Eulophia nuda Lindl., Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl.: 180 (1833) (syn: Cyrtopera fusca Wight; Cyrtopera gardneri Thwaites; Cyrtopera godefroyi Rchb.f.; Cyrtopera laxiflora Gardner ex Thwaites; Cyrtopera mysorensis Lindl.; Cyrtopera nuda (Lindl.) Rchb.f.; Cyrtopera plicata Lindl.; Cyrtopera regnieri Rchb.f.; Cyrtopera squalida (Lindl.) Rchb.f.; Cyrtopodium regnieri (Rchb.f.) Mottet; Cyrtopodium squalidum (Lindl.) S.Vidal; Eulophia bicolor Dalzell; Eulophia burkei Rolfe ex Downie; Eulophia celebica Blume; Eulophia elata Hook.f.; Eulophia elongata Blume; Eulophia fusca (Wight) Blume; Eulophia hildebrandii Schltr.; Eulophia holochila Collett & Hemsl.; Eulophia lutea Blume; Eulophia macgregorii Ames; Eulophia mucronata Blume; Eulophia regnieri (Rchb.f.) Guillaumin; Eulophia spectabilis Suresh; Eulophia squalida Lindl.; Eulophia sumatrana Blume; Geodorum pierrei Gagnep.; Graphorkis elata (Hook.f.) Kuntze; Graphorkis holochila (Collett & Hemsl.) Kuntze; Graphorkis nuda (Lindl.) Kuntze; Graphorkis squalida (Lindl.) Kuntze; Graphorkis sumatrana (Blume) Kuntze; Phaius steppicola Hand.-Mazz.; Semiphajus chevalieri Gagnep.; Wolfia spectabilis Dennst.); . Eulophia spectabilis (Dennst.) Suresh , Interpret. Van Rheede’s Hort. Malab. 300 1988. (Syn: Cyrtopera bicolor (Ridl.) Ridl. ……….; Eulophia bicolor Dalzell ………..; Graphorchis elata (Hook. f.) Kuntze (Unresolved) ……..; Graphorkis elata (Hook.f.) Kuntze ….; Phaius steppicolus Hand.-Mazz.; Semiphajus chevalieri Gagnep.; Wolfia spectabilis Dennst.); . yoo-LOH-fee-uh — from Greek eu (well, &c.) and lophos (crested); referring to well crested labellum … Dave’s Botanary • efloraofindia speck-TAB-ih-liss — spectacular … Dave’s Botanary . commonly known as: spectacular eulophia • Bengali: বন সিঙাড়া ban singara, বুধুয়ার budbar bari • Gujarati: અમરકંદ amarkand • Hindi: अमरकन्द amarkand, अम्बरकन्द ambarkand, गोरूमा goruma • Marathi: अमरकंद amarkand, अंबरकंद ambarkand, लसूणकंद lasunkand, मानकंद manakand • Nepali: अमरकन्द amarkand • Sanskrit: बलकन्द balakanda, ग्रन्थिदला granthidala, कन्दलता kandalata, मालाकन्द malakanda, पङ्क्तिकन्द panktikanda, त्रिशिखदला trishikhadala • Tibetan: ri ddhi . Native to: s China, tropical Asia to w Pacific . Names of Plants in India :: Eulophia spectabilis: via Species > E > Eulophia spectabilis (Dennst.) Suresh
2nd edition … 1 image. yoo-LOH-fee-uh — from Greek eu (well, &c.) and lophos (crested); referring to well crested labellum … Dave’s Botanary • efloraofindia speck-TAB-ih-liss — spectacular … Dave’s Botanary commonly known as: spectacular eulophia • Bengali: বন সিঙাড়া ban singara, বুধুয়ার budbar bari • Gujarati: અમરકંદ amarkand • Hindi: अमरकन्द amarkand, अम्बरकन्द ambarkand, गोरूमा goruma • Marathi: अमरकंद amarkand, अंबरकंद ambarkand, लसूणकंद lasunkand, मानकंद manakand • Nepali: अमरकन्द amarkand • Sanskrit: बलकन्द balakanda, ग्रन्थिदला granthidala, कन्दलता kandalata, मालाकन्द malakanda, पङ्क्तिकन्द panktikanda, त्रिशिखदला trishikhadala • Tibetan: ri ddhi Eulophia spectabilis (Dennst.) Suresh … synonyms: Cyrtopera nuda (Lindl.) Rchb.f. • Eulophia nuda