Eulophia species- corms

please help me get these names 2: 2 images.
Posting these separately species wise, to reduce confusion in ids and as per posting guidelines from please help me get these names. (from …):
I got these herbs from my trip to Chitrakoot. One shop was selling lots of herbs. I got some more herbs as they were dirt cheap. He did put name stickers in the pouch but Now the problem is that I can not get the correct common or English names of these items.
Can you please help me identify these herbs based on your knowledge and the names he had provided (he may be wrong because he had to sell them anyway).

Another image from ‘I don’t know the names‘.

Resembles Bulbophyllum sp.

And Eulophia sp also

Just “singhara” is known to most of us – water chestnut (Trapa natans)

Here the label is “van singhara” … ID needs to be known – to attempt searching English name(s).

It is hard to identify without flowers. But this should be Eulophia.

The corms look alive so if you put it in a bit of sand in a pot, then you may get the flowering soon. This is good time. Don not water too much. If Eulophia then it needs a dry phase to flower and if Geodorum it will flower on the onset of monsoon. All Geodorums are Eulophia now.

Updated on December 23, 2024