Fagraea ceilanica


Habit- Small trees up to 10 m tall, strangler when young.

Trunk & Bark- Bark brownish, shallowly fissured; blaze white.
Branches and Branchlets- Branchlets corky, quadrangular, glabrous.
Leaves- Leaves simple, opposite, decussate, clustered at end of branchlets; petiole 0.5-2.5 cm long with decurrent leaf base, stipular sheathing at base; lamina 9-18x 4-8.5 cm, usually obovate, apex rounded to abruptly short acuminate, base narrow cuneate and decurrent, margin entire, fleshy, glabrous; midrib raised above; secondary nerves obscurely visible, tertiary and higher order nerves not visible.
Inflorescence / Flower- Flowers large, in terminal cymes; petals yellow outside and white inside.
Fruit and Seed- Berry, ellipsoid to globose, apiculate, 3-5 cm wide with persistent calyx lobes; seeds many.
In open evergreen forests up to 1800 m.
Indomalaysia; in the Western Ghats- South and Central Sahyadris.



Plant for ID SMP1 23/2/2011:
Was going through my collection.
This is a large shrub observed in April May few years back in Kudremukh area in Karnataka.
The leaves are thick dark green about 8-10 cm bye 5-6 cm. appear to be opposite.
The flowers were white …size shape approx. that of Datura.

– I am making a wild guess about the Family, i may be totally wrong…… “Loganiaceae“..

– I was waiting for someone to pick the thread from your guess Loganiaceae. Yes, you seem to be right once more, keep it up. How did you guess?
This is Fagraea ceilanica, this is a shrub of evergreen forests often epiphytic on Terminalia paniculata.


For ID 24520121 Evergreen Shola tree:

Along the trek route, i could see this tree in the Shola in front..
Found along with Gordonia obtusa. id help appreciated

Could that be Fagraea ceilanica of Loganiaceae family

Checked in my Field Guide … It is most probably Fagraea ceilanica 🙂 thanks

what is shola?

Shola forests are unique montane vegetation occupying temperate habitats in tropical latitude and are communities restricted to valley and depressions especially along the folds of hills.. High altitude
Montane evergreen forests.. most of the time, the trees found there are stunted in growth due to various environmental factors.. They are interspersed with montane grasslands..
with grasses like Chrysopogon
. Attached a photo taken near Pakshipatalam, Kerala.

Thank you, so do I understand it correctly that they can be any vegetation or does it consist of any particular tree/plant variety…??

Fwd: Meghamalai 171113 TBN 2 for id : Attachments (4). 12 posts by 6 authors.

Please identify this plant details of which are as follows:
Date :18.08.12                                                           
Location :Meghamalai sanctuary
Altitude : approx 3000 ft

Habitat :wild
Habit :tree
Height :30 ft
Leaves :ovate
Flowers :regular
Fruits :,? gall only seen

Cordia species?

Any Rubiaceae?

Fagrea sp: Loganicaeae

yes, the tree matches with the one in biotik

Thanks a lot for solving the id. Is it Fagraea ceilanica or ceylanica?

I believe Fagraea ceilanica Thub. is the correct name.

This is an epiphytic climber and not a tree. Usually the host tree is Terminallia crenulata

It is Fagraea but , I feel it is a different species. may be F. obovata? I am not sure whether this is a synonym for F. ceilanica


A few pictures of Fagraea zeylanica. 
Family: Gentianaceae
Photographed on 10 Dec 2010 from Western Ghats, Kerala. 

Sorry for the low quality pictures. The plant was growing clinging to a rock face and the pictures were taken from a distance.

Date: June 3 – 6, 2014 Elevation: around 1600m asl
Fagraea ceilanica Thunb. … (family: Gentianaceae, also placed in Loganiaceae)

Another excellent upload, thanks …


HAL 26 27/10/2014 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1).
Please ID this small medicinal shrub with white flowers. Photo was taken in Sri Lanka in Dec 2012.

Looks like Fagraea ceilanica. Flowers quite fragrant.

Tank you for the ID which tallies with the record of this plant in Sri Lanka.

18062013 ASP 62 : Attachments (1).  4 posts by 2 authors.
Please ID this medicinal herb. Photo was taken in Dec 2012 in Sri Lanka.

Fagrea sp


ID No.07062011 RD03: (mixed thread)- Please help to identify this sp

Date/Time-04/05/2011- 11:30 AM
Location- Place, Altitude, GPS- Assam,
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- Wild Type
Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Small tree
Flower: as seen in the photos (5-7cm)

Could it be
Katsagon • Hindi: मरॊड़फली Marodphali
Botanical name: Haplophragma adenophyllum Family: Bignoniaceae (Jacaranda family)
Synonyms: Bignonia adenophylla, Fernandoa adenophylla, Spathodea adenophylla
I have referred to Flowers of India

This would be Fagraea ceilanica (Loganiaceae). Is this a hemi-epiphyte, I mean, was it growing on another tree partially or fully?


Kindly examine and identify this Tree. 

Habit: Tree 

Habitat: Wild,Semi-evergreen forest fringe by a roadside. 

Sighting: Near Sakaleshpur,Karnataka.

Date: 17-08-2015

Fagraea ceylanica


Names of Plants in India :: Fagraea ceilanica Thunb.: 1 image.
Fagraea ceilanica Thunb.

fa-GRAY-a — named for Jonas Theodor Fagraeus, 18th century Swedish naturalist ... Dave’s Botanary
¿ cey-LAN-ee-kuh ? — of or from Ceylon (Sri Lanka)commonly known as: perfume flower tree • Kannada: ಗಿನ್ನನು ginnanu, ಹಣ್ಣ ಚಳ್ಳೆ hanna challe, ಮೇನಕಳ್ಳಿ maenakalli • Malayalam: മരുന്തൻകാമരം marunthankaamaram, വെള്ളമോടകം vellamotakam • Tulu: ಬೆರಿಮುಳ್ಳು berimullu

botanical namesFagraea ceilanica Thunb. … homotypic synonymsAtragene ceilanica (Thunb.) Gera … heterotypic synonymsFagraea chinensis Merr. • Fagraea gardneri Thwaites • Fagraea khasiana Benth. • Fagraea malabarica Blume • Fagraea obovata Wall. … and many more at POWO

Bibliography / etymology

~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
perfume flower tree
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~
ಗಿನ್ನನು ginnanu
ಹಣ್ಣ ಚಳ್ಳೆ hanna challe
  • ENVIS – FRLHT … or ಹಂಚಳ್ಳಿ hanchalli
  • or ಹಂಚಳ್ಳಿ hanchalli … for Fagraea obovata Wall. … Mandayam Digital Library – Latin and Kannada names of indigenous and medicinal plants of Mysore by S G Narsimhachar
ಮೇನಕಳ್ಳಿ maenakalli
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~
മരുന്തൻകാമരം marunthankaamaram, വെള്ളമോടകം vellamotakam (or simply മോടകം motakam)
~~~~~ MIZO ~~~~~

~~~~~ TULU ~~~~~

ಬೆರಿಮುಳ್ಳು berimullu
~~~~~ x ~~~~~


Flora of China  The Plant List (Fagraea ceilanica Thunb.) Biotik (Fagraea ceylanica)  India Biodiversity Portal  Wikipedia  Top Tropicals  
Updated on December 24, 2024

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