Lindl. • Graphorchis nuda (Lindl.) Kuntze • Wolfia spectabilis Dennst. … status at The Plants List (2013). Version 1.1. May 28, 2011 … Mahabaleshwar yoo-LOH-fee-uh — Greek: eu (well, good, thoroughly, completely); lophos (crested); referring to well crested labellum … efloraofindia • Dave’s Botanary commonly known as: spectacular eulophia • Bengali: বন সিঙাড়া ban singara, বুধুয়ার budbar bari • Gujarati: અમરકંદ amarkand • Hindi: अमरकन्द amarkand, अम्बरकन्द ambarkand, गोरूमा goruma • Kannada: ಹಾವಿನಮೂತಿ ಗೆಡ್ಡೆ haavina moothi gedde, ಹಾವಿನಮೋರೆ ಗೆಡ್ಡೆ haavina more gedde • Malayalam: ചിലന്തിക്കിഴങ്ങ് chilantikkizhangu • Marathi: अमरकंद amarkand, अंबरकंद ambarkand, लसूणकंद lasunkand, मानकंद manakand • Nepali: अमरकन्द amarkand • Sanskrit: बलकन्द balakanda, ग्रन्थिदला granthidala, कन्दलता kandalata, मालाकन्द malakanda, पङ्क्तिकन्द panktikanda, त्रिशिखदला trishikhadala • Tibetan: ri ddhi botanical names: Eulophia nuda Lindl. … homotypic synonyms: Cyrtopera nuda (Lindl.) Rchb.f. • Eulophia spectabilis Suresh • Graphorkis nuda (Lindl.) Kuntze … and a lonng list of heterotypic synonyms … POWO Bibliography / etymology ~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~ spectacular eulophia
~~~~~ BENGALI ~~~~~ বন সিঙাড়া ban singara
বুধুয়ার budbar bari
~~~~~ GUJARATI ~~~~~ અમરકંદ amarkand
~~~~~ HINDI ~~~~~ अमरकन्द amarkand
अम्बरकन्द ambarkand, गोरूमा goruma
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~ ಹಾವಿನಮೂತಿ ಗೆಡ್ಡೆ haavina moothi gedde, ಹಾವಿನಮೋರೆ ಗೆಡ್ಡೆ haavina more gedde
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~ अमरकंद amarkand
अंबरकंद ambarkand, मानकंद manakand
लसूणकंद lasunkand
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~ ചിലന്തിക്കിഴങ്ങ് chilantikkizhangu ~~~~~ NEPALI ~~~~~ अमरकन्द amarkand
~~~~~ SANSKRIT ~~~~~ बलकन्द balakanda, ग्रन्थिदला granthidala, कन्दलता kandalata, मालाकन्द malakanda, पङ्क्तिकन्द panktikanda, त्रिशिखदला trishikhadala
~~~~~ TELUGU ~~~~~ no given name / no name found
~~~~~ TIBETAN ~~~~~ ri ddhi
~~~~~ x ~~~~~ Names compiled / updated at Kannada name(s) of Eulophia nuda Lindl. (syn. Eulophia spectabilis Suresh) Here are some Kannada names of Eulophia nuda Lindl. (syn. Eulophia spectabilis Suresh) … daavaniya gedde, haavina more gedde, havina moothi gedde … ENVIS / FRLHT But I am not sure whether they are valid or not. Please help me with them in Kannada script if you find them valid. Please take your time; no hurry at all. This is with reference to the clarification required in respect of the following Kannada names : a) Daavaniya gedde: ದಾವಣಿಯ ಗೆಡ್ಡೆ (daavaniya = half sari’s ; gedde = tuber); Half-sari’s tuber b) Haavina more gedde: ಹಾವಿನಮೋರೆ ಗೆಡ್ಡೆ( haavina more = snake’s face; gedde = tuber) snake’s face like tuber c) Havina moothi gedde: ಹಾವಿನಮೂತಿ ಗೆಡ್ಡೆ (havina moothi = snakes snout; gedde = tuber) snake’s snout like tuber In my view the names suggested at (b) & (c) are quite good/ appropriate as they refer to the shape of the floral display. In my opinion you may include these two names. I am not sure of the name at (a). I know only the one meaning of the word Daavaniya, which means