Euphorbia fusiformis Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 62 1825. (Syn: Euphorbia acaulis Roxb.; Euphorbia humilis Royle [Illegitimate]);
Cymes 3 times dichotomous, bracts triangular-lanceolate…..Euphorbia panchganiensis
, Euphorbias:
Two plants growing on high elevation lateritic plateau of Kas during burning sun in April. Plants with short underground stem and radical leaves
Cymes once dichotomous, bracts ovate-lanceolate…………..Euphorbia fusiformis
Cymes 3 times dichotomous, bracts triangular-lanceolate…..Euphorbia panchganiensis
Kas Week: Phoenix of Kas 2: Another plant that rejuvenates from ashes in summer on Kas plateau is Euphorbia fusiformis.
The cymes are only about 3-5 cm tall rising directly from the ground. This stemless plant bears large thick leaves during rains which are foraged by animals.
Another species E. nana is also found but is hard to differentiate as per key (cymes 2 or 3 times dichotomous?) Brilliant …! Some of my photographs to complement yours are available at this link Excellent shot … Thanks for sharing this picture. I think .. plant looks different and perhaps qualifies to Euphorbia nana as mentioned by you. It also matches with the illustration here: My plants were identified by Dr. Almeida on a visit to my property on the 12th of August 2007. Have been maintaining records of the flora & fauna in my forest since 1996. I have been wondering at mother nature’s conserving and re-using the design and mechanism over and over again… this red euphorbia seems to be coming out of the ground from the humus accumlated from the last years decay… similar red flowering structure comes out thousands of miles away in the pacific northwest americas, they are called the snow plant Sarcodes sanguinea…
see a pic at worldofstock Its uncanny how a fungus flower is reminiscent of a euphorbia….. Thanks for showing it … .
Euphorbia fusiformis : 2 posts by 2 authors.
Of late there are discussions on E. fusiformis. During my tenure at Pune form 2008 – 2011 I have seen the species and its allies in field. After discussion with my colleagues there I find that the group needs to be studied in field for a reevaluation. They vary very much according to the ecological factors. I agree with … There is considerable variation in the species complex of geophytic Eupborbias of India belonging to the subgenus Rhizanthium. Somebody has to take up detailed field observations in various habitats and eco-habitats, covering the same plant over several years. Then only we can understand the ecological parameters affecting the morphology. Any enterprising youngster willing to venture into the challenging task?
Would like to share images of beautiful Euphorbia fusiformis.
The inflorescence emerges before the leaves.
Amongst the usual reddish flowers of E.fusiformis, there were flowers that were yellow in colour. I guess they are also fusiformis and this is just a colour variation (similar to albino flowers we come across). But would like to seek confirmation. It is really wonderful. We could have published these photos in Flora of India, Volume 23 but it is now too late. Please post such photos continuously. Thank you so much for the good words. I just wanted to know whether the yellow flowers are of E.fusiformis or not. I guess it is merely a colour variation.. This is E. fusiformis. The colour varies from yellow to red. Very good … Would you post the plant with vegetative characters in the same thread? Thank you …. Yes I will post the leaves once they emerge in the rainy season. Why not it is Euphorbia nana? see the following post This is the burning question and that is why critical field studies are required,. Euphorbia nana flowers are green and flowers are present with foliage. It looks much different. Let us wait for other’s opinions also. What about Euphorbia panchganiensis E. panchganiensis is treated as a synonym of E. nana in the Flora of India Volume 23. Personally I think E. pachganiensis Blatt. and McCann is a distinct species. That is why … and me are emphasizing on critical field observations. Pl. click on another thread here. Would like to add more information on this. There are around hundred flowers blooming at the location from where these images have been clicked. What I have observed is that within this small population itself, there seem to be noticable variation. We have been discussing about E.fusiformis. I would like to keep on updating this thread with more images.
Attached are few more images of this geophytic Euphorbia.
There was something different I observed about the fruits.
In one of the plant, the fruits were 5 celled while in most of the plants the capsules are 3 celled.
I would like to know if this is significant feature for species differentiation or just another stray morphological variation.
The first 3 images show 5 celled capsules while the last image indicates 3 celled one. ID this plant : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2).
Found this plant At kaas plateau Satara May 2014 These seem to be young leaves of Euphorbia fusiformis. Normally they appear after first showers.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() identify this plant : Attachments (2). 10 posts by 6 authors. this some one told me as kundli kiwi gadde in kannada , could some one identify this. pls mension the hindi and botanical name as well. Interesting plant! I have not seen this. Could it be Euphorbia panchganiensis? Then it is a rare plant. I am not sure but. However it is not E. acaulis. Can you give more info…like where did u see this, did u observe any tuber, … this one is having a tuber of length 12cm to 15 cm and 4 cm wide. this also having a male plant which is having only two leaves. Thank you for reminding me the name. I think it is Euphorbia decaryi which is a species of plant in the Euphorbiaceae family endemic to Madagascar. i am not sure yet bt plz refer to this plant & compare your sample. Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical dry forests, subtropical or tropical dry shrubland, and rocky areas. It is threatened by habitat loss. i previously posted for this entity efi thread… To me looks like sps. of Kalenchoe, but .. This is a Euphorbia sp. if it is indigenous and found in the wilderness in rocky habitats. As I could not make out from the mail the location, timing of photo, it is difficult to comment any more. If this plant has a tuber then it is most probably Euphorbia fusiformis Buch-Ham. ex D.Don
. References:
Euphorbia fusiformis
Updated on December 24, 2024