Euphorbia rosea

Rosy Spurge • Tamil: Chinnamman paccharisi;
The distinct feature of this species is that two limbs of glands are much larger than other.
In E. rosea two limbs of glands are larger and elongate, whereas in E. indica all limbs of glands are of equal size;

Prostrate or ascending herbs with woody rootstock; branches upto 30 cm long, reddish, flexuous. Leaves opposite, subsessile, 3-10 x 2-4.5 mm, obliquely obovate, oblanceolate-oblong or linear-spathulate, base truncate or cuneate, margins crenulate, apex obtuse or rounded, coriaceous. Cyathia few in subterminal, lax clusters, rarely solitary in upper axils. Involucre c. 3 mm long, subcampanulate; lobes triangular-ovate, 3-5-fid; glands 4, appendage unequal, rose coloured. Male florets 4-6, bracteolate. Female florets laterally pendulous. Styles deeply 2-fid; stigma spathulate. Capsule c. 2.5 mm across. Seeds keeled.     

Flowering and fruiting: November-January
Deciduous forests and scrub jungles, also in the plains
Sri Lanka, Peninsular India and Afghanistan

Whether it could be Euphorbia rosea ? : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3)
Pl help me to identify this Euphorbia sp.
This is my third Euphorbia sp, with unequal gland appendages, which is the characteristics of Euphorbia rosea.
The plant is completely prostate with oblong leaf, widening gradually from the base, mucronate. Stem pinkish.
Observed in Forest Research Station, Virinjipuram, Tamil Nadu

It may be Euphorbia hypercifolia, leaf shape varying

Yes, this is Euphorbia rosea.


Euphorbiaceae fortnight :: Euphorbia rosea at Nagpur :: PKA31: : Attachments (3). 3 posts by 2 authors.
Came across this herb, almost prostrate, at an abandoned field near “Nagpur”.
Bot. name: Euphorbia rosea

Yes, this is Euphorbia rosea Retz. The distinct feature of this species is that two limbs of glands are much larger than other.


Euphorbia sp?? :  Attachments (3). 2 posts by 2 authors.
Came across this herb, almost prostrate, at an abandoned field near “Nagpur”. (17-10-2009).
All leaves were observed to be Mucronate.
Looks like Some Euphorbia sp.

this one is Euphorbia rosea.

Identification of Euphorbia sp. 2 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
Pl help me to identify the attached Euphorbia sp.
The plant was erect, hairy. Stem pink in colour. Glands appendages unequal in length.

This is Euphorbia rosea Retz.

Euphorbia rosea – With variations. : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (6)- around 800 kb each.
I attach Euphorbia rosea plants recorded at different places of Tamil Nadu, with variations, for the benefit of the members.
First 2 photos, Erect plant with branching from single stem. With hairs.
Second 2 photos, Prostrate and glabrous.
Third 2 photos, Prostrate, branching from rootstock. glabrous

E. rosea usually show such variations. However, in all the lower 2 limbs of glands are larger and longer than the other two. This is typical of the species.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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