half saree.I donot know how far it (plant) resembles half-sari I could not get any other meaning for this word. Hence my doubt. Thank you very much dear … for help with the names of Eulophia nuda Lindl. We will go with: ಹಾವಿನಮೋರೆ ಗೆಡ್ಡೆ haavina more gedde … haavina more = snake’s face; gedde = tuber … snake’s face like tuber ಹಾವಿನಮೂತಿ ಗೆಡ್ಡೆ Havina moothi gedde … havina moothi = snakes snout; gedde = tuber … snake’s snout like tuber We will drop the ambiguous ದಾವಣಿಯ ಗೆಡ್ಡೆ daavaniya gedde from our compilation. Freak Orchid Flower: This is for sure Eulophia spectabilis earlier known as Eulophia nuda. . Eulophia confusion: With reference to the August posts of … and …, there still seems to be some doubt over the simple herb Eulophia nuda. It is called amarkand or goruma in hindi, mankand in marathi, budhuvar in bengali. The root grows in the konkan area and himalaya valley. I would appreciate any knowledge of its availability. Eulophia nuda is now called Eulophia spectabilis and it is widespread in India, especially downwards from Jharkhand, Central India…. It is also reported from western Himalaya. My post was about ‘fused’ (not confused) corolla, ie of a freak flower of E. spectabilis syn E. nuda. Eulophia spectabilis a terrestrial Orchid : Attachments (1). 7 posts by 6 authors. here a beautiful terrestrial Orchid (Eulophia spectabilis) Location- Forest area near the Barkagaon (Jharkhand), date I saw in flowering is : 12-6-2013, season is pre monsoon, Orchidaceae fortnight :: Eulophia spectabilis :: Mahabaleshwar :: DV17 : 8 images. 12 posts by 6 authors. Eulophia spectabilis (Dennst.) Suresh yoo-LOH-fee-uh — from Greek eu (well, &c.) and lophos (crested); referring to well crested labellum … ‡ speck-TAB-ih-liss — spectacular … Dave’s Botanary NEW-duh — nude, naked … Dave’s Botanary commonly known as: spectacular eulophia • Bengali: budbar bari • Hindi: अमरकन्द amarkand, अम्बरकन्द ambarkand, गोरूमा goruma • Marathi: अमरकंद amarkand, अंबरकंद ambarkand, मानकंद manakand • Sanskrit: बलकन्द balakanda, मालाकन्द malakanda Native to: s China, tropical Asia to w Pacific References: Flowers of India • JK Healthworld • ENVIS – FRLHT • Flowers of Sahyadri by Shrikant Ingalhalikar at Mahabaleshwar on 28 MAY 11 and 10 JUN 12 Yes Eulophia spectabilis. Beautiful pictures. More colours have been reported in this species from wild. Very good shots. All sp. names of Eulophia seem to be of the description about the flowers and not places or scientists. Again I couldn’t find this in BSI Flora Eulophia andamanensis I take my words back. My observation was based on the list of sp. mentioned in BSI Flora mah. Thank you very much … for the appreciation. Eulophia nuda treated as synonym of E. spectabilis could be covered in flora, please check. Oh yes Eulophia nuda is there. Didn’t know the synonymy. Orchidaceae fortnight :: Eulophia nuda : at Mahabaleshwar :: PKA45::: : Attachments (7). 6 posts by 4 authors. This herb was photographed at Mahabaleshwar. Saw this in two different colours. Sharing the photographs…. Bot. name: Eulophia nuda. This is Eulophia spectabilis.
