Euphorbia cyathophora

Painted-leaf Poinsettia, Summer Poinsettia, Mexican Fire Plant, Mexican Fire Plant, Painted-leaf spurge • Hindi: तितली फूल Titli phool;
Euphorbia cyathophora is characterised by red patches at the bases of leaves around the cyathia. In E. pulcherrima, the leaves around the cyathia are completely coloured, red, yellow or yellow-orange; 


Euphorbiaceae Week: Euphorbia cyathophora from Delhi: Euphorbia cyathophora Murray, Commentat. Soc. Regiae Sci. Gott. 7:81. 1786
syn: Euphorbia heterophylla auct. (non L.) 
Poinsettia cyathophora (Murray) Klotzsch & Garcke
A small annual with entire or lobed leaves with uper leaves red at base, cultivated and often naturalised. Often found as escape in Delhi in Wastelands and shaded areas. 




Painted Leaf Poinsettia  from Ranthambore.
Botanical name   :  Euphorbia cyathophora
Date :   16.10.2010 

Attaching the keys for the Genus Euphorbia of Euphorbiaceae from Dr. Almeida’s flora, Vol IV-B, pg 304 to
306. The length of the keys itself indicative of the large number of plants in the Genus Euphorbia.



Euphorbia cyathophora (27/04/2011 – NSJ-02): Euphorbia cyathophora (Poinsettia) from Public gardens Hyderabad (Apr-2011)





Flora of Haryana: Euphorbia cythophora from roadside area GT Road Karnal Euphorbia cythophora from roadside area GT Road Karnal
An escape growing wild in abundance 



Please validate if this plant is Euphorbia cyathophora Murr.
Pics recorded from my college where this is planted for ornamental value..

Yes … Good photographs


Euphorbia cyathophora Murray  
Native of the Americas; widely naturalized or cultivated.  
in garden, Kamshet near Lonavala on 01 MAY 08  

I am at a loss that I did not contact you earlier for contributing some images for publication in the Flora of India Volume 23.  I was not knowing about your photography at all. I was searching everywhere for good photos of Euphorbiaceae.  Now it is too late.  the Volume is already published by Botanical Survey of India.  Date of publication 31st Oct. 2012.



Painted leaf poinsettia from Ranthambore Wildlife sanctuary – November 2009

Correct identification.

Euphorbia cyathophora Murray is a rare wild herb in Pantnagar.

A commonest species




Euphorbia cyathophora Murray, Commentat. Soc. Regiae Sci. Gott. 7:81. 1786
syn: Euphorbia heterophylla auct. (non L.)
Poinsettia cyathophora (Murray) Klotzsch & Garcke
A small annual with entire or lobed leaves with uper leaves red at base, cultivated and often naturalised. Often found as escape in Delhi in Wastelands and shaded areas.



Sharing the images of Euphorbia cyathophora from Adyar, Chennai.

Yes, this is Euphorbia cyathophora Murray



 EUPHORBIACEAE FORTNIGHT :: Euphorbia pulcherrima :: SMP 25 : 1 image. 5 posts by 4 authors.

Euphorbia pulcherrima

Correct identification Sir.

To me this looks like E. cyathophora instead…

I too think E. cyathophora

This is Euphorbia cyathophora Murray, characterised by red patches at the bases of leaves around the cyathia.

In E. pulcherrima, the leaves around the cyathia are completely coloured, red, yellow or yellow-orange.




This fast propagating herb was shot from various places including Panipat, Patiala etc.
I hope this is rightly identified as Euphorbia cyathophora

Yes, this is Euphorbia cyathophora Murray

Euphorbia Cyathophora from Hyderabad.

Yes, this is Euphorbia cyathophora Murray



Euphorbia heterophylla var. cyathophora (Murray) Griseb. : 6 posts by 2 authors. 4 images- 6 to 7 mb each. 
Location: Kalimpong, WB, India
Date:  27  November 2019 
Elevation: 1350m.
Habitat: Cultivated

Euphorbia cyathophora Murray is the current name. Euphorbia heterophylla var. cyathophora (Murray) Griseb. is synonym  of the former.  

Updated on December 24, 2024

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