondary nerves 8 to 11 pairs, not prominent; intramarginal nerve present; tertiary nerves broadly reticulate, slightly visible when dry.
Inflorescence / Flower- Flowers in short crowded racemes, petals white.
Fruit and Seed- Berry, crowned with calyx lobes; seed one.
Understorey trees in dry evergreen forests between 300 and 700 m.
Endemic to the southern Western Ghats- eastern slopes of Agasthyamalai hills.
(Attributions- B. R. Ramesh, N. Ayyappan, Pierre Grard, Juliana Prosperi, S. Aravajy, Jean Pierre Pascal, The Biotik Team, French Institute of Pondicherry from India Biodiversity Portal) 

Collected from the Singampatti and Papanasam Hills. Asian Eugenia are now placed within the genus Syzygium.

The only collections of the species were made over 100 years ago. Dam construction at the Papanasam Hills and clearing for tea and other plantations at the former may have destroyed both populations. The species may now be extinct.

Citation: World Conservation Monitoring Centre. 1998. Eugenia singampattiana. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 1998: e.T31194A9607398. Downloaded on 27 March 2018.



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E. singampattiana was observed in KMTR, TN.

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Rehabilitation approach for Eugenia singampattiana Beddome – an endemic and critically endangered tree species of southern tropical evergreen forests in India Manoj Kumar Sarcar, Aruna Basu Sarcar and V. Chelladurai (Abstract- Eugenia singampattiana Beddome is one of the endemic and threatened tree species of southern Western Ghats in Peninsular India with medicinal value. After more than 112 years since Beddome’s collection, the species could be recollected from the same locality in evergreen forests of Singampatti and Papanasam Reserved Forests in Tamil Nadu. The endemic zone of this species is located in the surroundings of the Hope lake at Kalakad Mudandurai Tiger Reserve (17th Tiger Project of India) in Tirunelveli district, Tamil Nadu. The threatened status of E. singampattina is reassessed in this article. Botanical description, growth habit, phenology, morphological features, silvicultural characters and medicinal properties are provided. Its natural distribution zone, places of endemism, the phytogeographic parameters of the area of provenance are described with related maps. Immediate need to protect and propagate this critically endangered species is emphasized and its methods of artificial reproduction are elaborated. Finally, conservation measures recommended to stop further erosional process of the species are discussed.)
Updated on December 24, 2024

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