Euryops pinnatipartitus (DC.) B.Nord., 335 1968. (Syn: Gamolepis pectinata Less.; Gamolepis pinnatipartita (DC.) Harv.; Osteospermum pinnatipartitum DC.);
Asteraceae Fortnight Part 1-Radiate Heads: Euryops pinnatipartitus from California-GS58 : Attachments (3). 1 post by 1 author. Euryops pinnatipartitus (DC.) B. Nord. Syn: Euryops pectinatus Cass.; Gamolepis pectinata Less. Shrub with softly white-pubescent leaves, deeply pinnatifid with linear lobes; heads 4-5 cm across, terminal on long peduncles, yellow, ray florets 12-15; involucre bracts white-hairy. Photographed from California. Asteraceae Fortnight : Part 1 – Radiate Heads : Euryops chrysanthemoides : Nairobi,Kenya : 060513 : AK6: Attachments (2). 5 posts by 2 authors. Garden flowers seen in Nairobi, Kenya in January, 2009. Cultivated, ornamental. Had posted this too on our group earlier but there was no id confirmation. I tried searching on the net and identified them. Kindly correct me if wrong. Thanks … You got my California plant also. Should be Euryops bipinnatipartitus with grey hairy leaves and bracts Request for ID : 250111 : AK-2: Taken at Nairobi, Kenya in January, 2009. Is it Tithonia diversifolia? I think this is not Tithonia diversifolia. I have doubts about Tithonia too. They are much bigger flowers as well as plants. Yes not Tithonia diversifolia, which has much larger and broader lobed leaves. I have also photographed this plant from California, but not able to identify it yet. Is it Euryops pectinatus by any chance or some Euryops? Looks like 🙂 This is also Euryops bipinnatipartitus with silvery gray leaves and bracts (syn: Gamolepis pectinatus) References: |
Euryops pinnatipartitus (Cultivated- USA)
Updated on December 24, 2024