Euphorbia rosea or Euphorbia dioeca ?



identification of Euphorbia requested : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
it is a prostate plant, stretched in 10-15cm radius. capsule densely hispid. May anyone clarify if it is Euphorbia hispida or some other species

It is photographed at Rapur (Velugonda hills of Easternghats) a dry deciduous forest. We could not find any such specimen at BSI Hyderabad or SKD Ananthapur.

This is quite unlike any species of Euphorbia I have seen. Such serrate leaves are not found in any Indian species. Probably it is  a new intrduction. It needs detailed analysis. Please ask the collector to gather fresh specimens, dissect the cyathia, make sketches and detailed descriptions and send to me for further analysis.

later Sir personally mailed me it as Euphorbia rosea, after I submitted full notes and drawings.

This species shows unequal limbs of glands and appears to be close to Euphorbia rosea Retz.

This is a very interesting find. It is likely the North American E. dioeca, but a photograph of the seeds would be needed to confirm this. Almost certainly a part of that species complex. I don’t think there are any Old World species with unequal glandular appendages like this (there are one or two species endemic to Africa, but those are much different). If photographs of the seeds can be obtained, I would be interested in seeing this again.

What about Euphorbia rosea?

It is quite different from E.rosea, this variant is collected from hilly area, in Rapur-Chitvel ghat road; normally E.rosea is from coastal area, the two look quite different, the drawings are enclosed. It is full of hairs, tightly clasped to soil.
Sorry for not responding immediately; now it may be solved I think

Most probably Euphorbia rosea

It is most probably E. rosea Retz, particularly due to different sizes of limbs of glands.

What do you say finally?

Shall we wait for …; otherwise it can be considered as a variant of E.rosea, because basic characters remain the same; presence of hairs, short internodes, and size of the leaves (smaller) and stem length differs. Now I am not sure I can re-collect it.

I think he has already stated what he wanted to say.


References (for Euphorbia dioeca Kunth): POWO  Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver.1.1  WCSP  IPNI  swbiodiversity  sernecportal  gilaflora  south west desert flora

Updated on December 23, 2024

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