Euphorbia pycnostegia var. zornioides

Euphorbia pycnostegia var. zornioides (Boiss.) Santapau, Bull. Bot. Soc. Bengal 8: 11 1955. (Syn: Chamaesyce zornioides (Boiss.) Soják; Euphorbia zornioides Boiss.);

Prostrate or ascending, glabrous annual herbs. Leaves opposite, cordately linear-oblong obtuse or mucronate serrulate; floral distichously imbricating broadly ovate cordate. Involucres subsolitary glabrous, lobes fimbriate; limb of glands large entire rosy; cocci obtusely angled glabrous. Styles short, 2-lobed; seeds smooth or papillose.
Hill slopes and grassy lands
Endemic to India
(Attributions- Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi

Mullayanagiri Karnataka
Date: 14 NOV 2016 … Altitude: ~ 1,925 m (6,316 ft) asl
Euphorbia ¿ species ? … (family: Euphorbiaceae)
Dear friends,
Hoping that the photos and details of place, altitude help in recognizing the species of Euphorbia.

looks like Euphorbia notoptera, but not sure.

Thank you very much …; to me too looks like Euphorbia notoptera.

The plant appears to be Euphorbia elegans Spreng., endemic to Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. The distinguishing feature of the species is that the cyathia are partially or completely concealed inside the closely imbricate uppermost  leaves.

Thank you very very much … for the ID.

Identified as Euphorbia pycnostegia var. zornioides (Boiss.) Santapau at iNaturalist by Nathan Taylor and Sushant More.

Euphorbia elegans Spreng. characterised by the cyathia concealed within the uppermost imbricate leaves.

As I’m sure you’re aware, E. pycnostegia also has imbricate upper leaves, as do the other members of sect. Elegantes.  Based on the glabrous internodes (flowering and lower), I am fairly certain this is E. pycnostegia var. zornioides.  In the first photo, a single fruit is also barely visible and it appears glabrous and obtusely lobed.  I am reading from The Genus (as per The Genus Euphorbia L. (Euphorbiaceae) in India a Taxonomic Revision but the information is supported by my own observations of the type specimens available on JSOR Plants and other online herbarium databases.
First couplet of the key to sect. Elegantes:
“1a. Plants glabrous; stems reddish brown; leaves whitish to pale green on lower surface; limbs of gland less than 1.2 mm across, almost entire … E. pycnostegia
1b. Plants pubescent or hairy; stems pale brown or grey; leaves green or pale green on lower surface; limbs of glands more than 1.5 mm across, sinuous or palmately lobed ……… 2″


Id this Euphorbia sp.:   Location – Matheran, Maharashtra.
Captured in October 2012.

… perhaps Euphorbia notoptera.
Let us wait for validating comments.

… has posted same flower close up in Indian flora…there also u might have seen comment as E.notoptera only..but when i tried to search on Kew site for its Herbarium sheets…i got and posted there and ask … whether your plant look same in appearance then he replied no……….this is pretty confusing to identify plants only with flower close up… i have requested … from next onward please click leave photo..and entire habit as well….

I have a suggestion to the photographer(s) – a genuine suggestion. I have observed photographer(s) clicking the species in dark/black background and then upload it for ID purpose. Such clicks are not sufficient for IDing the species. Such clicks not only hide the habitat but also sometimes the habit of the plant species. My request to the clicker(s) that atleast for the ID purpose please post/upload your clean and clear click without much of photography skill.

I would say people must learn from …

yes in first look i ws think its E.notoptera bt wen i saw Kew herbarium, I feel both r differ frm one another.
n snaps make confusing, bcoz second

This Euphorbia is not indigenous to India. It is an introduced plant, either from Africa or America. At present I do not recollect having seen any like this. Sent the photos to Kew. Somebody there may be able to identify.

Can it be Euphorbia notoptera Boiss.?

Not E. notoptera (note the imbricate leaves). Another example of E. pycnostegia ssp. zornioides.

The imbriate upper leaves indicate that this is most probably Euphorbia pycnostegia ssp. zornioides (Boiss.) Santapau



For ID 171109PKA-3 :  Attachments(3). 6 posts by 4 authors.
Came across this plant near Matheran (14-11-09).
I could not see any leaves.

Could it be Euphorbia cristata, not very sure.

The images are not adequate for identification. Unless the whole plant with leaves are separated from the bush and photographed, perhaps it would be possible to identify it. However, the white leaves subtending the cyathia and bending down are quite unusual in Euphorbia. It is worth investigating the plant further and a detailed study would be interesting

The plant in the photos is almost certainly Euphorbia pycnostegia var. zornioides. Note the glabrous fruits.

Or can it be Euphorbia elegans Spreng. as per images and details herein, instead of Euphorbia pycnostegia var. zornioides?

Note the glabrous fruit and flowering internodes. This separates it from E. pycnostegia var. pycnostegia. Euphorbia elegans is hairy on the fruits, stems, and leaves. I think there are seed differences between all three too. The information is from The Genus Euphorbia L. (Euphorbiaceae) in India a Taxonomic Revision (Binojkumar & Balakrishnan) and supported by my own observations of the type specimens.



Euphorbiaceae fortnight :: Euphorbia for id :: mm6 : Attachments (1). 1 post by 1 author.

small euphorbia from mahabaleshwar
with tiny pink flowers
single plant clinging to a stony ledge
photographed in the last month of september
unfortunately all the photographs are from the same angle
I had posted it earlier
at that time it was suggested that may be Euphorbia elegans Spreng by …
I would very much appreciate an id

Going by flower image, I think it is more closer to images at Euphorbia pycnostegia var. zornioides


References: The Plant List Ver.1.1  WCSP  India Biodiversity Portal  Flora of Peninsular India

Updated on December 24, 2024

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