Euphorbia myrsinites L., Sp. Pl. 461 1753. (syn: Endoisila myrsinites (L.) Raf.; Euphorbion myrsinitum (L.) St.-Lag.; Galarhoeus myrsinites (L.) Haw.; Murtekias myrsinites (L.) Raf.; Tithymalus myrsinites (L.) Hill);
Euphorbiaceae Fortnight: Euphorbia myrsinites from California-GS-35 : Attachments (2). 1 post by 1 author. Euphorbiaceae Fortnight :: Euphorbia for ID 3 :: Cambridge :: MK 012 : Attachments (2). 2 posts by 2 authors.
Please help me to identify this herb.
Date: 28 March 2011
Place: Cambridge Botanical Gardens, UK This does not fit into any known Indian species. I am unable to identify it. Euphorbia myrsinites L. ?? Yes, Euphorbia myrsinites seems possible as per images at . Location: Kew, London, UK
Altitude: 19 m.
Date: 04 April 2022
Habit : Cultivated /Labeled
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Euphorbia myrsinites (Introduced- USA/ UK)
Updated on December 24, 2024