Excoecaria crenulata

Excoecaria crenulata Wight, Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5(2): 20, t. 1865. 1852; Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 5: 473. 1888; Gamble, Fl. Madras 2(7): 1345. 1925 (repr. ed. 2: 941. 1957). E. robusta Hook.f., l. c. 474. 1888. E. oppositifolia Griff. var. crenulata (Wight) Chakrab. & M.Gangop. in J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 18: 208. 1994, p. p. (excl. syn. E. bantamensis Müll.Arg., E. macrophylla J.J.Sm. et E. borneensis Pax & K.Hoffm.). E. oppositifolia sensu Thwaites, Enum. Pl. Zeyl. 269. 1861, non Griff., 1844. as per Flora of India Vol 23 (Editors N. P. Balakrishnan, T. Chakrabarty, M. Sanjappa, P. Lakshminarsimhan & P. Singh- by Botanical Survey of India (2012);
Excoecaria oppositifolia var. crenulata (Wight) Chakrab. & M.Gangop., J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 18: 208 1994. (Syn: Excoecaria crenulata Wight; Excoecaria robusta Hook.f.);


Please help me in identifying this shrub, Is it Antidesma sp.?
Leaf: not more than 15 cm long
Fruit: 2 cm across
Habit: Shrub
Habitat: evergreen forest
Alt.: 2400 m asl
Place: Doddabetta, Nilgiris, TN
Date: 10 July 2013 

Excellent photographs of Excoecaria crenulata.

Plant for ID – Elagiri hills-2 : 10 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (1)

Can you id this plant
Location : Elagiri hills – Tamilnadu
Elevation : 1500 m
Probably cultivated as it was in a temple.

Euphorbiaceae!!! but which one?

Euphorbiaceae for sure but not sure of the name

it is Suregada angustifolia i think.

Thanks … I think you are right!!

Looks different from images at 

Yes, good image of Suregada angustifolia.

Thanks, … But why the leaves look different from the images at the links?

I overlooked. The leaves are opposite here, crenulate, fruits solitary, 3-lobed. This should be Excoecaria crenulata Wight.
Thank you once again for pointing out.


409 ID wild tree:
Please ID wild tree,
Location: near Vannappuram, Thodupuzha, Idukki Dist., Kerala PIN:685607
Altitude: 1500fsl
Flower date: 07JAN2023, 01.30pm
Habitat: wild moisture, rocky hill, shady streamside
Plant habit: tree, erect, branches, branchlets, hard woody stem 30 inches base circumference, rough brown cracked bark, highly adhesive white latex
Height: 06 meters
Leaves: opposite, elliptic, flexible smooth glossy, acute, size upto:20×8cm
Flower: axillary spike racemose (size:03×0.3cm), clustered, micro sized:01.5×0.5mm, yellow, lite fragrance
Fruit: drupe green into brown, globular, diameter:03cm
Camera: CANON EOS1500D +FL10x

Appears to be from Euphorbiaceae.

Ok, thank you very much dear … Good population here in a 50 meter square area, but rare.

Pl. check Excoecaria species:

To me appears close to images of Excoecaria crenulata at

Yes it is Excoecaria crenulata, dear …, thank you very much for ID my plant and sharing ID link,

The fruit image in the 7th message is of Actephila excelsa which was wrongly posted, so please remove it. Hence I am sharing the true fruit images of Excoecaria crenulata.  
Fruit date:22APR2022, 12.5pm.



The Plant List  GRIN  

Updated on December 24, 2024

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