No this is Eulophia spectabilis !! ORCHIDACEAE Juss. Fortnight: Eulophia spectabilis (Dennst.) Suresh from Jharkhand, PKS-137 : Attachments (1). 2 posts by 2 authors. Eulophia spectabilis (Dennst.) Suresh in D.H.Nicolson, C.R.Suresh & K.S.Manilal, Interpret. Van Rheede’s Hort. Malab.: 300 (1988). Beautiful slide Is it Eulophia spectabilis ? : Attachments (1). 3 posts by 2 authors. Habitat : Wild. Habit : Herb ? Place : Rabung, Mizoram. Note : Probably medicinal plant. TSP-APR2016-10-310: Images of Eulophia spectabilis (Orchidaceae) : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (6) It is my pleasure to share few images of Eulophia spectabilis (Orchidaceae) Ref: Habit: Herb Habitat: Terrestrial, wild, Moist deciduous forest fringe. Sighting: Mudigere, Chikmagalur, Karnataka, about 1200 msl Date:16-04-2016 Spectacular orchid….. and Wonderful images …!! TSP-JUL2016-03-403:Images of Eulophia spectabilis (Orchidaceae)-Leaves : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) It is my pleasure to present few images of leaves of Eulophia spectabilis (Orchidaceae) Ref:My earlier upload no. TSP-APR2016-10-310: Images of Eulophia spectabilis (Orchidaceae) Habit: Herb Habitat: Wild, terrestrial, moist-deciduous forest fringe Sighting: Mudigere, Chikmagalur, Karnataka, about 1200 msl Date: 22-06-2016 Again not easy to confirm without flowers. TSP-AUG2016-02-423: Fruiting in Eulophia spectabilis (Orchidaceae) : 8 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1) Revisited the plant, Eulophia spectabilis (Orchidaceae) that I had uploaded earlier, and was amazed to find it in fruiting stage…! Ref: My earlier uploads:TSP-APR2016-10-310 And TSP-JUL2016-03-403 Habit: Herb Habitat: Wild, terrestrial, moist-deciduous forest fringe. Sighting: Mudigere, Chikmagalur, Karnataka, about 1200 msl Cant confirm with this pic. But nice to see an orchid fruiting. I followed this particular E.spectabilis plant through its different stages of flowering, emergence of foliage and now this one, fruiting. If you have seen the flower then its perfect. Thanks for letting me know.
You know sir, there are so many Eulophias in India, most of the fruits of this genus look same except for a very few like zollingeri and flava. I have seen E. spectabilis, E. herbacea and E. explanata growing together with Geodorum. Ofcourse Geodorum you can make out from the curved stalk, but rest cant be differentiated so easily unless you have already seen the flower. But its all about opinion. Some say its half glass empty, others say its half glass full. TSP-JUN-2017-03-464:Image of Eulophia spectabilis (Orchidaceae) visited by a bee. : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) Presenting an image of Eulophia spectabilis (Orchidaceae) visited by a bee.Could the bee be a pollinator…?? Habit: Terrestrial herb Habitat: Wild, Moist deciduous forest Sighting: Near Chikmagalur, Karnataka, about 1000 msl Date: 20-04-2017 Very nice. Yes Eulophia spectabilis. TSP-JUN2017-02-463: Images of Eulophia spectabilis (Orchidaceae) : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4) Presenting few images of Eulophia spectabilis (Orchidaceae) Habit:Terrestrial herb Habitat:Wild,Moist deciduous forest. Sighting:Near Chikmagalur,Karnataka,about 1000 msl Date:20–04-2017 Yes this is also Eulophia spectabilis. There is a yellow colour variant is also found. Thanks for sharing.
Orchid for ID_II – efloraofindia | Google Groups .
A plant found growing on a hill side in Manipur, at altitudes of 800-1000 m. Found flowering in early May. It reminds me of some Curcuma species. Any help in identification will be welcome. Forgot to add that the flowering stem seems to be arising out of the ground. It appears to be one type of Ground Orchid popularly called Pine pink Pankaj Kumar says that it is a Eulophia orchid species, probably Eulophia nuda. . 558 ID wild Orchid: 20 high res. images. Please ID wild Orchid, Location: bloomed near Vannappuram Thodupuzha Idukki Kerala INDIA Altitude: 1500fsl Flower date: 02MAY2022, 03.25pm Habitat: wild moisture rock outcrop evergreen misty sloppy canopied alpine Plant habit: terrestrial Orchid, erect unbranched, weak cylindrical pseudostem 01cm base diameter, rhizomatous, annual Height: 02 feet Leaves: alternate elongated acute simple wavy, size upto: 02 feet × 7cm Flower: terminal spike inflorescence, clustered, diameter:25mm, purplish with white, non fragrant Fruit: green into brown ovoid ridges pendulous size: 05x1cm Seed: Camera: CANON EOS1500D +FL10x Eulophia nuda Lindl. Yes, it is dear …, thank you very much for ID my plant, sharing fruit image. Yes these are Eulophia nuda. . References: |
Eulophia nuda
Updated on December 24, 2024